SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Nice to meet someone in the area :) Grew up in Arlington, live in NH now.
Hey Mouser! Nice to meet another Bah-stoner...lol! Cute cat! Stay warm!
Happy New Year Sweetness :hug: :love: :hug:

Them be some roots on that there clone. Is that one of the lazy cloning ones?

Yes indeed Amadeus. That would be one of those casual clones in the cup, left to their own devices, and growing roots just as easy as you please.

The Jamaican top I dropped in there last week is already sprouting roots. I may have found my ultimate cloning method - utter neglect. :laughtwo:

Have I wished you a Happy New Year yet? I think I missed your update, if you did one. Rest and recuperate. :kisstwo:

Happy New Year. :hug: :love: :hug:

With much love...:Namaste:

Much love returned. :hug: :love:
I am sooooo excited! After visiting the site a few times reading up...I just ordered My Doc Buds Brix Kit! I have 60 pounds of ProMix in the car. I wasn't happy with what I was using before. I can't wait to start my next grow! :slide::morenutes: Happy New Year!
;-) heya Sweets hows ur day going for ya so far? Brownie breakfast by chance today? Sure hope you have a spectacular day today Sue, gonna have me a baked day I’m thinking :rofl: got one cookie left an then a cap and chilllllllll out for the day :)

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:

I've been blessedly blitzed on Carnival all day long AB. Sometimes it's really good to be me. Brownie for breakfast, hoots throughout the day, brownie for dinner, hoots until bedtime.

I was talking with a dear friend yesterday who's lucky enough to work for a major local employer that doesn't drug test, and she was expressing her dismay at all the friends she has who long for their retirement so they can enjoy cannabis again. Isn't that sad? It's a compromise I made once, and ultimately couldn't keep up. Why we settle for this abuse of our personal lives is a social mystery.

Sure am glad to be in the category of those who supply their own needs and consume whenever the urge strikes us. :circle-of-love:

I am sooooo excited! After visiting the site a few times reading up...I just ordered My Doc Buds Brix Kit! I have 60 pounds of ProMix in the car. I wasn't happy with what I was using before. I can't wait to start my next grow! :slide::morenutes: Happy New Year!

:party: :yahoo: :love: :yahoo: :party:

This is great news Lady G. WooHoo!!!! You won't regret it. Have you been following the apprentice thread? It's a resource the rest of us started without, so please, save yourself a lot of questioning and keep abreast of their progress. We've learned some valuable things in just the short time they've been up.

I'm growing prettier plants at the moment with the RX Green Solutions, but I can't leave soil behind, and those grown with Doc's kit have an energy that draws you in. When you've grown your first crop you'll understand. If organic soil-grown plants are your goal the kit is an excellent choice, IMHO. Eventually I'll control the kit better and every plant will shine. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I roll those bales of ProMix up the 40 stairs. :laughtwo: It always makes me question my sanity. Lol! Have fun mixing soil. :ciao:
I forgot to leave this little post. Still time before the day's end. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I potted up another DC clone today, in a perlite hempy solo cup.




My thinking was "I wonder what if I could get three of them to grow in solo cups off to the side of a tent?"


I know, crazy, huh? :laughtwo: I don't know if that's what'll happen, but if it does they'll be at 11/13 lighting. That decision meant she'll be staying in this closet, off to the side, for just a bit, until some other room opens up.

Not sure where this is going. :battingeyelashes:

Good morning everyone :love:

Have we recovered from the celebration yet? :laughtwo: My body asked me to cut waaaay back on the sugar this year, and I think after the whirlwind of eating over the past two weeks I'm ready to follow that directive. For the first time in years I weighed more at the beginning of this year than I did at the beginning of last year. Awk!

This is my wake-up call. Get over 60 and your much smarter to weigh less every year. I've determined I like the way thin feels better than I like the taste of all that rich food. I don't do New Years resolutions, but this year I believe I'll make it a focus to train myself to know the difference between eating to feed the body and recreational eating and develop a habit of balancing my choices with homeostasis in mind.

Over the past two years, with the support of this community and intuitive dosing I managed to let go of three of my four major compulsions. The eating will be the final one to fall away. This should prove to be an interesting year. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Time to feed the hungry cultivator. Drenches are all completed and everyone's tucked back into their cozy and warm spaces.

I started Carnival's flush today. Spotted some amber popping up on that monster main cola. That means she's days from harvest. :yahoo:


How excited am I? :yahoo: :slide: :yahoo: I can't wait to weigh her. :laughtwo: There're some mighty hefty-looking tops on this girl.

