Somehow it's Working - Soil, Sun & CFL's

Barry Manilow

New Member
Welcome to my first journal documenting my first grow. It's been a long series of disasters, mistakes and catastrophes that has somehow produced some very nice plants now in their 5th week of flowering. I can tell already this will be some of the best smoke I've ever had, going back 35+ years.

Yes I'm getting old and can't see details that well so I apologize in advance for the quality of the photos. I'm in the heartland so this is a stealth grow. I've recently resumed smoking after many years off. Back in the day there was very little great smoke to be had, so I'm totally psyched about this one.

This is a bagseed grow, I ended up with about 25 seeds when I was starting my tomatoes indoors so I thought what the heck and planted them back in mid-march. After a few weeks I found this site, unfortunately I didn't pay attention to the most important stuff until later, but I've had fun.

I'm doing this journal to document what I've learned, and to get some help from you all as I enter the critical time period. Hope you visit and come back!

Back on 3/15 I planted 11 seeds. I imaginatively named them A1 - A11. A week later I planted another batch, B1 - B7. Then a week after that came C1-C8. So that explains the names.

I was so ignorant I didn't even know that you only wanted to keep and smoke the females. Thank heavens I found this site!

I've done it all to these poor plants. They've been fim'd, lst'd, supercropped and chopped. They've been transplanted 3-5 times. They've been indoors and outdoors. They've been on every kind of weird light cycle you can imagine. Some of them have been in flower for a week or more then put back to veg. Usually because I'll start doing something, then read what looks like credible info here to the contrary, and stop what I've been doing and do something else!

By far the worst thing I did was buy some Scott's topsoil with slow-release ferts in it. Now it wouldn't have been so bad if that's all I had bought. But no, I bought other soils with no ferts, some manure, and some 'organic' soil. Even that would have been ok if I'd have kept really good track of what soil was where. But between all the transplanting etc I didn't.

So lesson number 1 would have to be don't ever mix soils like I did. And I'd go further and say never buy soil with slow-release ferts because you really can't undo the damage if you have some, and you will be totally afraid to do much of anything once you nuke them the first time. And I nuked them.

I'm probably making another mistake as we type this but it can't be helped. The girls in flower have been on a 5:30am - 5:30pm light cycle. About 9 there's enough sun in the backyard, they go out until 1:30 when I have to put them back in the garage because I work 2nd shift. However it's now so hot that I kept them dark yesterday from about 1:30pm until 9:30 this morning, they're now going on an all outdoors 9:30am until dark schedule. As it gets dark earlier I'll adjust the time I put them out. Because of the trees they'll only be getting about 6-7 hours of direct sunlight, I hope that will be enough. We'll all find out together.

It's in the 90's here now and the garage gets to be almost 100 under the cfls. I don't think they can take that, they were looking pretty stressed yesterday morning.
This should be an interesting next few weeks.

I've got 5 girls in flower - A1, A2, A4, A9 & C2. All but A9 are now at day 32, A9 is about 10 days behind because she replaced another female that turned out to be a male. I swear he sprouted balls overnight, but when I noticed he had a zillion of them and hopefully didn't fertilize the harem.

You may not believe me but male flowers will definitely get you stoned. I hung them to dry, put them in jars to cure and I'm smoking them now to last me until harvest. It's an energetic buzz and on a scale of 1-10 I'd give it 7.5.
Besides those plants I also have 7 still in veg. We'll get to their names later. They've only been outdoors since they were very young and they're getting pretty big.

Then I started 8 clones yesterday. Born on the 4th of July... well cloned on it anyhow. My first clones ever, we'll see how they go.

Time to meet the family.
First up is A2. This is currently my favorite plant because she's got the most trichs, starting to really frost up. Unfortunately I can't seem to take good bud pics because I can't really see the details on my camera that well so they're usually out of focus.

Also bad, she has the Scott's soil and I badly nuked her probably 2 months ago. She's not much more than about 5 colas now. She gets nothing but captured rainwater and that's all she will get, I'm worried that if I give her anything else I'll kill her. Those slow release ferts are supposed to last 4 months which will be sometime in August.

She proudly stands 24" tall.


You can easily see the evidence of nute burn :(

This is why I still love her though:





Next up is A9. She's what A2 would be like if I hadn't nuked her. She's about 10 days behind the others in flower, but has lots of buds and trichs. She and A2 seem to be the same plant, they look very alike and as best I can tell are mostly Indica. She had some mighty battles with insects early on so is not as big as some of the others, she's only 18" tall but very healthy with about 6 colas.

All the plants with neutral soil have been fed MG gen purpose food 2x week, but starting 6/3 they are all being fed MG bloom booster instead.









I took a clone of her yesterday and darn it had a small bud on top so I'm drying that as we speak.
I took seeds from 2 different bags, and you can sure tell. These next 2 plants are nothing like A2 & A9.

