Spondylolisthesis & Sciatica - Blue Blood X 3

blue blood is taken off nicely now , they seem to be enjoying that soil so far . picture of health ,i have a feeling the closest one to us is a male , just have that shape about it .... also the reveg is starting to work , see the odd single leaf coming out :) shot with led on and one off , the 2 giant cfl are working well in there


lastly the runt is doing well , showed a few problems last week but i give her a feed of the old baby milk lol :)

Great update.
Colesdad. Loves. Pictures.

Can you post a close up of the re-veg? I couldn't pick it out in the group shot. Thanks man!
ive never really done any training , first time for every thing , i like how they are at the moment , i will have to do some trimming on the busy one but havnt a clue where to start lol

Start at the bottom mate. Once you have thinned them a bit it will be easier to see inside and you can remove any inward facing leaves.
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