SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Every once in a while I'll fall asleep across the bed at around 9 PM and find myself roaming the virtual halls at 3:30 AM. :laughtwo: As you can see, tonight was one such event. The lights over the veg shelf went out and now I'm typing in the dark. Lol! Time to break out the ChemDawg. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Funny story.... I'd warned the daughter of the way ChemDawg tells you to go to bed, and the other night she took a couple inhallations and picked up the iPhone to do a little light reading before she slipped off to dreamland. After about ten minutes she felt like her eyelids gained weight and barely had time to click her pop socket shut before she went right out. Hahaha!

Let the Dawg work its magic now, please. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

Incidentally, my daughter has a very finely-tuned olfactory system and she can tell the difference between the ChemDawg grown by Hash Hound and the one grown by Jgrow. She has a marked preference for Hash Hound's crop, although both work. There's a terpene expression Hash Hound got that didn't match J's. I find no difference between the two. I envy this woman her alert sniffer.
I'm reading "Radical Remission" by Kelly A. Turner and in the second chapter she relates the case of a gentleman in Japan who, as part of his personal regimen, went out to greet the sunrise every morning. As a result of this consistent practice he discovered that birds begin chirping exactly 42 minutes before the sun rises. This led him to the speculation that they begin that chorus precisely because it's at this point that the trees start to release oxygen at the start of the new day. His personal conclusion was that the air in the 42 minutes before sunrise was a healthy hit for the lungs struggling to shrink the tumors within.

It worked. He's probably still alive, years beyond the diagnosis of "Go home to die."

This wasn't the only change he made to live. He also began sending love to his tumors and began hugging, among other changes.
My daughter loves a young man in chronic pain. A young man who refuses to even research cannabis as a means of relief because it's an illegal,drug, and if by some chance he was piss tested he'd lose his just-above minimum wage job.

This young man shares my daughter's life. Let me say that another way. This intelligent man lives with SweetSue's daughter and refuses to consider even researching the medicinal benefits of cannabis. Calls our proof that topicals won't show up on your piss test "stoner science."

Feel the creeping frustration? Yeah....:straightface: ...... This doesn't sit well with my deliberate intention to live in a state of equanimity and joy. :laughtwo:

I've come to the personal conclusion that I'll no longer feel sorry for this delightfully ignorant young man. There's obviously something he's gaining from being in pain. I don't understand that mindset at all, but then it really doesn't matter what I think, does it?

See? I wake up every morning and deliberately engage the universe in play. I ask it to lead me to greater understanding, and when it does it usually takes me a few moments of frustration before it clicks and I remember

The only thing I can control is how I feel. If I care more about how I feel than anything else, and choose with deliberation to feel happiness, true happiness, the universe will lead me to the answers. No judgement. No need for anyone else to change so I can feel better. If he chooses pain as his life expression it's not my place, or my desire, to tell him he's wrong.

That's a hard one to grab when I'm watching my daughter hurt for him. I did that for Dale for over 20 years. Yep, I hear ya....that non-judgement thing applies to her too. Damn all this growth and evolution!

Hmmmm..... Chemdawg. Must be the Chemdawg. :laughtwo:

I'll find my way through this. It's disconcerting to have him brush aside what we do here so casually. Hes waiting for double-blind tests. :straightface: He's the one living in a sea of pain, popping opioids whenever his father has some to spare. Everytime he offers one to my daughter she smiles sweetly, says "No thank you" and picks up her vaporizer or reaches for her canna cream. I think eventually he'll come to his senses, but between now and then I'm going to do my best not to think of him as an idiot, but as just another evolving human who chooses pain over relief.

How ironic, eh? His father, a recovering substance abuser who raised this boy in AA meetings, supplies his son with the opioids he doesn't use for his cancer pain. My daughter treats a list of physical concerns, including chronic pain with cannabis products supplied by her mother, who incidentally also supplies the aforementioned father with his regular supply of cannabinoid therapies. The very meds that allow him to set aside a few pain pills for his boy. Nothing simple and boring in my life, is there?
We would all benefit from having cannabis removed from the Schedule it never belonged on. It meets not a single criteria, as stated by our Federal government, that would make it a candidate for this Schedule.