Before I wander down the hall and begin breakfast let me take a moment to encourage you to make it a priority today to allow joy to flow freely through your life today. Make the effort to ramp up that joy every now and then by taking note of where you are, and what you appreciate about the moment. Lay it in thick. The community of cells that make up the universe that we call "you" are waiting for you to discover that they work more efficiently as a community when you bathe their world in joy and appreciation.

What have you got to lose by letting yourself laugh and live more openly? Yep, that's what I thought. :cheesygrinsmiley: Nothing to lose and everything to gain. Give it your best shot and then sit back at the day's end and review all the little moments the universe went out of its way to bring you more to be joyful about. Have fun. I'll catch up with you all later. :ciao:
The little humidifier will run at full-tilt for four hours. Since I get up after lights are in this means I fill it two to three times a day. It's proving to be worth the money, keeping the tent at a fairly steady 45% RH, right where I want it to be.

This is the picture of the CBD Critical Cure that's benefitting from that handy humidifier.

The humidifier that's keeping my girl at a comfortable 47%. :woohoo:


CBD Critical Cure 2.7, 24 days under bloom lighting. She loves the light, doesn't she?

I'd promised pictures to illustrate the improvement in light leaks Mars-Hydro instituted with their 27"x27" tents. Here they be. :battingeyelashes:

The new tent is on the left, the one on the right has the Timber Citizen COB panel. You can see the light that squeaks through the zipper. I keep this room reasonably dark after lights out, for this reason. It's the bedroom, so low light works.



The third tent is illuminated by one of the GROWant panels. You see its light leaking out all along the zipper.



By contrast, the new design used with this latest tent eliminates light leak as a concern. :woohoo: There's a GROWant panel in here too.



The light leakage wasn't enough to keep me from purchasing the third tent, but it's been satisfying knowing that the company obviously responded to consumer concerns, and did so without significantly raising the price.

The seed bank just got a special infusion of desirable genetics. mouser had an unexpected abundance when he pollinated. :laughtwo:


I'll be doing an update soon. It's a fluid thing. Lol!
I'm doing a little Study Hall organization, and stumbled upon this recalling of why we're in the political mess of illegal cannabis.

Not sure how old you are, Tead, but do you remember John Erhlichman from Watergate fame and is bossman, Richard "Tricky Dicky" Nixon? From a Harper's Magazine article by Dan Baum:

I started to ask Ehrlichman a series of earnest, wonky questions that he impatiently waved away. “You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

It's a cruel world full of liars and thieves in high places, my friend...
Hi Sue!


New Year ... New Thread .. thought i read that somewhere? Your thread list is insane!

Carnival is looking awesome, finest of that strain for you ... dang ... CHEMOVAR ... yet!

I'm doing a little Study Hall organization, and stumbled upon this recalling of why we're in the political mess of illegal cannabis.

Wow.. that was an old one.
Tead responded at the time and stands by his words....

To this day, I actually spit on the ground when I hear the name 'Nixon'. I'm way unable to forgive him and I don't see his later successes as anywhere near making up for it.
Yea... I remember all the tapes. His words were so vile and mean. They dripped of hatred at every phrase.
Don't get me started....
Then, his little protege Reagan and his wackadoo wife..... Meh!

edited for sympathy reasons....
Some day I'll be able to let loose of this hatred. While you'd think I'd be over it, not so much... and the fact that I can even ponder ending it is very new.
Sorry y'all
I've been blessedly blitzed on Carnival all day long AB. Sometimes it's really good to be me. Brownie for breakfast, hoots throughout the day, brownie for dinner, hoots until bedtime.

I was talking with a dear friend yesterday who's lucky enough to work for a major local employer that doesn't drug test, and she was expressing her dismay at all the friends she has who long for their retirement so they can enjoy cannabis again. Isn't that sad? It's a compromise I made once, and ultimately couldn't keep up. Why we settle for this abuse of our personal lives is a social mystery.

Sure am glad to be in the category of those who supply their own needs and consume whenever the urge strikes us. :circle-of-love:

:party: :yahoo: :love: :yahoo: :party:

This is great news Lady G. WooHoo!!!! You won't regret it. Have you been following the apprentice thread? It's a resource the rest of us started without, so please, save yourself a lot of questioning and keep abreast of their progress. We've learned some valuable things in just the short time they've been up.

