Thanks man, that thing just keeps throwing out massive leaves right now. It's going to be fun watching her hit stretch!! Though at this point I'd kinda like her to start growing upwards soon.

Hey brother, things are going good as can be. Could always be better, but has been much worse, which leaves me that much more content in life.
This has been the best grow I've had yet to this point. Here's to hoping that keeps up:dude-knocking:

Hey jhigh78.

Your plants look good buddy! Not too sure if you're posting pictures of them here looking for help?

You have grown some sweet looking buds and have lots of reasons to be proud. Have you started your journal yet? I understand life can get hectic, but to make the best out of this great resource, :420:, a grow journal is the best way if done well. I'll keep harassing you, politely of course (I am Canadian after all), and I mean harassing as in looking for how to help you best ;)

Thanks Shed!!!


Thanks Mcdoolit! How's your grow going? I'll have to take a pop over...dang, where's the link? You should put a link for your grow in your signature, you'll find more people will be able to find it and follow along :)

Things are doing great thank you! I'd complain, but the Mrs says I do that too much already :rofl:

Hey brother thanks for dropping in! This is actually going to be my 2nd attempt at this strain. I had to cull the 1st one. So the best I can do sorry is a copy and paste from a breeders site.

Auto Somango was developed from crossing Jack Herer with Big Skunk before adding ruderalis genetics into the mix to create this auto-flowering strain. It is a very aromatic and flavoursome cannabis strain with a mild and relaxing effect.

Auto Somango produces plants that grow to just under a metre tall at the most indoors while outdoor growers will find that it grows a little taller but rarely higher than 120 cm. Yields indoors are between 350 - 400 gr/m2 realised in a total growing time of 60 days. Buds have a nice density.

This strain has vivid aromatic and flavour properties giving an incredibly powerful tropical fruit quality. THC production is good at 15%. The effect is very pleasant and is recommended for daily use as it's not too strong, being mildly sedative, and will suit those who do not want to be either couch-locked or to have too powerful a psycho-active experience.

I was kinda hoping the Somango would make for a good daytime medicine.

Journal Update!

So, the plants got their first nap in darkness today! For now they are getting a 20/4 schedule, mainly for convenience,'s time to introduce dark periods. How do I judge it so? Well, they're well past the seedling stage, and they have a healthy size that I'm happy with. I like to introduce the dark periods prior to stretch,it's just the way I've found that works well for me.
It's not a requirement, as autos can grow in 24hrs of light- it saves some electricity, and thus it will be dark during the warmest parts of the day. Speaking of warmth, like a breath of spring air, they're getting some warmer temps as I raised the temp to 25C. I expect them to take off and show some good growth very soon.

Day 24

Tent temp: 25C (raised)
Tent RH%: ~50-70%
Previous PPM: : 734 ppm
Current PPM: 727 PPM ( drop)
Adjusted PPM to: 741 PPM (raised)
PH: 6.1 (adjusted to 5.8)
Res temp: 20.2C
Water level: slight drop

Mine are...well not as beautiful as yours lol, but I haven't killed them! Lmao I'll post some pics tomorrow or Friday, and I'll add the journal to my signature.
Just feels like pressure lol, but I know it'll give me more great advice!!
Happy Hump Day!!
Thanks! I'm hoping so!

Kinda cabbage like :hmmmm: but I'm sure it's she'll come to

Thanks Jon!
Nope, no root shots till the roots hit the run off pump, at that point they're around 5? feet long. Then of course when they finally come out of the bucket. Between the three grow bags there's 100L of hydroton, those bags stay in place till harvest. I'll be sure to remove the bags and show the roots at the end.
Thought something like that might be the case. Cool. Have to wait. I'll be real psyched to see your rootball at the end. I want to see how big a finished root ball is in your system. Curious about something - is there some kind of fair comparison to soil pot size and hydro root container size? I mean, is the size of the plant in any way determined by the size of the root container?
Mine are...well not as beautiful as yours lol, but I haven't killed them! Lmao I'll post some pics tomorrow or Friday, and I'll add the journal to my signature.
Just feels like pressure lol, but I know it'll give me more great advice!!
Happy Hump
Hey I'm sorry! Didn't mean to pressure you! I was just being lazy. Btw- your last grow turned out nice, and there's nothing wrong with just having a grow that your not Journaling. Whatever your choice is, your always welcome :hug:
With shoots like that, your roots must be rocking it below! Sweet!
That's what I'm hoping is going on.
Is the bracing between the buckets just to keep things from moving around? I've never seen that kind of setup before.
Hey Azimuth! Hope you're doing well!