Let's rephrase......

Won't it be nice when cannabis is free from the restrictions of the Schedule? :yahoo: :slide: :yahoo:

Better. :cheesygrinsmiley:
...because it's an illegal drug...

We started growing cannabis the month it became legal in Maine. Neither my wife or I partake (though I, like any good farmer, am the first to test my crops after harvest!). But after a lifetime of being told you cannot do something, for no apparent reason, (in the "Land of the Free" no less) when the right was handed back to us (legally) we exercised it on pure principle.
We started growing cannabis the month it became legal in Maine. Neither my wife or I partake (though I, like any good farmer, am the first to test my crops after harvest!). But after a lifetime of being told you cannot do something, for no apparent reason, (in the "Land of the Free" no less) when the right was handed back to us (legally) we exercised it on pure principle.

Me too, wife would not let me start till it was okayed in dc. I would have done it either way but she is the voice of reason. Go figure i dont partake but she does:smokin:
lol deliberately ignorant. Poor man. Its amazing that even with chronic pain he wont look into it. Ahhh to be young and stubborn. Sadly I am just older and stubborn lol.

Ha! Laughed right out loud. :laughtwo:

It pretty pathetic, to be honest. Once, when the daughter fell into the litany of all the things cannabis had changed for the better in her life he responded with "OK Susan." That attitude won't last the test of years, and as her mother I'm hoping that means his will change, because we know mine won't, and we know hers won't. She comes over here to vape because he doesn't care for the smell. Now, to be fair, we have a delightful relationship and enjoy shooting the breeze, but still. She vapes in the bathroom with the window open for God's sake.

We've decided to see him as accepting and participating in his own cannabinoid therapy. We'll let the universe get him there. We'll simply love him without condition. She's adamant about letting him have his time to readjust his attitudes and understanding. He and I would benefit from some conversation on the matter, but he's avoiding that, and I'm not ready to get pushy about it.

We started growing cannabis the month it became legal in Maine. Neither my wife or I partake (though I, like any good farmer, am the first to test my crops after harvest!). But after a lifetime of being told you cannot do something, for no apparent reason, (in the "Land of the Free" no less) when the right was handed back to us (legally) we exercised it on pure principle.

That made me feel so proud to be an American. :hug::hug::hug: Your wife is doing a wonderful job of using those buds. :circle-of-love:

Me too, wife would not let me start till it was okayed in dc. I would have done it either way but she is the voice of reason. Go figure i dont partake but she does:smokin:

Prohibition came with such a nasty side of fear. I think this is what irks me most about the practice. All of us were such sheep, until we woke up, but then, that's the purpose of prohibition and propaganda, isn't it? Even I once wondered if the weed I was running out for every day meant we were addicted. A dark period in my personal history. :straightface: When I learned the truth and realized how much money our government wasted over decades to destroy the reputation of the most valuable medicinal plant on the planet I got a little angry, in my own joyful way. :cheesygrinsmiley: My work here is my response to such an injustice. This is my contribution to balancing the social scales.

The country was founded on civil disobedience. All of our major social advancement was precluded by civil disobienience. None of what's going on now should surprise those who write our laws. I take heart that there's a serious movement in the capital to get cannabis off the schedule, spurred in great part by this administration's draconian views on the subject. This may be the collective anger we've been waiting for.

Good morning everyone :love:

After all those words I put you all through, we need some eye candy, don't you agree? :battingeyelashes: Chem Dawg is looking particularly luscious this morning. How about her?






There, I feel like a happier host. :laughtwo:

Before I begin to share this delightful news I want to preface with the statement that you don't make yourself happy so that wonderful things happen to you. You deliberately set your default to joy because that's what feels best, and most natural. Because that's when you know you're connected to all that is, where all the power in the universe flows. Then you should naturally anticipate that the universal forces will go out of their way to bring you experiences that extend the joyful countenance.