I'm growing prettier plants at the moment with the RX Green Solutions, but I can't leave soil behind, and those grown with Doc's kit have an energy that draws you in. When you've grown your first crop you'll understand. If organic soil-grown plants are your goal the kit is an excellent choice, IMHO. Eventually I'll control the kit better and every plant will shine. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I roll those bales of ProMix up the 40 stairs. :laughtwo: It always makes me question my sanity. Lol! Have fun mixing soil. :ciao:

Thanks for the tip on the apprentice. I just searched and found the Darkscotia Apprentices Doc Bud - Passion#1 thread. Is that the one you are referring to? I have plenty of time while the soil is cooking to read through from the beginning...lol. Hubby brought the bale in to the creepy Hobbit cellar we have. He said "your lucky you have a husband that loves you!" :laughtwo: That's a big freakin bale! I am trying to picture you rolling that sucker up 40 steps. Yikes! You are in way better shape than I am. I need to get my sorry ass back to the gym!:laugh: I can't wait to be elbow deep in worm poo, peat, and fungus! :rofl:
Hahaha Preach Sue preach ;)

:laughtwo: You caught me on a hot day Joe. Everywhere I turned there was more proof of the insanity. Thank God I have Blue Dream and Carnival. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Hi Sue!


New Year ... New Thread .. thought i read that somewhere? Your thread list is insane!

Carnival is looking awesome, finest of that strain for you ... dang ... CHEMOVAR ... yet!


Happy New Year Keith. :hug: I've lost track of how many threads I have. :laughtwo: They keep me busy. :cheesygrinsmiley: I was thinking about starting the next addition, but I didn't want to clutter up the holidays. We're over 100 pages. I'm feeling 150 pages marks the new start. So what...about two weeks? Lol!

Wow.. that was an old one.
Tead responded at the time and stands by his words....

edited for sympathy reasons....
Some day I'll be able to let loose of this hatred. While you'd think I'd be over it, not so much... and the fact that I can even ponder ending it is very new.
Sorry y'all

Can I hope that hanging around all this joy is having a subtle effect on that senseless, but fully understandable hatred? No love for the man here either. When they released his tapes and I realized the depth of his ...... there's no word for something that dark.... I shook for almost 30 minutes. Not a moment one easily forgets.

Nothing good comes from hate. It keeps you from flying. I like flying. I'm still working on forgiving Nixon too. Thing is, he's gone, which means none of it matters anymore. Our job is to let ourselves heal. We have cannabis to help with that, good cannabis, which is a kind of poetic justice. Lol!

Thanks for the tip on the apprentice. I just searched and found the Darkscotia Apprentices Doc Bud - Passion#1 thread. Is that the one you are referring to? I have plenty of time while the soil is cooking to read through from the beginning...lol. Hubby brought the bale in to the creepy Hobbit cellar we have. He said "your lucky you have a husband that loves you!" :laughtwo: That's a big freakin bale! I am trying to picture you rolling that sucker up 40 steps. Yikes! You are in way better shape than I am. I need to get my sorry ass back to the gym!:laugh: I can't wait to be elbow deep in worm poo, peat, and fungus! :rofl:

You are going to have such fun. :high-five: Doc's giving you a step-by-step. You'll do better than me. :laughtwo:

Oh...almost forgot... I'm getting ready to flip the Jamaican and she's too spread out. Tonight I did something about that. :cheesygrinsmiley:







I'll give her a week or so to get adjusted. I've been cutting the light back a half hour a day. At some point I'll just make the switch.


She's gonna be gorgeous in bloom. :dreamy:
:laughtwo: You caught me on a hot day Joe. Everywhere I turned there was more proof of the insanity. Thank God I have Blue Dream and Carnival. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Happy New Year Keith. :hug: I've lost track of how many threads I have. :laughtwo: They keep me busy. :cheesygrinsmiley: I was thinking about starting the next addition, but I didn't want to clutter up the holidays. We're over 100 pages. I'm feeling 150 pages marks the new start. So what...about two weeks? Lol!

Can I hope that hanging around all this joy is having a subtle effect on that senseless, but fully understandable hatred? No love for the man here either. When they released his tapes and I realized the depth of his ...... there's no word for something that dark.... I shook for almost 30 minutes. Not a moment one easily forgets.

Nothing good comes from hate. It keeps you from flying. I like flying. I'm still working on forgiving Nixon too. Thing is, he's gone, which means none of it matters anymore. Our job is to let ourselves heal. We have cannabis to help with that, good cannabis, which is a kind of poetic justice. Lol!

You are going to have such fun. :high-five: Doc's giving you a step-by-step. You'll do better than me. :laughtwo:

Oh...almost forgot... I'm getting ready to flip the Jamaican and she's too spread out. Tonight I did something about that. :cheesygrinsmiley:







I'll give her a week or so to get adjusted. I've been cutting the light back a half hour a day. At some point I'll just make the switch.


She's gonna be gorgeous in bloom. :dreamy:

Oh she really is .. Beautiful support job Sue .
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