Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL - LED

Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

I'm good, NOW turn down the lights, I need to take a puff! hehehe

Lookin nice and green there girl - you got it going! Love that top dress and mulch. I really think that helps the soil.

I found a website at Cornell that talks about specific cover crops and found a few that are not well known that we could use!! I found this website very very cool/informative and I'm still not finished reading it. I bet there's more there that just cover crop info for us no-till gardeners. I actually know some folks up there in Ithaca that do organic gardening and lernt it from Cornell and they grow organic soybeans for specialty tofu, organic soy milk, miso etc and they grow on a massive scale too (100+ acres). Actually smoked the best weed I ever tasted in Ithaca!! Tompkins County yeah u right!


Cover Crop Guide

Hey SS I planted a Dark Devil Auto around the same time as you, the autos grow FAST wow. I had 3 going and I left the window open (3rd floor grow) and don't ya know a freaking squirrel jumped in the window dug up one of my other plants but didn't hurt it just dug a hole looking for food then went and ate 2 of my seedlings that were like 3 days old. Totally gone nothing... probably a baby squirrel they do crap like that in our out door gardens too. They actually sit on the electrical wires and chew the insulation ... until they don't! I ummm shut the window.:thumb:

Lesson learned, eh BB? Little earthlings can be a strain sometimes. I've been so busy this week I'm way behind on journals. Need to jump over to yours and see your own Devil.

Thanks for that link BB. I'll check it out.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -


I started the process of developing a user's guide for this thread. I feel a responsibility to keep the information we share from being lost in the sheer volume of pages we're burning through. I began with today and began working backward, making notes of things I thought were relevant enough to cross reference, and some things that I just wanted to remember for the laughs. :laughtwo:

I'm 10 pages back and my notes are considerable. This is going to be a serious undertaking, but I'll have it done by the end of the grow. We talk about some pretty significant things here. I was impressed myself, and I still have 105 pages to go. Time for a break. :smokin:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

I got a lot of catching up to do subbed
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

:slide::slide::slide: :slide::slide::slide: sleep much Sue?:slide::slide::slide: :slide::slide::slide:

I've found sleeping without him challenging, to say the least Weaselcracker. :laughtwo: I get up, go to the door, look in..... and come back here. Until I can't stay awake, a point that keeps getting later. No distractions at night.

Burning the candle at both ends, I'm afraid. Holding up surprisingly well.

Can't tell I'm stoned, eh? :laughtwo::green_heart:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

I got a lot of catching up to do subbed

Welcome greenlungs420. Take your time. There's lots in there. :laughtwo: You're just in time for the jump start into veg. This one's an auto, so everything begins to speed up. In a couple weeks we turn it up with some transitions. It'll be fun.

Glad you could make it. :love:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Daily Update: Dark Devil Auto - Day 31

The pot was turned 1/4 and the reservoirs filled. I decided that the massive uptake of water in the waiting pot was due to the wild mustard and I pulled it all. Some I pulled out by the roots.


The rest I simply cut below the soil line and left the roots to decompose in the soil.


Here's our darling. Day 31. Creeping up on the halfway point already.


She's beginning to stretch upwards.


Six nodes now and building rapidly.


Her first measurement.



The DormGrow G8 is maintaining the humidity and temperature to near perfect conditions when the curtain is closed and it's running. As soon as I turn it off to take pictures the humidity begins to rise. It takes no time at all to get it back down once the light goes back on. Loving this light.



You all have a wonderful day. I need to take my brother to see his PC this morning, so my schedule is all out of whack, but I'll be able to spend the bus time studying LOS threads. I'm going to look for opportunities to spread joy. Hope you will too. :love:

Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Cation Exchange Capacity in Soils, Simplified

Cation Exchange Capacity in Soils, Simplified by Michael Astera

I decided it was time to begin to break it down. Soil Chemistry explained in a way that my brain may actually grasp, after another reading and maybe some mind-mapping applications. :laughtwo:

It's a beginning. :nomo:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

The conventional thought is to not stress autos at all, which would preclude topping. However, I believe danTenshi has proven that you can, in fact, top and train an auto successfully. What that does to the brix levels is up for dispute, but then, if the harvest is clean and acceptably potent, does that really matter in the end?

This may be strain dependent also. In my experience with non-auto's, Northern Lights, Snow White and ICE did very well with LST/HST/Topping and FIM'ing.

But, Aurora Indica did NOT like all the manipulation.

It may take a little bit of experimentation with each strain to see how they handle different techniques.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Cation Exchange Capacity in Soils, Simplified

Cation Exchange Capacity in Soils, Simplified by Michael Astera

I decided it was time to begin to break it down. Soil Chemistry explained in a way that my brain may actually grasp, after another reading and maybe some mind-mapping applications. :laughtwo:

It's a beginning. :nomo:

Good for you for reading. FYI, the "nuts and bolts" part of the essay you linked to is good. The ratio's they give for soil are not so good. It's a start, but there is so much more information that pretty much negates much of the recommendations for fertility that is mentioned in the paper.

