SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

I should be courting a nutrient sponsor for the hempy portion of my grow, shouldn't I?

What?!?! You haven't rounded up some free nutes.... shame on you.

Happy Saturday to ya Sue :)

So, questions for you on your Malawi you have jared up. Is it "the strongest" weed you've ever had? Just curious if the breeders write up is fact or fantasy land hype to sell beans. How many weeks did she take to harvest? All important Malawi 500 information our inquiry minds wanna know :rofl: Plus now your in prime pole position being you already have one of these harvested lol. Some pics of the race leaders plants from you and Penny would be cool ;-)

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:

I've got several stages of Malawi's going including a now almost 6ft tall male (so fun!). I'll snap photos during feedings this morning and be sure to include them in a round of banter.
Sue, a suggestion for the tent with the two Growants in it ...

I see quite a hot spot in the photos, and I think you'd do better if you spread the panels wider. In fact, I'd snug each one up to a side and leave a wide gap between them. The center is getting light from both of them.



How's this look Graytail? :battingeyelashes:


Good morning everyone :love:

You know you're addicted to growing when you roll out of bed giddy about shifting lights. :laughtwo:

I'm ready for my morning routine now. I preceded that light shift with a Recharge/EWC topping and a plain water drench. I find it amusing how often I'll tend to the plants and ignore my own needs. Lol! I'll be back in a bit.

Do your best to be boldly joyful on this lovely Sunday morning. Feels like a good day to get out for a walk. I was out yesterday with a friend and we were walking through puddles as snow rapidly melted in the rising temps. Today it's all foggy out here along the Mighty Mon. A couple more days like this and the snow will have vanished.

Ok, my friends, the steamy shower calls. Catch you later. :ciao:

What?!?! You haven't rounded up some free nutes.... shame on you.

Yeah.... I'll have to do something about that before I run out. I think I might be just the kind of journal/journals they're looking for. Almost every plant in my garden gets multiple exposure in other journals.

Tead said:
I've got several stages of Malawi's going including a now almost 6ft tall male (so fun!). I'll snap photos during feedings this morning and be sure to include them in a round of banter.

I'll look forward to them. You reminded me about the pictures I promised AB.

She's filling up the closet like a champ.




You ever notice how so many of my plants grow into heart shapes? :laughtwo:


Trichomes are just beginning to develop.


Happy Sunday Sweetness :hug: :love: :hug:

Happy Sunday Mr Am4zin. :hug: :love: :hug:
High and Green blessings SugarSue.
High and Green blessings Sue.
Good afternoon everyone :love:

I think the Jamaican looks comfortable in her new digs with more light. :battingeyelashes:


She's claimed it all. :laughtwo:


I'm having the same challenge getting clear shots under this light as I was with the mother under the COBs and CFLs, it's like looking at the sun. Lol!


Carnival 4.6 is progressing well too. She's almost got that empty spot filled.


So far so good.


There's that little bit in the center that I want to catch up before I turn them loose and let them grow to the indoor sun. These outer tips are looking ready to go.


We're experiencing a delightfully springtime day here, a true rarity for January. After drenches I'm heading out to spend the majority of the daylight hours in the outdoors, taking in all the sunlight and fresh air I can. I hope you have the chance to do the same. While you're at it, choose to be deliberately joyful and see what new delights drop in front of you.

You have fun over there, I'll continue doing the same over here by the Mighty Mon. :ciao:
It's beautiful out here! :woohoo: Let's see how long I can stay away from the plants. :laughtwo:
It's beautiful out here! :yahoo: Let's see how long I can stay away from the plants. :laughtwo:
Heatwave in the 'Burg' today.....whoooo hooooo, 62 degrees....it was 55 in the 'D'....I filled up both of the horses' 100 gallon water tanks....felt good for the middle of January..... :thumb:
Heatwave in the 'Burg' today.....whoooo hooooo, 62 degrees....it was 55 in the 'D'....I filled up both of the horses' 100 gallon water tanks....felt good for the middle of January..... :thumb:

Yes it did. I even treated myself to a session of 8 Brocades movements out along the river. :battingeyelashes: Ahhh....what a pleasant day all around. :love:
One of the Jamaican cuttings rooted. :yahoo:

Please welcome Jamaican 1.2. :battingeyelashes: :love:



Tonight she's waaay back from the light. In a few days she'll have made her way up to 24".


This girl will come to harvest as a hempy. :slide: The daughter's sensitive system will be able to feel any differences in medicinal effectiveness, and her olfactory system is adept at distinguishing subtle differences between plants, so if there's a problem with hempy and her meds we'll know quickly. I'll put the next rooted cutting into soil so there's a backup right behind.
Welcome Jamaican 1.2.

Morning GT. :hug: :oops: Good afternoon. :laughtwo:

Good afternoon everyone :love:

Back from the senior lunch. Two days in a row the meal was more than just food. Lol! I'm beginning to settle in, although you all know me well enough to understand that I walked in and kinda took over. :laughtwo: In a loving way, mind you. In this collection of new friends my gardening skills will be kept to myself. This is a generation that believes the propaganda. Many of them view cannabis as a dangerous, addictive drug that sent too many of their community to prison.

I'll be gentle with them. :laughtwo: The supervisor is open to the message and helped me out with copies of the flow sheets as she cautioned me to keep it under wraps. :battingeyelashes:

I have to share some pictures guys. These two were just too stunning today to pass up. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Jamaican 1.1 is responding well, don't you think?




Now, you have to indulge me with CBD Critical Cure 2.7. I couldn't stop taking pictures. :laughtwo:


This is her last week with nutrients. Next week begins the flush. I'm gonna try to let this one go a but longer, see if she beefs up appreciably.





Still at least two weeks to go.







I love CFLs for the way you can get them right on top of the bud. :blunt:




A little scaling, for your perspective.




The bud right below that one caught my eye. This chemovar is a prolific trichome producer.


Shall we look a little closer? :battingeyelashes:


I'm taken aback with every grow at how beautifully they create the essential oils we seek. :dreamy:

I'm going for a walk, after I reinforce the buzz. :cheesygrinsmiley: You all continue to have the best day you can create. Be boldly joyful at every turn and you'll be surprised at how delightful those days can become. Get out there and share some of that unconditional love you've learned to express. I'll be doing the same over here. :ciao:
I hope she doesn't tip over when she bulks up.


Beautiful buds there girl. Enjoy your walk. Sunny and 70 F here today. Shorts on.

Thank you Jim. :battingeyelashes: My walk was brisk, one of my favorite flavors. Your compliment made me smile, coming from such a talented cultivator. I have her fastened down to the crate, but now that you mention it.......I believe I'll weight those crates down. :laughtwo:
This works. :battingeyelashes: It's a weighted lamp base from Dale's hobby train days. I just love being able to include him in the grow in some unexpected way. :love: It probably weighs five pounds, maybe more. It's heavy, I assure you.




That should stabalize her nicely. Now I won't worry about finding her on the floor before I tended to it. :laughtwo:


I decided to go ahead and chop the solo cup DCs back to the quick and let them start all over again.


It was more intense for 1.5, having spent almost two weeks in flower before I flipped her back. Again, I'm playing.



The tops'll dry and I'll add them to my canna crumbles that I sprinkle on food. Nothing goes to waste. Lol!

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