SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Morning Sue, hope your day is as nice looking as mine! Have you thought about trying decaf? ;)

Hahaha! If I'm drinking coffee the buzz is part of the draw. :battingeyelashes:

It's absolutely beautiful here Doob. :hug:
I would say that you are right Sue. As soon as the "proper" people are
set up to reap the financial windfall we will be there.
And it won't be much better.


And we will continue doing what we do Ditch. It looks like we'll be here a few more years.

Morning, Sue.

Remember that salve recipe you gave me? The one with coconut oil and beeswax? So I made it and brought it to my grandmas house for dinner. After all the kids cleared out and dinner was over it was just the old farts... Me+GF, aunt uncle, and grandparents. So I get these 2 jars out one for gramma and one for aunt. They all suffer from arthritis and pain. I tell them its from cannabis and it should help with pain relief. I was expecting scrutiny because they are pretty straight people. Grandpa was a cop for the DEA and shit... Anyways they jumped out of their chairs so quick. The salve was all over them in no time. They seem like they are giving it an honest try and I told them there was plenty more is they want it all they have to do is ask. I'll check in with them next weekend and see what they think but I have a feeling they are going to love it.

Then my gramma starts asking me to make her pot brownies.... She says "yeah I have always wondered what it was like" haha...

Thanks a lot Sue. I'm off to make some weak brownies....
Morning, Sue.

Remember that salve recipe you gave me? The one with coconut oil and beeswax? So I made it and brought it to my grandmas house for dinner. After all the kids cleared out and dinner was over it was just the old farts... Me+GF, aunt uncle, and grandparents. So I get these 2 jars out one for gramma and one for aunt. They all suffer from arthritis and pain. I tell them its from cannabis and it should help with pain relief. I was expecting scrutiny because they are pretty straight people. Grandpa was a cop for the DEA and shit... Anyways they jumped out of their chairs so quick. The salve was all over them in no time. They seem like they are giving it an honest try and I told them there was plenty more is they want it all they have to do is ask. I'll check in with them next weekend and see what they think but I have a feeling they are going to love it.

Then my gramma starts asking me to make her pot brownies.... She says "yeah I have always wondered what it was like" haha...

Thanks a lot Sue. I'm off to make some weak brownies....

That is great........ :thumb:
Thanks Keith - you’ve just moved Blue Dream to the top of my list (if I can get the seeds - saving now!).

And thanks for sharing your journey with RA. A lot of my pain issues are very ‘RA like’ but without a blood marker. Ironically excercise is the worst thing for my condition. It seems counter intuitive to everything we think we know about exercise and health, but with this you can learn the very hard way that activity makes things a lot worse. It’s a trip working out how much you can or can’t do I can tell you (doubly so because it changes over time). When all my symptoms settle (which takes ages of rest, and they never go away completely), I’m ‘allowed’ to very slowly increase, but it’s a long way from being anything like exercise! And discovering ones limits iften means a big flare up so the cycle starts again...

So yeah , pain and general well being/happiness meds? Blue Dream it is...



I'm not trying to convince you about your diagnosis in any manner, just sharing my own similar struggles.