See the distinction?

I woke this morning to the phone ringing next to the bed. One of the benefits of being associated with the senior center is that every once in a while a great theatrical show comes through town and they get free tickets to give away to center participants. Yesterday I learned they were going to see "Wicked" tomorrow afternoon. I made a note to be alert to future opportunity and said "Sure, if someone cancels out I'll be happy to use a ticket."

So now, out of the blue, I'm getting two free tickets to tomorrow's matinee showing, and I'll be taking my daughter with me. :woohoo:

Universal forces have my back. :cheesygrinsmiley: They have yours too. There's nothing so special about me, just that I'm learning to let abundance flow through my life without getting in the way with resistant thoughts, that usually start with the word "But...." I'm learning to laugh at "But..." :laughtwo:

Get out there and let the universe treat you as well. It's all in allowing it to happen. When "But..." raises its head gently set it aside with an indulgent chuckle and keep going on your joyful way. Have fun with it today. I assure you, I already am. :slide:
High and good mornin Sue!

Just caught up on the last several posts and I dont know where to start.
Your daughters boyfriend...yeah I know that cat.:hmmmm:

One of my daughters had a dude like that in the picture.
He's not around anymore. ;) She woke up eventually.

I love the way you approach life. :love:

Your Chemdog is quite a frost bunny. :bravo:
She has me excited for you.
Can I admit I am watching oh so closely as I am anticipating the bloom of my own Chem variant.

Have a fantastic day.
Continue to allow the universe use you as a vessel of happiness and joy for others.

I just might reach out to share in your energy.
Buenos dias Senorita.:thanks:
It was really wonderful sharing growing tips with you Stage. The door's always open. :hug: Too bad we're not catching that high-speed canoe. Lol! Some other trip, I'm certain of it.

While I was drenching her today I noticed ChemDawg has a sweetness is not caught earlier, very reminiscent of Ziggy's Auto Jock Horror x Auto Amnesia. The weirdest thing, but a happy thing. Definitely a happy thing. I'm thinking this fragrance speaks to potent sleep meds, which is precisely what we need her to be. The daughter's developed a strong preference.

As as we were talking I realized I was being called to the kitchen by some buds ready to get out of the fridge. :laughtwo:

Jarring it up: Carnival 4.4

It's been two weeks, or close enough for government work. :cheesygrinsmiley: She did me proud, better than 25% of her dry weight. She went in the bags at 305 grams wet and came out 2.785 ounces dry. :woohoo:


I'll check the hygrometer in the morning and use rice if necessary to get it to 62%


Once I get the humidity level stabilized I'll set aside an ounce for CCO. This looks to be enough to get through until the next harvest. I still have enough on hand to get the BIL and myself through a month's cure. I keep growing like this or better and it takes the production pressure off. Having the variety I do helps a lot too. Whew!


Low and slo gives you such beautiful buds. They look like I picked them last week. They smell like leaves. :laughtwo: It takes a day or two for the terpenes to express themselves again.



Not bad for a small hempy pot. I'm getting used to growing this well. :blunt:
Yesterday I learned they were going to see "Wicked" tomorrow afternoon.

I think you'll really like "Wicked"! I was lucky to get free tickets myself a couple of years ago while on a tour in NY, nice prequel to the Wizard of Oz indeed.

Enjoy Sue

Gorgeous buds Sue.


Thank you Ditch. :hug: It's satisfying to come close to 3 oz. it takes a bit of the pressure off.

I think you'll really like "Wicked"! I was lucky to get free tickets myself a couple of years ago while on a tour in NY, nice prequel to the Wizard of Oz indeed.

Enjoy Sue


Oh Keith....what a glorious afternoon. I/we had a wonderful afternoon immersed in the magic of theater. Then we treated ourselves to coffee and came back home where she feels safest. It was such a delight to watch her be able to go to the theater and feel comfortable enough to enjoy the show. Cannabis has changed her life in dramatic ways. Being pressed up against strangers has always been a struggle for her, and today it never phased her enough to cause discomfort she couldn't control.

