I'm back! What a wonky mess! Lol! It's time for the girls to calm down but now I really get her being marketed as being tall. Stout and compact in veg and pops up like a Cookie cross in flower.

I've started to transplant some of the clones. Some of them are being culled. #4 will not survive to next round. I'm even thinking about culling her early. She complains and doesn't perform like the others do. She's in the lower left corner.

Transplanting more clones. #5 in the picture. I didn't bother separating the roots.

I'm back! What a wonky mess! Lol! It's time for the girls to calm down but now I really get her being marketed as tall. Stout and compact in veg and pops up like a Cookie cross in flower.

I've started to transplant some of the clones. Some of them are being culled. #4 will not survive to next round. I'm even thinking about culling her early. She complains and doesn't perform like the others do. She's in the lower left corner.

Transplanting more clones. #5 in the picture. I didn't bother separating the roots.

Mine did the same exact thing l. Was like a round compact little shrub and then BOOM she’s tall and linky!

They are looking great though. Keep up the good work!
Looking great!

Question with your scrog and only because I’m a noob that’s going to scrog next grow. Are you going to tuck those tips sticking out back under or??
Looking great!

Question with your scrog and only because I’m a noob that’s going to scrog next grow. Are you going to tuck those tips sticking out back under or??
Thanks bud!

The net is sturdy enough to both tuck in and tie down tops. I have an identical frame and often add two nets on tall sativa's like this.

The net(s) adds support for the heavy flowers and creates a barrier and point to both tuck in and tie down from.


I keep feeding them 550ppm / 1.1 EC at pH 6.0. I've been lazy and my pH pen lost 0.2 points since last calibration. Still not to way off to make a difference.

Flowers are forming for real and some look more developed than others. I will probably need to install the second SCROG net in the upcoming days.

So I am just learning to trellis & scrog Wastie, so we use 2 nets for what? Height of growth? why not just "Tuck" under 1 net? SSgrower, respect
I use my nets for both. If I were running one single plant in mono then I would need a lot more tucking to fill out the space.

Both nets are mostly added to better support the flowers, otherwise they would sag and potentially break in late flower. If the plant can focus on building flowers instead of stems and support you will have better yields as a result.

I don't need much tucking this round since I've already covered the space and footprint, now their job is to support the flowers.

Hope that makes sense!

Like the man says - I use mine way more for the support than for the training. One lower and one maybe 6-8” from the top of the colas?

Hey - buddy you’re still growing? You found a way so you don’t need to move and can finish here? Sorry been lacking a bit of focus lately and trying to catch up!
Like the man says - I use mine way more for the support than for the training. One lower and one maybe 6-8” from the top of the colas?

Hey - buddy you’re still growing? You found a way so you don’t need to move and can finish here? Sorry been lacking a bit of focus lately and trying to catch up!
You and me both! A lot of things going on at the same time. I will run as long as I'm able to. I will update when I have more info. They're expected to start renovating sometime in May but that might be delayed and they might start on the neighbors flats leaving me room to finish early.

Some seem early and some longer flowering but they're filling out well. I need to put the other frame together and install thread to the second net. Some are probably 14 weeks flowering and others 10 weeks.

Cuttings, Chili and tomato seedlings.

First runoff reading:

550ppm / 1.1 EC in, 600ppm / 1.2 EC out.

pH 6.1 in, pH 6.2 out.

Both stable and within range. Funny how close the output is to the input but that picky bitch still complains of to much N. The description of Bruce Banner being a heavy feeder is way off! Sensitive bitches.

It's a light feeding sativa dominant strain and everything points to it being just that.



Chugging along! Forgot to take first runoff reading so I'll post second or third later tonight. I can lower input EC even lower by the looks on the flowers. Slightly over requirements but good enough. It takes a couple of runs to really dial in a new strain and I have 8 different individuals.

Some of the strongest and best smoke I've ever had was grown with only 325ppm / 0.65 EC fed several times a day all the way through flower. That's grown under HID's but wouldn't change much under LED's, maybe 0.85 EC tops.