I'll leave it to you to figure out what's what.....and it will require a good deal more reading on the topic. But the fact that you've chosen to educate yourself is a super good thing and points to better things coming your way RE gardening. It's one thing to follow a method----and there's nothing wrong with that----it's another thing entirely to understand the science and reasoning behind a method and to be aware of many "methods" and be able to evaluate them objectively, based on education.

For example:

Per Acre , to a depth of 6” to 7”, 1 meq or ME=

20 lb Hydrogen H+

400 lb Calcium Ca++

240 lb Magnesium Mg++

780 lb Potassium K+

460 lb Sodium Na+

The above is from the essay you quoted. However, if you wish to grow nutrient dense produce with a robust and productive biota these are what the numbers should look like:

3000-4000 lb Calcium!!!
430-570 lb magnesium
170-220 lb Phosphorus
170-220 lb Potassium

As for sodium, in order to achieve any kind of modest brix readings, it must be kept below 35 PPM.....the number listed in your essay is MILES higher than it should be.

Again, NPK type gardening also uses CEC as a measurement of soil conductivity and fertility, but those of us who desire a biological approach and nutrient density (brix) that far exceeds what can be achieved with NPK will do what we can to limit sodium. Excess sodium is worse than excess potassium.

Anyways...I just point this out so folks don't go out and try to copy what is in the essay with their soils.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Good for you for reading. FYI, the "nuts and bolts" part of the essay you linked to is good. The ratio's they give for soil are not so good. It's a start, but there is so much more information that pretty much negates much of the recommendations for fertility that is mentioned in the paper.

I'll leave it to you to figure out what's what.....and it will require a good deal more reading on the topic. But the fact that you've chosen to educate yourself is a super good thing and points to better things coming your way RE gardening. It's one thing to follow a method----and there's nothing wrong with that----it's another thing entirely to understand the science and reasoning behind a method and to be aware of many "methods" and be able to evaluate them objectively, based on education.

For example:

The above is from the essay you quoted. However, if you wish to grow nutrient dense produce with a robust and productive biota these are what the numbers should look like:

3000-4000 lb Calcium!!!
430-570 lb magnesium
170-220 lb Phosphorus
170-220 lb Potassium

As for sodium, in order to achieve any kind of modest brix readings, it must be kept below 35 PPM.....the number listed in your essay is MILES higher than it should be.

Again, NPK type gardening also uses CEC as a measurement of soil conductivity and fertility, but those of us who desire a biological approach and nutrient density (brix) that far exceeds what can be achieved with NPK will do what we can to limit sodium. Excess sodium is worse than excess potassium.

Anyways...I just point this out so folks don't go out and try to copy what is in the essay with their soils.

Thank you for that clarification Doc. This is just a jumping off point for me and I agree, please everyone, don't take this as an endorsement of the ratios set out in this paper. This is me, trying to understand the science behind the living soils I'll be working with. I have a long study path ahead of me. Any assistance in pointing me in the right direction is appreciated.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

When using barley can it already be powdered and you just mix it in with your tea and bubble it? Or should I sprout the barley seeds, blend them and then mix with water?
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

When using barley can it already be powdered and you just mix it in with your tea and bubble it? Or should I sprout the barley seeds, blend them and then mix with water?

You ask really good questions. If you purchase malted barley grain it has already been sprouted under rigorous standards, so all you need to do is grind it to a fine powder, mix it with some reconstituted Kelp meal and good water and let it steep for 4 hours. No need to bubble at all. Then add your aloe vera juice, fulvic acid, and Agsil, if you so desire.

The kelp is indispensable. The regular additions of aloe vera juice, Agsil and fulvic acid will improve your soil structure. In time they should definitely become part of your regular drenches and teas, but it's the barley grain that supplies the enzymes that cause our plants to stand at attention and reach for the light in that marvelous way they do.

Enzymes are substances produced by a living organism that act as catalysts to bring about a specific biochemical reaction. The fulvic acid is the catalyst of catalysts. Together they pack a powerful punch to the soil. Well worth the investment.

I still need to get Agsil, neem cake and alfalfa meal for my own garden and then I'll have all the absolutely necessary things to keep my no-till garden clicking along happily for years. There'll be other things I'll try, but the very basics for me are malted barley grain, aloe vera juice, kelp meal, young coconut water, fulvic acid, TM-7 (humic acid and micro-nutrients), neem cake, Agsil, and alfalfa meal. I think that's the total list. We all know how those lists keep growing longer, don't we? :laughtwo:

On another note, I learned yesterday that this wonderful soil that I grow in can be planted in on the day you mix it up. How cool is that? There's nothing "hot" in the mix, something I'd suspected all along. I've decided to try a tier on the LOS pot, which means I can drop a seed at any time, since mine is coming up on three weeks cooking. I have the Devil planted off center, so there should be no problem with fitting it in. I'll look closer tomorrow morning when lights are on. Maybe one of my mystery seeds? Oooooo.