Actually the bracing is designed for something else totally. I just bought a bunch of them when ordering the system and use it to keep the buckets evenly spaced. Here's a pic (taken from online) showing what those braces are designed for).

Thought something like that might be the case. Cool. Have to wait. I'll be real psyched to see your rootball at the end. I want to see how big a finished root ball is in your system.
at the moment best I can offer is to show from my last grow is from a previous grow this and this.
Curious about something - is there some kind of fair comparison to soil pot size and hydro root container size? I mean, is the size of the plant in any way determined by the size of the root container?
To compare a hydro pot size to a hydro bucket is hard, and something I'm not sure I can answer....I have no idea.
I do believe that there is a direct correlation between the size of the container and the size of the plant. It's my hopes that by using 10 gallon buckets, I've given the roots a nice big place to stretch out.
Hey I'm sorry! Didn't mean to pressure you! I was just being lazy. Btw- your last grow turned out nice, and there's nothing wrong with just having a grow that your not Journaling. Whatever your choice is, your always welcome :hug:

That's what I'm hoping is going on.

Hey Azimuth! Hope you're doing well!

Actually the bracing is designed for something else totally. I just bought a bunch of them when ordering the system and use it to keep the buckets evenly spaced. Here's a pic (taken from online ( showing what those braces are designed for).

at the moment best I can offer is to show from my last grow is from a previous grow this and this.

To compare a hydro pot size to a hydro bucket is hard, and something I'm not sure I can answer....I have no idea.
I do believe that there is a direct correlation between the size of the container and the size of the plant. It's my hopes that by using 10 gallon buckets, I've given the roots a nice big place to stretch out.
Exactly what I was wondering. Thanks. Funny, I just got a dozen of those identical stakes for the outdoor grow. Lol.
Heya Rexer , I've been enjoying your journal. Very informative and your setup is super interesting and very clean. I know next to nothing about hydro, so this is a great way for me to learn. :thanks:
Heya Rexer , I've been enjoying your journal. Very informative and your setup is super interesting and very clean. I know next to nothing about hydro, so this is a great way for me to learn. :thanks:
Thank you BeezLuiz! I also really appreciate you following. For some reason hydro has clicked with me- where as soil seems very determined to kill my plants ;) . Actually I'm hoping to do a soil grow in the near future in full disclosure, hopefully this winter will be my first indoor soil grow.

Don't be shy if you have any questions!
Hey fella hope all is good over here! Nice to see you’re still rocking the buckets! The cabbage is looking good over there man! Any refinements to the system, or just like last time around?
Nope, i took too long of a vacation :cool:

Then the generosity of ViparSpectra got me resetting everything full speed (for which I'm grateful for!). I've got the material to block the roots from entering the piping, but with my luck trying to insert it now will cause problems. I've also adjusted the timing for the water pump to allow more time for drainage, right now it's a 35 min water cycle, with two hrs off in between.

And to anyone reading this: if you want to see a 3 gallon version of The Buckets Company system, used in a coco grow - I suggest taking a stop by LandoC's journal...he has done this system proper justice.
Haha right the roots! I’d better add a screen to my run off pump also, before the attack of the roots again! Thanks for the shout out! I’m pleasantly surprised at the weight that a 3 gallon bucket can achieve!
Haha right the roots! I’d better add a screen to my run off pump also, before the attack of the roots again! Thanks for the shout out! I’m pleasantly surprised at the weight that a 3 gallon bucket can achieve!
Better double bag screen the way the roots seem to grow in these systems.
There is no such thing man! Too long, and vacation don’t work matter what vacations are always to
Thanks, I can tell you I'm wishing already for another vacation (not from growing):nomo:. The cooler weather always makes me sleepier at this time of year.
Hope your doing well today brother

Sorry that one slipped by. How have you been doing DD, I'm sorry I've been negligent on cruising by your journal. It's always a treat to see what you've got growing in that Stable.