I was blood negative for RA for months, after it struck like a lightning bolt, almost 6 months before three consecutive tests were RA positive, along with bones scans and a few other dandy radioactive tests. Your symptom of extreme fatigue from movement was one of my major problem too for the first couple of years post onset. My Rheumy doc pushed and pushed for me to resume my active lifestyle, but It was pure hell for over a year. I tried and finally gave up on the standard Pharma treatments as I was not improving, was actually getting sicker, the liver and kidneys were getting roasted, and even mental depression started seeping into my head. Most likely from the RA standard "treatments", Methotrexate, Biologic injections, clinical infusions, and the Big $ TV advertised drugs selling smiling athletic actors surrounded with blue skies and butterflies. I eventually visited a recommended nutritionist that specialized in dietary healing for chronic immune diseases. I thought it might allow a slim chance of helping heal me, I went at my daughters request, not my own initiative. Doubtful, but I kept an open mind, I followed her food, hydration, vitamins, supplements and movement plans (not really exercise by most definitions, just heart rate stuff really). It was a tough diet to follow, I'm from New Orleans and became accustomed to eating the best tasting and most unhealthy foods imaginable for four decades. I was desperate for my life to be like it was before onset, and I followed her regimen faithfully for several months. I slowly started gaining strength and fortitude, very slowly, but positive movement none the less. After 18 months my body finally started responding with more energy, better sleep patterns, and a sense of accomplishment that fueled me to keep eating and drinking and moving. 3 years later I was back doing 75% of the things I could do before RA struck me down, and that's about as much as I'll ever get back. I'm good with 75%, it beats 10%!

A positive mindset is critical to making it through the changes and challenges, the body heals better when the mind is positively driving. The physical pains in my joints (toes, ankles, knees, fingers, elbows and wrists) are constant and will always be a part of my life, I just refuse to let pain alone put me on the sidelines. I had to get fatigue and general sick feelings under control before I could learn to live in chronic pain. It's a strange thing to accomplish, but it can be done. I even had to learn how to not make facial expressions and noises that advertise my pain to other people. I do not want sympathy nor pity!

I truly wish you the best in treating your condition, it's a major struggle to get off the sidelines. I don't like the taste of all the foods I eat now, I still want all the crap food I learned to associate with good times and great people, but I value my freedom from being benched too much to go back to the diet of my first 40 years.

Please do give thought and research to healing through nutrition and full hydration, I know I thought it would be another dead end but I was very wrong.

Please do give thought and research to healing through nutrition and full hydration, I know I thought it would be another dead end but I was very wrong.


Thanks Keith! :hug:
That last thing you say is exactly what I am doing. Nearly 2 years ago I was bedridden and unable to go to the bathroom without triggering a further flare up of symptoms (nor without a great deal of physical help!). These days I can be in my garden sometimes, I can even ‘overdo it’ without quite rendering myself back to where I was back then. Diet and eating patterns (intermittent fasting), and attitude are probably my main pieces of armoury for maintaining a manageable, liveable state. (My current diagnosis is a neuro-immune/inflammatory condition called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis - if you have Netflix there is a new doco about it called Unrest. It has some similarities to MS. I’ve wrangled it at mild-moderate levels most of my adult life without diagnosis - except psyche interventions which were ill-placed and did harm - and only in the last few years has it escalated).

Two of the things I use Cannabis for are pain (lower leg joints, nerve pain, bone pain, generalised ‘flu-like’ ache) and depression (long time PTSD and as the effects of the physical state). Blue Dream has been jostling at the top of my list with Jack Herer for a while as the next thing to try in terms of my growing. I’m on a bit of a chemovar hunt and I can’t grow a lot at once so have to test out one at a time. Blue Dream keeps coming up for pain, so when you mentioned it there, that was yet another vote in its favour! :cheer::volcano-smiley:I’ll try Herer down the track. I have a lovely CBDCC in my garden, a few weeks from harvest, for ongoing anti-inflammatory treatment and, I think/hope, PTSD related anxiety management.

Thankyou for everything else you shared there too. That kind of story gives me confidence to continue to request that other diagnostic pathways get checked periodically. Often with ME, everything that comes up for a person can get ‘written off’ as part of the general condition and kind of dismissed by doctors. I know many stories of things getting missed because of this dismissal. I have to remain diligent for myself. I do not rely on mainstream medicine to help me, many of them barely acknowledge that the condition I seem to have exists (regardless of the fact that the WHO has listed it as a neurological condition since the 70s).