I feel like she's growing super quick and packing some frost too!

Flowering on 350ppm! That's my base mix just bicarb & c-mag 🤣 have you grown the same plant under hid then again under led? I read LEDs make them c-mag hungry but didn't use hids long enough to tell lol.

Oh and appreciate your C-mag recommendation as I got the T.A 1.0.0 and it's great stuff 👊 almost got the ghe one but think that has more N in it. all my nutes come across water now 🤦‍♂️🤣
I feel like she's growing super quick and packing some frost too!

Flowering on 350ppm! That's my base mix just bicarb & c-mag 🤣 have you grown the same plant under hid then again under led? I read LEDs make them c-mag hungry but didn't use hids long enough to tell lol.

Oh and appreciate your C-mag recommendation as I got the T.A 1.0.0 and it's great stuff 👊 almost got the ghe one but think that has more N in it. all my nutes come across water now 🤦‍♂️🤣
Yeah the guy who grew that strain for years sadly died some years ago. I believe I still have some Skunk crosses from his stock. Very fruity and floral. I did it some years ago with Hifi 4G from Dutch Passion. That strain needed a little extra under LED's.

I first saw Ca/Mg problems with Dyna Gro when I got my first LED fixture from some dude who traded it for weed. I used to mix HPS and that Blurpee in one of my tents.

I bet you'll see better results with the 1-0-0 in the upcoming runs. It's nice to be able to use it all the way through flower without any negatives. It could even be used to lower N in late flower compared to the 4-0-0 version that do the opposite.
Lowered input to 425ppm / 0.85 EC, EC has started to stack up so I'm backing off on the nutrients.

Probably not gonna need much more for these ladies.

Oh I'm giggling but that might be the mega dry ice hash spiked vape I just had.


Flowering on 350ppm!
I know right! WTF!
It could even be used to lower N in late flower compared to the 4-0-0 version that do the opposite.
- Serious, yeah you seen how green mine are in the contest grow. But that's normal for us. What do you reckon the downsides of keeping them green so late? I mean more chlorophyll bitter but you lose that in dry cure anyway. Stress to boost energy to trich production? What do you reckon?
Lowered input to 425ppm / 0.85 EC, EC has started to stack up so I'm backing off on the nutrients.
And then just like lower it more?! My low end of the range Dutch Pro Grow (veg) comes out at EC 1.9-2.0 What am I missing?!

Help a brother out! I'm genuinely confused! We're so similar yet so different!

Oh I'm giggling but that might be the mega dry ice hash spiked vape I just had.


I know right! WTF!

- Serious, yeah you seen how green mine are in the contest grow. But that's normal for us. What do you reckon the downsides of keeping them green so late? I mean more chlorophyll bitter but you lose that in dry cure anyway. Stress to boost energy to trich production? What do you reckon?

And then just like lower it more?! My low end of the range Dutch Pro Grow (veg) comes out at EC 1.9-2.0 What am I missing?!

Help a brother out! I'm genuinely confused! We're so similar yet so different!

I just know that excess N in flower gives you more foliage and less flower clusters. Potency and yield are affected negatively. People do very well growing in coir with straight Maxibloom (5-14-15) from start to finish.

Cannabis is not a heavy N crop in my mind. I've played around alot in DWC with different formulas and did very well growing with straight Dyna Gro Bloom (3-12-6) from start to finish without any signs of low N in either veg or flower.

I think in terms of the containers being individual reservoirs. I know DWC plants do exceptionally well with 1.0-1.2 EC max in flower and many need less than that. I try to replicate these values and keep them as constant as possible. That's why I feed slightly lower than targeted EC and pH in the medium.

There's a lot of interactions growing Cannabis. In early flower right after transplant there's no bacteria or no inoculations present in the medium to fixate the minerals, this takes a couple of weeks to happen. When I see EC adding up on the runoff I'm backing off on the input strength to try to reach and keep ~1.2 EC constant in the medium.

I think in terms of: Hydro! hydro! hydro! Lol!

Hope that makes any sense!

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