Journal Update

Day 26

Tent temp: 25C
Tent RH%: ~50-70%
Previous PPM: : 765 ppm
Current PPM: 758 PPM ( drop)
Adjusted PPM to: 814 PPM (raised)
PH: 6.1 (adjusted to 5.8)
Res temp: 20.0C
Water level: slight drop

Well, we're going to find out just how tough that Bruce Banner is, I accidentally snapped one of the new growth nodes/branches at the top off. I'll take a picture tomorrow. It happens, and the energy will be redirected to its twin. So I'm not too worried, accidents happen, it probably won't be the last.

That being said, the @ViparSpectra #P4000 has had these girls firing on all cylinders. Each one is currently receiving around 30k lux.

Their still taking small regular raises in PPM within the reservoir. The reservoir has also been seeing regular slight drops in the level. All of which is good signs.

So...I did notice the Somango was showing a bit of rust. A slight increase in cal mag (5ml in ~70L) giving a PPM raise of 14 was done.
Now, this is a tiny amount I realize, and that's totally on purpose. I've been regularly bumping the PPM and recently added some more FloraNova Grow. This rust could be a deficiency or lockout I'm thinking. So by providing only a slight bump of Cal mag I'll be able to see if it slows, or progresses more quickly. That will quickly determine what needs to happen next.

And the White Berry, she's just been doing her thing, and growing some massive leaves quickly.

Plants are looking healthy my friend! Hope all is well over there today!
I’m glad you commented on the root screen, i have some free time today to try and locate some appropriate materials.
Plants are looking healthy my friend! Hope all is well over there today!
I’m glad you commented on the root screen, i have some free time today to try and locate some appropriate materials.
I've seriously wondered if the grow bag screens doubled up would work good. It might at the least slow the growth for a bit.
Have you had any thoughts on materials?
I've got some stuff that will work, but it's a kinda hard to locate material used in manufacturing, so I can't really help much.
I probably should have screens in my system. Hopefully it won't cause issues :D
Hey Dankman, I wouldn't worry if I remember the way your system is setup. With yours, and most rdwc you can simply reach in, and gently pull the roots back into their bucket, and kinda fold them.
The problem with our Bucket Company systems is, with a solid medium there's no way to stop the roots from entering the drain. If I were to lift my grow bags, filled with hydroton, I'd risk damaging the roots, as the hydroton will shift....and the bags are huge (making it almost impossible for me with my nerve damage).

Here's a picture of the material that will cover the inside drain.
Better double bag screen the way the roots seem to grow in these systems.

Thanks, I can tell you I'm wishing already for another vacation (not from growing):nomo:. The cooler weather always makes me sleepier at this time of year.
Hope your doing well today brother

Sorry that one slipped by. How have you been doing DD, I'm sorry I've been negligent on cruising by your journal. It's always a treat to see what you've got growing in that Stable.

Journal Update

Day 26

Tent temp: 25C
Tent RH%: ~50-70%
Previous PPM: : 765 ppm
Current PPM: 758 PPM ( drop)
Adjusted PPM to: 814 PPM (raised)
PH: 6.1 (adjusted to 5.8)
Res temp: 20.0C
Water level: slight drop

Well, we're going to find out just how tough that Bruce Banner is, I accidentally snapped one of the new growth nodes/branches at the top off. I'll take a picture tomorrow. It happens, and the energy will be redirected to its twin. So I'm not too worried, accidents happen, it probably won't be the last.

That being said, the @ViparSpectra #P4000 has had these girls firing on all cylinders. Each one is currently receiving around 30k lux.

Their still taking small regular raises in PPM within the reservoir. The reservoir has also been seeing regular slight drops in the level. All of which is good signs.

So...I did notice the Somango was showing a bit of rust. A slight increase in cal mag (5ml in ~70L) giving a PPM raise of 14 was done.
Now, this is a tiny amount I realize, and that's totally on purpose. I've been regularly bumping the PPM and recently added some more FloraNova Grow. This rust could be a deficiency or lockout I'm thinking. So by providing only a slight bump of Cal mag I'll be able to see if it slows, or progresses more quickly. That will quickly determine what needs to happen next.

And the White Berry, she's just been doing her thing, and growing some massive leaves quickly.

Hmmm....rust....would it be prudent to check in the Iron realm? I use the Cal Mag Plus Iron, and it seems to work better than just Cal Mag. Just a thought. That said, those look damn amazing man. Very healthy. Loving the leaves on the BB. And I've broken tons and done that many times, no worries. Just make more. Lol! Great work man.
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