Rider509: Two Thais & G13

Just realized that I haven't got a clue what's behind that 2-gang wall plate and I wired the house. Could be speaker wires, CAT5 cable, coax, or a combination thereof. No telling what the hell I was thinking at the time... :hmmmm:

edit: Curiosity got the best of me. It's video feed and control wiring for the PTZ cameras. What a retard. I must have thought having a security system location in the kitchen was a good idea. A fly can't fart within 50 yards of my house without me knowing about it.
As scrogdawg said the heat has to be transferred somewhere. Imho I wouldn't bother with glycol, water will be just as good without having to deal with the glycol, unless you want your coil temp under freezing then obviously glycol will help but that's not needed for a 65°f system. Before you design a cooling system it helps to know your heat load.

Figure it out for me, Turbobucket! Im an EE, not a whatever the hell degree you get for thermal dynamics. I'm on the cliff face of a learning curve with this stuff.
If stupid was painful I'd be in agony right now. 4gpm is 240gph! I don't even know if you could cram 240 gallons through a 3/8" hose in an hour, but what it means is that at a much lower flow rate the exiting water would be hella cold. So it should work that way just fine.
BUT. I'm going to run glycol anyway because then the fridge can run cold without worrying about the coil freezing, and there's no nutrient solution to ever have to clean out of the coil.
Looking a little stressed today. Damn it.
They look happy as f%*^ to me man .

Pour a drink n relax they are mint ;P
I just build fix and install em man. People like you with your fancy letters after your name get the big $ to tell me what to put in where. Odds are if it's a 3ft cooler your ok to maintain temps. . I'm sure you'll pirate together something bad ass.
That Bumble must be wearing dentures because we know that Herbie pulled his teeth!
Very true! That movie is one of my all time favorites. A classic for sure. Hope your having a good one bud. The plants are taking off. Excited to she how the Samsung's preform in flower.
Rider509 - Two Thais & G13

Quick update. Changed out the res and am using GH Flora series nutes and Scrogdawg's schedule now. He's grown these strains to an incredible finish so I can use all the help I can get. Gotta keep up with the big dawg!

The first four are showing signs of deficiency, most notably nitrogen, but that's not unusual following transition from soil to hydro. Roots are starting to pop out of all the net pots. Didn't get a photo of the skunk/thai four but they're coming along.


Now if I can just maintain the res at/near this temp!
Are you going to top them at all?
I'm undecided. I put the last batch of plants through hell and back just for the experience and they produced beautifully. I'm kinda curious what an unmolested sativa dominant will become, and it'd give me the opportunity to play with deep side lighting. Regardless, I don't want to stress them out until roots are established in the water. So if I top them it'll be later than normal, and LST will be minimal. And no scrog this time.
I see you have a velvet rope for your grow room...excellent idea to keep the riff-raff out!

Good catch! Yeah, sometimes we have to use the velvet rope to keep people in the waiting area or they'll be wandering around like they own the place.
Status report. Repurposed a turkey deep fry pot as the glycol sump. Mixed the food grade propylene glycol with water in a 1:2 ratio. The glycol was in the cooler for only one hour before I fired up the pump, and one hour later it has pulled the res down three degrees, from 73 to 70. I expect it to continue falling as the glycol is further cooled. My end goal is to be able to maintain 67-69 degrees with the grow space temps up near 80 degrees so I can push the lights and use CO2. I still have some head room in fridge capacity but the damned thing is pumping out heat like crazy. The next project is to vent that heat into the furnace air return. So far, so good. .

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