SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

That brought a smile. There's nothing an educator likes better than to have helped someone get that "Aha!" moment. :battingeyelashes:

I'll dig up the link and post the address. It's another canna site, so no link permitted.

It's listed as "Malawi style cob curing" and it's on ICMag.

I'll check it out. :thanks:
OMG Sue. I am making cobs too! Have you talked to Tangwena? I cannot wait to harvest a decent sativa!

No I haven't lazyfish. JustMeds turned me onto this thread and that's as far as I've gotten.

How cool! Are yours in cobs now? Have you any pointers? Pictures? I'm thinking a tutorial would be nice. Possibly a thread where we can share our experiences.
No I haven't lazyfish. JustMeds turned me onto this thread and that's as far as I've gotten.

How cool! Are yours in cobs now? Have you any pointers? Pictures? I'm thinking a tutorial would be nice. Possibly a thread where we can share our experiences.

I went to take a closer look. I may have to join and engage them in conversation. :battingeyelashes: I see the need for a vacuum sealer. Good God, this looks enticing! Let me take a gentle walk and see what cost I'm looking at.

There's mention of a three day sweat in a yogurt maker. My instant Pot functions as a yogurt maker. :slide: I believe I can do the entire process in the IP.

This is gonna be fun. Vacuum seal it in the end for three months and have trippy weed. Ahhhh...... How do you NOT try something like this?

I wonder how it intensifies medicinal values? Ooooweeee......another rabbit hole. Lol!
I found corn this past week at store.... I put my husk's in freezer for when I need them. Here is a tip to get them off best.

Cut off the bottom of the cob so it just starts getting into the corn. Then when you peel off the husks they stay in nice large single pieces.

You guys are going to have yours done before I get to start mine.
This is the most concise info I found in the thread. There is a lot of variation in technique and the host says to do 3 or 4 cobs for different lengths of sweat time to realize all the possibilities. I had to join and ask some clarifying questions... The thread is 3 years old and 250 pages long!!!

I made a few cobs with already dried buds... I have heard that this is not effective, but I am excited to try cobbing and could not wait for fresh buds.... I get to try them next week. I'll try to report back.

I found corn this past week at store.... I put my husk's in freezer for when I need them. Here is a tip to get them off best.

Cut off the bottom of the cob so it just starts getting into the corn. Then when you peel off the husks they stay in nice large single pieces.

You guys are going to have yours done before I get to start mine.

Thanks. I don’t think we’ll have fresh corn....nope, not in season. Lol! But I can get them from the rain forest with my next order.

I need a few things for the garden anyway.

The vacuum system will only run me $82 with my Target card. :slide:

I’ll pick that up tomorrow. I was out and found some curtains that’ll darken the bathroom but also have a white backing that’ll reflect light back to the plants.

Shoot! Lights are going out now. It’ll have to wait until the morning.

Back to researching. After a short nap.
This is the most concise info I found in the thread. There is a lot of variation in technique and the host says to do 3 or 4 cobs for different lengths of sweat time to realize all the possibilities. I had to join and ask some clarifying questions... The thread is 3 years old and 250 pages long!!!

I made a few cobs with already dried buds... I have heard that this is not effective, but I am excited to try cobbing and could not wait for fresh buds.... I get to try them next week. I'll try to report back.


Ooooo.... lazyfish....:hug: I’m ordering supplies tonight. Should have everything here before harvest. :slide:
All new to me ...

I saw thins done many many years ago in rural Mississippi (OK, it's almost all rural), but never got a chance to know if the process was beneficial. Does the process require fresh corn husks, or is dried OK too? The guy I knew was using his own corn harvested husks (He smoked the dried Silk too!). Stoners can think of the funniest things to do to bud, I love it!
Hoping for a success for you Sue, but if not, the vacuum sealer is very useful for long term freezer bud storage. I vacuum seal my dried and cured bud, into the freezer for long periods, several years and it's almost like fresh bud.

. I vacuum seal my dried and cured bud, into the freezer for long periods, several years and it's almost like fresh bud.


Good morning/evening sweet Sue :hug:

This is good to know Keith - I think AK freezes her fresh produce for juicing and such later on as well. I’m about to harvest a lot of CBD Critical Cure (about 3times more than I was expecting) so am hoping to freeze a lot of it. Good to hear it’ll last a long time!
I’ll be doing it without vacuum sealing tho (I’m pretty antiplastic - avoid it wherever I can, especially next to things I consume). Hopefully freezing in the glass containers we use for freezing food will work well enough. Is the presence of air a big problem when freezing?