I was looking over the Mars LED panels today. Very reasonable prices. The choice becomes one of grabbing the affordable choice or holding out and saving for the better unit. I'm not sure how I feel about it at this time. It would be nice to have another panel to play with though.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

"I was looking over the Mars LED panels today. Very reasonable prices. The choice becomes one of grabbing the affordable choice or holding out and saving for the better unit. I'm not sure how I feel about it at this time. It would be nice to have another panel to play with though".

I Love my lil marshydro reflecter. Only 150w but does the job for my lil space. Gunna upgrade to the 300w when funds permit & then use the other for clone/seedlings.. Very gd for the price :)
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Hey Sue, thanks for the awesomely detailed answer. I only ask because I was reading buildasoil's barley directions. I do not really have a blender to do that with, I could buy one but it doesn't seem necessary. I found a website that sells malted barley that is already ground up to a fine powder, so I will try that out. I was going to ask you about the Agsil and other things mentioned. I'm just a little clueless as to how I apply these? Foliar spraying or just mix it with water and go? I've got a lot of research ahead of me still, haha. As for the soil mix and not having to let it cook, that's great! Are you sure, though? Sorry, I just was under the impression that the rock dust was toxic or something until the microbes break it down.

Edit: As for Mars led, I love mine. The reflectors are quite bright. I run a mars2 900w and a Reflector 144x3w in a 5x5 tent.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Hey Sue, thanks for the awesomely detailed answer. I only ask because I was reading buildasoil's barley directions. I do not really have a blender to do that with, I could buy one but it doesn't seem necessary. I found a website that sells malted barley that is already ground up to a fine powder, so I will try that out. I was going to ask you about the Agsil and other things mentioned. I'm just a little clueless as to how I apply these? Foliar spraying or just mix it with water and go? I've got a lot of research ahead of me still, haha. As for the soil mix and not having to let it cook, that's great! Are you sure, though? Sorry, I just was under the impression that the rock dust was toxic or something until the microbes break it down.

Edit: As for Mars led, I love mine. The reflectors are quite bright. I run a mars2 900w and a Reflector 144x3w in a 5x5 tent.

Before you order that powder --- it's nowhere near the quality you'll get from grinding your own grain. I can't remember the precise reason at the moment, it's in my notes at home and I'm on the bus now. I'll look it up later. Malted barley grain and an inexpensive coffee grinder. That's all you need.

I'll answer the rest of your questions when I get home in a couple hours.

Edit: Just curious, how do you have your lights arranged in your tent? What plants get preference? It's all new to me and I'm getting ready to move up a notch here.
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Good to know about the barley! I'll just have to break down and get the grinder. As for my light setup, I have them basically dividing the tent, but more so in the middle of the tent. I'll have to get a picture to show you. Plants are under them in a psuedo-circle to try and even out the light penetration and different spectrums. The two lights seem to fill my 5x5 up quite nicely and I'm very happy with the LEDs. I went from CFL like you to LED and will never look back!
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

I'll be watching for that picture. :blushsmile:
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

. As for the soil mix and not having to let it cook, that's great! Are you sure, though? Sorry, I just was under the impression that the rock dust was toxic or something until the microbes break it down.

Edit: As for Mars led, I love mine. The reflectors are quite bright. I run a mars2 900w and a Reflector 144x3w in a 5x5 tent.

Rock dust is just not good for humans breathing it into your lungs, HOWEVER I work in a stone shop and rock dust is EVERYWHERE. Guys that are exposing themselves to breathing in the dust don't wear masks, if it was REALLY bad they would be showing signs by now for sure. When I say dust think about a room full of clouds of smoke you cant see the other side of the room dusty. Not all the time but enough. Needless to say I dont hang around there but I do collect the stone dust when they clean the water filters.

That's pretty cool about the MarsII - I have a 900W in my tent and 2 450w reflectors in my flower tent and am getting good result. I'm burning up about 1180w of power so its pretty much the same as 2 600w HID without all the heat - don't get me wrong tho It's still warm in the grow room, low 90s middle of the day.

regarding the Malted Barley - I used to brew my own beer and I have a table top grinder made specifically for malted barley. It cracks the grain properly to a specific size so that the enzymes and sugars can be extracted most efficiently . There's a science there for sure. The short cut when making beer was to purchase the Malt Extract in syrup form or purchase the powder, I've done it all ways. I used to also purchase 50# bags of the seeds that were malted already and ground them with the grinder and make the mash. I would dump the spent mash in the garden and my dogs would eat it until they puked and kept going back for more. That's a sign that it's good stuff..
Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -

Awesome, bob. I think i could get dust from the marble mines around here. I think I read marble is good, same thing as volcanic rock? Eventually I would like to make my own mix from scratch, or at least gather as much as possible from the forest, etc..
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