They're a much darker green, they have thinner leaves and unfortunately have pretty small buds and very few trichs that I can see with my 15x loupe.

A1 is next, she's 27" tall and extremely healthy looking. If her cola's fill out with big buds I'll be one happy camper.




I call her 'twin peaks'.


Great colas but tiny buds :(


Anyone know what kind of plant this might be? Or if the buds will fill out more? I guess we'll find out, I sure hope so.
A4 is like a smaller version of A1, except instead of 2 main big colas she's got about a dozen smaller ones. She also has tiny buds and very few trichs. She's 24" tall.






These 2 plants are so beautiful except where it counts.... at least so far!
This brings us to my monster plant, C2. C2 was in the last batch of seeds but quickly outpaced the others. I was praying she was a girl and my prayers were answered. She's 31" tall and has at least a dozen colas. She's too wide to put my arms around. She has nice sized buds but not many trichs that I can see. She's been attacked by every bug in my part of the country, even 2 bagworms.

I'm can't find the label but I got this stuff called, I think, triple action. It's a neem oil based product that fights bugs, mold and mildew. I spray the hell out of the plants every 4-5 days even if I don't see any problems, because when I wasn't doing that in the past I'd get problems around that time.

Hope you can get an idea of the size of this girl:








I'll post some pics of some unbelievable bug damage done to this plant in one day about 2 weeks ago. I noticed that all the new growth in about 5 different colas was looking deformed. Then I saw the holes... yikes! Never did see what ate them but I sprayed the hell out of them and they haven't been back.




This is only about a fifth of the damage. Luckily she seems to have come out of the ordeal unharmed.
That's about it for now. I had the girls fix their hair and makeup for some closing group shots:

l to r c2, a9, a4


a2 up front, the plants still in veg are behind her. To the left is my makeshift wall lol.


luckily my neighborhood is such that this 'wall' should attract no notice at all, plus it's mostly in shade.


And the clones, floating happily along:

Great grows. Those are gonna be some very nice plants. And props to you for not panicking over a little burn. The buds on that plant are very nice indeed. Might have a little def, and take an extra week or two - but that's no biggee.

BTW - what did you use to get rid of the bugs. I'm using Seven dust, and I hope that will do it - I have the same caterpillar bites you do.

Thanks for the pics and journal - very interesting.

Great grows. Those are gonna be some very nice plants. And props to you for not panicking over a little burn. The buds on that plant are very nice indeed. Might have a little def, and take an extra week or two - but that's no biggee.

BTW - what did you use to get rid of the bugs. I'm using Seven dust, and I hope that will do it - I have the same caterpillar bites you do.

Thanks for the pics and journal - very interesting.


Hey Papa thanks for dropping in!

I somehow can't find the label for the stuff I use but I think it's called 'triple action' and it has neem oil in it. So far it's handled every problem, but as I said I now spray very thoroughly every 3 days or so.

I hope you're right about the plants, I'm getting really anxious and a little more paranoid by the day.
good info bluedog i got something chewing the hell out of mine to the holes look like the ones on your girls. i was weary of what to put on them though. i thought about 7dust around them but not to sure about that stuff. yours look great by the way.
Thanks my friend. If you google 'triple action neem' you'll find this stuff, I like it because it doesn't seem to harm the plants at all, I can spray often, and it's non-systemic so you can use it right up to harvest. It basically kills anything on the plants, but after that it has no effect. I've seen bugs crawling on the leaves an hour after I sprayed them.

I just spray them all over, especially under the leaves, and let them dry for 30 mins before I put them back under the lights or sun.
PS I use about 1.5 teaspoons of this stuff mixed with water each treatment. The bottle I got was about $17 but it will easily last me all year.
I should also add that I'm trying to keep an eye on the ph but don't have the best tools, I use the test strips. Soils tend to run acidic, and this miracle grow is very acidic. So I use ph up to get the ph to at least 6.8 if not a little above that.

I've also been using blackstrap molasses for the last few weeks, I mix it in with their water on the days that I don't use the nutes.

All except c2 are in 3 gal pots, he's in a 5 gal. I water every day about a half gallon/plant, c2 gets a gallon.
Yesterday was nutes, today was just water I forgot the molasses. It's too hot to think clearly.

Also I decided to put the rest of the plants into flower starting today. They've been vegging since early April so they're more than ready. This grow has been great fun but it's really starting to drag on and I think I'd like to wrap it up asap. I have pretty good privacy but this neighborhood is full of lowlifes, and there's always the issue of a chance encounter with the cops. The other day they were all over the place looking for a robber who could have cut through or lived back here, that's all I'd need is for someone like that to jump the fence and come into my backyard.

Dunno what I'll do with the clones, I mostly did it just to try it.
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