So yes, rest assured research into diet and effective supplements. Immune function comes from the gut, this I know. And the gut-brain relationship is what I’m reading about a bit atm (the vagus nerve is sooo cool, and so important!). And I have an awesome herbalist/nutritionist I’ve been working with for a few years now who has lots of experience with so called chronic illnesses. I’ve had to make enormous adjustments with my diet and expectations re lifestyle etc.

And hey - so how is the garden you helped set up for your friends going? It’s a great thing you’ve been able to do there. I hope it’s working out for them.

Morning Sue! I sincerely hope you have a wonderful day.
Not as much as I do.
Garden is looking great :hug::love::hug:
Morning, Sue.

Remember that salve recipe you gave me? The one with coconut oil and beeswax? So I made it and brought it to my grandmas house for dinner. After all the kids cleared out and dinner was over it was just the old farts... Me+GF, aunt uncle, and grandparents. So I get these 2 jars out one for gramma and one for aunt. They all suffer from arthritis and pain. I tell them its from cannabis and it should help with pain relief. I was expecting scrutiny because they are pretty straight people. Grandpa was a cop for the DEA and shit... Anyways they jumped out of their chairs so quick. The salve was all over them in no time. They seem like they are giving it an honest try and I told them there was plenty more is they want it all they have to do is ask. I'll check in with them next weekend and see what they think but I have a feeling they are going to love it.

Then my gramma starts asking me to make her pot brownies.... She says "yeah I have always wondered what it was like" haha...

Thanks a lot Sue. I'm off to make some weak brownies....

What a wonderful story to come across at the end of a delightful day. :hug:

You know, I believe it's topicals that're gonna do the most to turn the tide of public opinion. It still shocks me when I offer some to a friend who's been in pain for years and see instant relief.

Seniors are the most dependable voting block. The more seniors who find relief and share that knowledge with their friends the faster this prohibitionary attitude falls. No one enjoys living in pain. It'll take some voting prowess to get the rest of the job done.
That is great........ :thumb:

Yes it is. :slide:
Morning Sue! I sincerely hope you have a wonderful day.

That it was GT. Thanks for stopping. I got awlfully busy there, didn't I? I hope your day was as sparkling as mine. :hug:
Share some pain cream with some friends and watch the wonder GT. Wives all over the country are going to rebel against all the pain big pharma markets.

Good morning everyone :love:

I've timed the Malawi just right. :yahoo:

The beginnings of amber trichomes are showing. :slide:

She's a bushy, densely packed bunch of buds, I'll have you know. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I can't wait to get the Hempy Jamaican in here. She's showing her own style. This morning I stuck some poles in her pot to get her reigned in some. It's looking more than hopeful. WooHoo!

I'll be looking for some corn husks this week and reviewing the off-site thread on the process. I so want to get that African hallucinogenic buzz. Lol!

Now get out there and show the world how this bunch of happy stoners expresses joy. :yahoo: :slide: :yahoo:
Share some pain cream with some friends and watch the wonder
The Rainforest is delivering all the supplies today and I'll start the batch as per your PM tonight. I can't wait to see if this has good effect on condition, my previous two attempts produced nothing, but were different recipes and processes. I bought enough supplies to try it four different times with different strains ... dang Sue ... Chemovars! :p

I kinda gave up on skin creme after two different recipes didn't produce any notable effects or relief upon myself.

Thanks Sue, this will be a whole new medicine if it works for me, I have three other folks in mind that could definitely benefit from a skin creme cannabis based pain MM. I started with the MM thing just to make an Oil for my sons NF1, and now look what you've done Sue, I'm helping 3 other older peeps with MM preparations. I mean I've shared my produce many times over the decades as just a flower gift ... but "who'd a thunk"?

Is there anything real concerning the location of application on the body? Like inner wrists or back of the knees, like ladies do with perfume? I ask, both with humor and seriousness!

Share some pain cream with some friends and watch the wonder GT. Wives all over the country are going to rebel against all the pain big pharma markets.

