SweetLeef's 1st Ever Grow - Auto's & Photo's - TGA SuperSoil 2013-14

we get about 10-30 minutes of sun a day here. Not all at once though. It's more like 2min at a time :laughtwo:

Dawnie's leaves are starting to turn that fall yellow!!!! I just love the fall in the Northwest;) I'll wait until they yellow up a little more before I post a picture. A few more amber trichs on the main bud and a lotta milk everywhere else. Possibly a shade of purple coming in although it is my first day off in a while so I could just be ;)

Steph is frosting up nicely,, getting a little milky, and I noticed today how high her leaf to bud ratio is. Dawnie's is decent as well. Gonna be a nice first trim:)

Aurora is still in the early stages of budding. I cant wait to watch her pack on some weight! Molasses tomorrow for the ladies! I just love giving them their sugar water! Although, I did see a fungus gnat the other day, I'm not gonna worry about them at this point. You have organic soil you get organisms I guess ;)

Had a fun day cruising the forums. Sub'd a bunch of new journals tonight!

Keep em' green :420:
Alright :420:!!

Good morning one and all!

I had a great day most of yesterday, spent some time with the plant, took care of some business that I had been unable too take care of during my longest work week ever, and made a major purchase for the goils. The night ended on a bummer when I was blindsided with a BRUTAL migraine. It put me down last night. I was almost in tears at one point. I am new to migraines. Never had them until the last year or so. This was my 4th or 5th and it was awful. Usually when I vomit, the pain ends shortly after. Not last night though. Ugh. Heads a little soar, but the worst is over.

On a much better note, Back to the major purchase for the goils. I bought them an LED unit! I think Dawnie might miss the light completely, and Steph probably wont have enough time with it to really make any difference, but Aurora will probably have 2 or 3 weeks with it, It should effect her in a most enjoyable way! I May use the T5 as side lighting, while I still have it. I would like to add, that the T5 is a really badass light, and it appears to have made some nice buds. With the way people talk about HID's I expected to just have sad, tiny, popcorn buds, but there are more then a few good sized buds on them.

I watered and fed the girls molasses last night. Also, I may have ACCIDENTLY, purposely grabbed the clippers from on top of the light and cut a sample off of Dawnie:) Last night as the headache was stating, I was used the "Water Vapor" Technique to quick dry the sample. As soon as the sample was ready, the pain moved in and it was such that I was unable to sample last night. So that's what I have been doing while typing this, burnin' down the sample!

Sample Smoke Report:

Sample size was just enough for 3-4 hits in a glass pipe.
Taste was pretty much completely of chlorophyll and grass, maybe a hint of cherries? I hope cherries.
Smoke was not quite as harsh as I expected it to be, pretty nice quick dry technique, sitting out overnight probably didn't hurt it either.
Effects, took a minute and are really just starting to come on. I really feel it behind my eyes. My brain doesn't feel stoned though, I feel very clear and alert, yet relaxed. Munchies may be coming on fast:) I fell like everyone gets a good healthy dose of the munchies when smoking the unripe fruit of our favorite plant.

Pics tonight, I think. I'm gonna go enjoy this kush high by reading some journals!

Have a Green Ass Day, Y'all!
Oh yeah, if anyone is curious...

I went with TopLED's Mars II 1200w. I will get a second unit eventually, but I think 1 will be enough for my set up, at least at first:)
Congratulations on the LED light SweetLeef!! Can't wait to see it in action.
I feel for you on the migraines, I get them too and they can last for days just with the nausea. I am so happy to have some good bud available now to catch one early before it gets full blown.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Nice smoke report too!
You have a wonderful day now that you feel better. :)
Congratulations on the LED light Pinkygreen!! Can't wait to see it in action.
I feel for you on the migraines, I get them too and they can last for days just with the nausea. I am so happy to have some good bud available now to catch one early before it gets full blown.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Nice smoke report too!
You have a wonderful day now that you feel better. :)

:rofl: Thanks Canna!!

I gotta get me some of those edibles! :rofl:
Alright, :bong:

Picture time!!

Not too much to say that the pictures cant. Weird thing, Aurora is droopy on all of her buds, fan leaves are standing tall and proud though, maybe she's just tired from all the growing she did today, it is almost lights out. Ok here we go!!











Dawnie Narco. She has really matured the last couple of days. I wish my phone could do justice to how pretty she is right now. Not long for the world, Sweet Dawnie!










Excited to cut Dawnie down. Seems to be any day now!
Nice update Sweetleef! (I got it right this time! :laughtwo:)
Quick question, maybe I missed this...in that last picture the larger leaves have discoloration and spots on them. I have a plant doing that, it's only in second week of flowering so I know it isn't an issue with them being done providing for the plant. Do you know what caused yours to do that spotting? I'm going to go back through your journal and see if I missed something on that in the meantime. :)
Edit: just went back and see the russet mites thing. Was that from the mites?
I'm really not sure Canna.

All thee plants have had an ugly blemish or two like that and I'm not sure why. For these girls I know the pot's are full of roots, I think in my case, it's using up all the good stuff in the soil. It could be from the mites, but I have never seen any more sings of them lights on or off.

I did see a fungus gnat or two, maybe their larva had a snack on some roots? I'm not sure, they are coming down soon enough that I haven't really worried about it. Just keep your eye on it, I guess. These spots haven't spread on me, so I haven't given much thought to them. Acne scars from adolescence?
I'm really not sure Canna.

All thee plants have had an ugly blemish or two like that and I'm not sure why. For these girls I know the pot's are full of roots, I think in my case, it's using up all the good stuff in the soil. It could be from the mites, but I have never seen any more sings of them lights on or off.

I did see a fungus gnat or two, maybe their larva had a snack on some roots? I'm not sure, they are coming down soon enough that I haven't really worried about it. Just keep your eye on it, I guess. These spots haven't spread on me, so I haven't given much thought to them. Acne scars from adolescence?

I'm stumped on mine too. I uploaded pics a while back on it and couldn't get a solid answer on it. I have snipped off the affected leaves just to see if new ones develop the problem. We shall see. I inspected soil, leaves and stalk with a microscope...no bugs.
Oh well, if it has to be that way...then so be it. But I will be watching this one closely. ;-)
Holy Toledo, my LED's showed up today! I ordered them late Monday early Tuesday and by Thursday afternoon I have a beautiful LED unit hanging in my lair! I am blown away by how fast this thing got here. I will write more after work, just too excited to wait!
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