SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Can I hope that hanging around all this joy is having a subtle effect on that senseless, but fully understandable hatred? No love for the man here either. When they released his tapes and I realized the depth of his ...... there's no word for something that dark.... I shook for almost 30 minutes. Not a moment one easily forgets.

Nothing good comes from hate. It keeps you from flying. I like flying. I'm still working on forgiving Nixon too. Thing is, he's gone, which means none of it matters anymore. Our job is to let ourselves heal. We have cannabis to help with that, good cannabis, which is a kind of poetic justice. Lol!

As I sit here in the shit-pile legacy of hatred and moral corruptness, I find it a touch hard to forget the gent that left the steaming pile.
It's his actions that are still killin me. Words flow like water out to the sea, but the actions stay behind and screw us all.
Imagine... just for ONE moment.... if all the money spent on MJ detection, eradication, and 'education' were actually just handed to the schools.
He set our society back 40 years on a whim... a whim based solely in hatred and insecurities.
Vietnam, drugs, racism.... Yes... I spit. I would feel the same about any human with his collection of moral values.

I honestly don't know how I can ever let it go. I know it's just a lump of crap I'm stuck in... but stuck I seem to be.
Trying... for extending one's forgiveness to the Devil is not an easy thing.
Oh she really is .. Beautiful support job Sue .

Thanks Amy. I seem to be developing a talent for this style of training. :laughtwo: She came through the night like a champ.


The canopy looks good, and that was my primary intention. I want the colas congregated under the center of the light when she gets flipped. I have flip scheduled for the 11th of the month. By then the timer will be down to 12/12.


I've been slacking on foliars again. She doesn't look like she minds that, but I know I'd be getting better Soul community activity if I'd stay on schedule with them. I have the alarm set for before lights out. I've slept through the morning one too many days in a row now. :laughtwo:

I started flushing Carn 4.4 yesterday after spotting an amber trichome. I'll keep flushing until I figure she's completely done. She's shooting out new pistils here and there, but for the most part they're starting to die back.







Devil's Carnival comes down first thing tomorrow morning.


I spotted this one as soon as I opened the tent. Can you see it?


And another, without much searching.



This chemovar knows how to grow essential oils. :cheesygrinsmiley:


There it is.... One tiny, self-made genetic bundle of pollen. There'd be more before long, but she'll be dried by then.


Its been cooler in the bedroom with the arctic chill outside the protective brick walls, and she's showing a beautiful progression of leaf coloration.



If that didn't put a smile on your face you're in the wrong neighborhood. :laughtwo: One harvest this week, and the next following in another week or so. This is sweet perpetual gardening. :slide: I'm working on getting to one harvest every two weeks. Hopefully, this year I'll get there. I'm closer than ever and I'm feeling the flow. This is gonna be a great year. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I seem to enjoy documenting and posting more than eating. :laughtwo: Let me step away from the iPad and get breakfast going at long last. Lol! Be boldly joyful my friends. The universe within needs that joyful cellular chorus to run most efficiently and continue making you the best you can be, and the universe without is bringing you more of the feeling your cells are vibrating. Contemplate that with satisfaction that we figured the secret out, and look how much better we are for knowing it. :battingeyelashes:

Have a wonderful day. You know I will. :ciao:
On the other hand... if it were not for him, we probably wouldn't be here... and I do attach a good bit of joy to my experiences here.
Not much of a silver lining comparatively speaking.... but ya takes what ya gets and ya weave together your world.

That made me smile. :cheesygrinsmiley:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

We'll find a way. Hating him when he's already transitioned to what's beyond seems a little frivolous in my mind. I keep wondering what I gain from holding it against him when we are the unintended consequences of his dastardly behavior.

Born and raised a Quaker, and the man managed to disrupt the entire planet with hate. Hmmmm..... We didn't learn the lesson of that election, did we? Look at the state of our current Administration. :straightface: He's on a limited timeline, but Nixon and Reagan should have taught us how much damage a disfunctional Republican in the White House can be to the world.
Dave, I see you lurking about. Check your pms. There's one I sent you around the end of last month you'll find interesting, and my records show you haven't opened it yet.

Missing you, my friend, so it was good to spot you. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Good morning Sue, and a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR to you my friend!!!! Your girls are looking great as always. I have a Blueberry Ghost OG that has another 10 days or so that is looking particularly nice. I will try to post a pic or 2 later for you. Also, got your PM the other day. Definitely something to think about!!!:circle-of-love::peace:

Hahaha! We were on the same wavelength Dave. :laughtwo:

It exploded across my mind that day. I knew right then and there the idea was meant for you. :battingeyelashes:
We need to wait another 100 days or so here in NJ. Legalization on the horizon I hope!!!:circle-of-love::peace:

OH Dave, that would be wonderful. :circle-of-love:

Before you know it we'll all be legal. Removing cannabis from the Schedule entirely would go a long way to expediting the social change that's definately ahead. Once the rest of the brainwashed populace figure out all cannabis does is make you feel good and heal you things will get much more interesting.
I saw it on the 420 app. That does not always send a read receipt I don't think. :circle-of-love::peace:

I was unaware of that. Ok..... That makes me feel better. I'm gonna assume - hahaha, it never stops mon ami - that Cajun got the messages it shows he didn't. He used the app most often, and he told me he always read my mail. It feels better to know he read them than to think he didn't. :battingeyelashes: :love:
I was unaware of that. Ok..... That makes me feel better. I'm gonna assume - hahaha, it never stops mon ami - that Cajun got the messages it shows he didn't. He used the app most often, and he told me he always read my mail. It feels better to know he read them than to think he didn't. :battingeyelashes: :love:

I can tell you 100% I read your PM, so I would assume he did too.:circle-of-love::peace:
It's a balmy 15 degrees F out there in the sparkling sunlight. I believe that'll tempt this housebound cultivator suffering a touch of cabin fever into the great outdoors. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I got my wife snowshoes for X-mas. She may get a chance to use them tomorrow. Nor Easter coming up the coast. We will see how it rolls out.:circle-of-love::peace:

Oooo.... I was unaware we had that churning our way. Last Nor'easterner we got dumped four feet of snow overnight. I'll stock up. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I just heard from Hash Hound, who's recovering from a stint with the flu. He wanted to let everyone know he's ok and it looks like he's on the backside of the nastiness. He and I are going to talk about a capsule regimen when he stops to pick up his kit supplies. Being on a regular medical regimen often means the body's immune system is up to the challenge of the cold and flu bugs. I'm sure he'd like to find a way to never experience this particular hell again.

Stay healthy and strong my friends. You grow the best. Make an oil and start dosing regularly so your own body has the raw materials on hand to signal health and wholeness.
Move North our dear friends.......gonna be 20 deg here :)

This arctic pool slipped right on past you, didn't it? :hmmmm: Lucky dogs, it was a nasty one - way too early for dis chit. But it'll gone from here after tomorrow.

The best part is sitting here all toasty and warm in the teens while we watch the media people on the east coast get hysterical n stuff over their f-f-f-freezing weather.



It's fun.
The bitter cold is opportunity for snuggles, hot cooca, chilli, soups, blankets, fires, and more snuggles. I love the winter. I wish I took my camera when I go to work. Last week at about 3:30pm, which is close to sundown, It was -32C and I crossed a bridge overlooking our river.

The sun was going down over the far mountains, orange brushstrokes splattered in the few clouds, all softened by the incredible amounts of steam coming off what parts of the river were open. Vast sections of jagged ice clogged up the majority of the river. All the trees and metal had frost hairs glistening in the afternoon bitter cold.

lol but I get the other side of it. I work out in that cold and its nasty.
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