We took brownies. :cheesygrinsmiley: It made the show that much more interesting. :laughtwo:

Outstanding! 2 tickets to boot...nice!

I know, what a delicious turn of events. :slide: The seniors get a few trips like this every year, so I'm sure we'll get more chances to be cultured. :battingeyelashes: :love:

I may need to give the group a little talking to about the courtesies inherent in theater going. Too many times I was compelled to turn and shush my companions. You'd think seniors would be better trained. :laughtwo: They may let me have it next lunch, but I don't care. Other people around us paid good money for those seats. Courtesy people. This isn't rocket science. :straightface:

Good evening everyone :love:

Oh, what a delicious day. I think I'll take myself out to dinner to celebrate my first theater outing in over twenty years.

Some on topic eye candy to cheer you. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

Malawi 1.2 had to be dropped down for the second time in a week. :cheesygrinsmiley:



No trichome expression to speak of yet. Consequently, no fragrance yet either.


Aside from the obvious genetic damage she's pretty healthy. When CBD CC 2.7 comes down I think I'll shift her into the Spa and plant some DDAs. :slide:



And a few random shots of CBD CC 2.7. :battingeyelashes:




That feels better. :battingeyelashes: You can continue on with your joyful day now. I'll catch up after dinner. :ciao:
I'm reading "Radical Remission" by Kelly A. Turner and in the second chapter she relates the case of a gentleman in Japan who, as part of his personal regimen, went out to greet the sunrise every morning. As a result of this consistent practice he discovered that birds begin chirping exactly 42 minutes before the sun rises. This led him to the speculation that they begin that chorus precisely because it's at this point that the trees start to release oxygen at the start of the new day. His personal conclusion was that the air in the 42 minutes before sunrise was a healthy hit for the lungs struggling to shrink the tumors within.

It worked. He's probably still alive, years beyond the diagnosis of "Go home to die."

This wasn't the only change he made to live. He also began sending love to his tumors and began hugging, among other changes.

Thanks Sue! Looks like a must read. My local library has this. How do you mange to find all your treasure? Damn I hope you sleep at some point!
Hiya Sue!! That lo n slo looks delicious!!! Almost 3 ounces.....that's greeeeaaaatttttt (Tony-the-Tiger voice) The rest of the forest is beautiful as well! I hope you and your daughter enjoyed "Wicked" If anybody deserves it that would be you. You are selfless and kind. Thanks for being you. :allgood: :volcano-smiley:
Thanks Sue! Looks like a must read. My local library has this. How do you mange to find all your treasure? Damn I hope you sleep at some point!

:laughtwo: When I was up for one of the contests Teddy Edwards laughed that the staff wondered if I'd found a way to fit more hours into a day. It's been that way from the beginning. Sometimes I find myself wondering how I believe any man could fit into my over-the-top life. Never thought I'd be this happy and satisfied alone, but then I'm never really alone, am I? :battingeyelashes:

I haven't read any today. The eyes are tired from crying over the story line of Wicked. Lol!

Hiya Sue!! That lo n slo looks delicious!!! Almost 3 ounces.....that's greeeeaaaatttttt (Tony-the-Tiger voice) The rest of the forest is beautiful as well! I hope you and your daughter enjoyed "Wicked" If anybody deserves it that would be you. You are selfless and kind. Thanks for being you. :allgood: :volcano-smiley:

You were the icing on the cake today, my friend. Coffee at Starbucks is one of our favorite treats when we go out together. Thank you. :hug::hug::hug:
You almost made a grown man cry Susan!!! Just for joy for you and your daughter. Happy Friday hun!!! Hope your weekend rocks!!! BIG HUGSSSS :volcano-smiley:
I could only imagine what that file cabinet's size is? Just a drive-by.. Looking great Sue..

GL and Keepem Green
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