I’m curious about this corn husks thing - might have to try it. I wonder though, if it comes from some rural farming practices in Malawi, do you think they traditionally do it with vacuum sealers and instant pots and the like? Just thinking there’s likely a way to do it without using plastic and expensive appliances... that’ be my style ... I shall have to investigate!
I’m curious about this corn husks thing - might have to try it. I wonder though, if it comes from some rural farming practices in Malawi, do you think they traditionally do it with vacuum sealers and instant pots and the like? Just thinking there’s likely a way to do it without using plastic and expensive appliances... that’ be my style ... I shall have to investigate!

You will find I think that bearing in dirt may not be up your alley. Most tend to mold up that way.
Oh so that’s the alternative huh? Yes sounds mold risky indeed...

Here is some info on old way and why this new better way was found:

In Malawi, cannabis is harvested, trimmed and left in the sun to cure before being bound into a “cob”—wrapped in banana or maize leaves—for transportation and sale. Alternatively, cannabis may be wrapped into cobs when still moist; the cobs are then buried for several months in goatskin, manure or soil to create an altered cannabinoid profile, as well as an unusual and distinctive black colouration. Such cobs are known as “black magic” or Malawi Black, and are prized for their psychedelic effect.
Here is some info on old way and why this new better way was found:

In Malawi, cannabis is harvested, trimmed and left in the sun to cure before being bound into a “cob”—wrapped in banana or maize leaves—for transportation and sale. Alternatively, cannabis may be wrapped into cobs when still moist; the cobs are then buried for several months in goatskin, manure or soil to create an altered cannabinoid profile, as well as an unusual and distinctive black colouration. Such cobs are known as “black magic” or Malawi Black, and are prized for their psychedelic effect.

Yeah - I don’t have any goatskin!:rofl:
What I have gathered is that some people have found that this method produces results very similar that cobs in Malawi. The cobs are made with the most potent and premium sativa buds and are fermented for weeks or months or years and each cure has a different effect. Cleaner, more psychedelic high. The weed does not get stronger, only different and by most reports it is in a good way. Less stress on the lungs, smaller final product because it is compressed, hash like "brick weed" is the final product. Some people eat the raw dried cob and say that the high is much different that decarboxylated weed. I do not know this info first hand.... I just read the entire 3 years of conversations over at ICmag. I plan on making cobs with my next harvest and am absolutely convinced that cabs are the real deal.
What I have gathered is that some people have found that this method produces results very similar that cobs in Malawi. The cobs are made with the most potent and premium sativa buds and are fermented for weeks or months or years and each cure has a different effect. Cleaner, more psychedelic high. The weed does not get stronger, only different and by most reports it is in a good way. Less stress on the lungs, smaller final product because it is compressed, hash like "brick weed" is the final product. Some people eat the raw dried cob and say that the high is much different that decarboxylated weed. I do not know this info first hand.... I just read the entire 3 years of conversations over at ICmag. I plan on making cobs with my next harvest and am absolutely convinced that cabs are the real deal.

I haven't really begun to read it. I read the beginning, the last three or four pages and the instructions he had linked to. So many things going on right now. The process is very basic. I'll be sure to ask those with experience to clarify my understanding before my harvest.

JustMeds, I may have found just such a store in town, but I don't drive, and getting there is a good distance by bus. I may be able to get a ride from a friend. If not I'll order some and they'll be here by the time I need to wrap the buds up.

You think we could benefit from a thread?
All new to me ...

I saw thins done many many years ago in rural Mississippi (OK, it's almost all rural), but never got a chance to know if the process was beneficial. Does the process require fresh corn husks, or is dried OK too? The guy I knew was using his own corn harvested husks (He smoked the dried Silk too!). Stoners can think of the funniest things to do to bud, I love it!
Hoping for a success for you Sue, but if not, the vacuum sealer is very useful for long term freezer bud storage. I vacuum seal my dried and cured bud, into the freezer for long periods, several years and it's almost like fresh bud.


I'm ordering dried, because that's all I can get. The moisture from the buds will keep it pliable. I wonder if it'd be a good idea to let them pick up some moisture before beginning? Hmmmm, hadn't thought of that.

The daughter immediately saw the advantage of the vacuum system as pertains to her travel plans to California. She figures she can package up her capsules in little bags and mark them like the meds they are. Someday travel will be free of those stresses.

One of these days I'm gonna break down and buy a small deep freezer. Lol!
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