Soil - Hydro - 2400w Led - 2000w HPS - 8 Strains - 1 GPW+

Re: Blue Planet Nutrients-Soil-Hydro-2400w Led-2000w Hps-8 Strains-1 GPW+

great video, i really think your going to kill it in your set up:bravo:

i too had a light mover using led's last grow and wasn't impressed with the results. my light manufacture says if a light mover is used not to have the light travel more than 12 inches away from original position. I have a four foot non adjustable(cheap) mover. after seeing in your last journal that you werent liking the movers either , I decided to cover the ceiling with panels. I think I'm going to be very happy with this choice and I thank you for your inspiration. +rep:Namaste:

right on Ronnie:) im glad you got something out of my journal bro, kinda makes it all worthwhile:Namaste:
Re: Blue Planet Nutrients-Soil-Hydro-2400w Led-2000w Hps-8 Strains-1 GPW+

Right?! Haha isn't it grand? They'll thank you shortly. But that's why I spent extra and got the Pansy ring lol. They're not the best but zipties are so much easier on the arthritis
Re: Blue Planet Nutrients-Soil-Hydro-2400w Led-2000w Hps-8 Strains-1 GPW+

They need sine-wave timing, so the ends get equal light power. A circular cam would do it, but I don't know how :smokin:

Are there any that do this? I doubt it. :rofl:

I would recomend the movers to you Hiker, with hps they work great and you dont have to move the plants if you line them up right. those hps are only temporary until the new lights i want are available, they have 5w Cree diodes, cant wait!

I might just try a mover for one run. If I like it, it will make setting up flowering room 2 a lot cheaper. :winkyface:

Jon, I must have misunderstood... Are you leaving the LED panels there the whole time? You're not lowering them then raising them as the plants grow?
Re: Blue Planet Nutrients-Soil-Hydro-2400w Led-2000w Hps-8 Strains-1 GPW+

Are there any that do this? I doubt it. :rofl:

I might just try a mover for one run. If I like it, it will make setting up flowering room 2 a lot cheaper. :winkyface:

Jon, I must have misunderstood... Are you leaving the LED panels there the whole time? You're not lowering them then raising them as the plants grow?
manufacturers recomendation is to start the seedlings/clones 48 inches from the light and let them grow into the light.28 inches is where you want these lights once the stretch is done, most of my strains are indica dom so I think thats where they will end up give or take so I probably wont move them at all:)
Re: Blue Planet Nutrients-Soil-Hydro-2400w Led-2000w Hps-8 Strains-1 GPW+

im suprised i can type right now lol..I just installed 15 tomatoe cages that i had to cut the rings and legs out of, my hands are killing me right now!

you cut out the legs and rings, what was left?
Re: Blue Planet Nutrients-Soil-Hydro-2400w Led-2000w Hps-8 Strains-1 GPW+

I think he meant cutting em to size ;)
Re: Blue Planet Nutrients-Soil-Hydro-2400w Led-2000w Hps-8 Strains-1 GPW+

I wanted to add some music to the slideshow at the end of the vid so I had to upload a new copy of it.Its not my kind of music but I promised my best friend I would put a song from one of Toronto's up and coming hip hop artists that he manages. The Artist's name is Young Stitch, hes all over youtube if anybody is into hip hop:)
Purple Kush Fero AF-600 LED Grow Lights Final Weigh In. Grow #1 - YouTube
Re: Blue Planet Nutrients-Soil-Hydro-2400w Led-2000w Hps-8 Strains-1 GPW+

im a little confused, it looks like im starting to get a couple of different issues after only 2 days from transplant.
this looks like zinc maybe?




Here ya go sonic:)
Re: Blue Planet Nutrients-Soil-Hydro-2400w Led-2000w Hps-8 Strains-1 GPW+

ppm's are 1150
room temp is 80 degrees
co2 is 1000 ppm
the yellowing is only on one plant, the chernobyl, the faded spots are on a few plants, some under the hps and some under the led's, and the twisting is only on one pk? seems pretty strange that all of these things are happening so quickly. could all of this be from the ph being out of wack? I calibrated my meter 2 days ago, i ll check it again just to make sure, maybe the meter is junk?what do you guys think?
Re: Blue Planet Nutrients-Soil-Hydro-2400w Led-2000w Hps-8 Strains-1 GPW+

ppm's are 1150
room temp is 80 degrees
co2 is 1000 ppm
the yellowing is only on one plant, the chernobyl, the faded spots are on a few plants, some under the hps and some under the led's, and the twisting is only on one pk? seems pretty strange that all of these things are happening so quickly. could all of this be from the ph being out of wack? I calibrated my meter 2 days ago, i ll check it again just to make sure, maybe the meter is junk?what do you guys think?
how much of a pain is it to get new meter?
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