Good morning everyone :love:

I've timed the Malawi just right. :yahoo:

The beginnings of amber trichomes are showing. :slide:

She's a bushy, densely packed bunch of buds, I'll have you know. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I can't wait to get the Hempy Jamaican in here. She's showing her own style. This morning I stuck some poles in her pot to get her reigned in some. It's looking more than hopeful. WooHoo!

I'll be looking for some corn husks this week and reviewing the off-site thread on the process. I so want to get that African hallucinogenic buzz. Lol!

Thanks for the pictures Sue. :thanks:

I've looked and looked at different pictures of trichomes and could never see the amber/cloudy situation clearly. Those pictures tell the story very well. Can't say why your pictures helped it click, but it did.

Hmmm corn husks...... I'll have to some searches...
Hi Sue, looking at that 1st pic I think I see powdery mildew on the lower part of the pic. It looks like it is just starting. Make sure to wash her in h2o2.

That stopped me cold Neiko. Lol! I went and checked the buds I photographed carefully,mand I see no signs of pm. What you see there is smashed trichomes, or at least that's what I suspect. She looks healthy close up, but she's a bushy one. Anything's possible. That fan is pushing a huge quantity of air. I'm thinking of purchasing another, even if it has to be full price.

I have great respect for your experience, so I'll keep a close eye on her. If I see any pm I'll take her quick and wash her more throughly with H2O2. I stopped using anything except the H2O2 dilution to wash my buds quite a while ago.
The Rainforest is delivering all the supplies today and I'll start the batch as per your PM tonight. I can't wait to see if this has good effect on condition, my previous two attempts produced nothing, but were different recipes and processes. I bought enough supplies to try it four different times with different strains ... dang Sue ... Chemovars! :p

I kinda gave up on skin creme after two different recipes didn't produce any notable effects or relief upon myself.

Thanks Sue, this will be a whole new medicine if it works for me, I have three other folks in mind that could definitely benefit from a skin creme cannabis based pain MM. I started with the MM thing just to make an Oil for my sons NF1, and now look what you've done Sue, I'm helping 3 other older peeps with MM preparations. I mean I've shared my produce many times over the decades as just a flower gift ... but "who'd a thunk"?

Is there anything real concerning the location of application on the body? Like inner wrists or back of the knees, like ladies do with perfume? I ask, both with humor and seriousness!


Use it as frequently as necessary. There are no restrictions on frequency.

At the top of the back is a pad of skin we call the Dorsal Medial Rammi (DMR). Under this pad lie some unmyelated axions, a direct pathway into the brain without intense euphoria. Applying here will lighten the mood, modulate pain, and can stop the progression of a headache. InTheShed used this technique recently to hold off a migraine.

Applied to the palms or the soles of the feet you may be able to hit pain deep in the body or areas you can't reach. Inside the wrists seems a good idea, but I'm not certain this works without a carrier like DMSO, and that's something I haven't played with yet.

I use it proactively, on all the major joints. Slather it on the knees, hips and shoulders and you'll be surprised. Pay attention to the muscles that attach the clavicle to the skull. It doesn't take much to get the muscles to stay relaxed. When I go out walking I stop at the halfway point and reapply on the neck. It changed the way my walks went. No more tension building in the upper back.

I carry one of those lip gloss containers with cream in it at all times in the pocket of my blue jeans.

My basic rule is "use every time something goes 'ouch!'"
Thanks for the pictures Sue. :thanks:

I've looked and looked at different pictures of trichomes and could never see the amber/cloudy situation clearly. Those pictures tell the story very well. Can't say why your pictures helped it click, but it did.

Hmmm corn husks...... I'll have to some searches...

That brought a smile. There's nothing an educator likes better than to have helped someone get that "Aha!" moment. :battingeyelashes:

I'll dig up the link and post the address. It's another canna site, so no link permitted.

It's listed as "Malawi style cob curing" and it's on ICMag.
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