TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage 1

Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

I am blessed to have to all visit overnight! :)

Big smiles from me when I saw all the comments and encouragement....thanks guy's :)

Hash Plants conditions are...well...she's a bit tall for the temporary temporary accommodation now (not a typo!). I really want her in the cab, but not sure I should yet, another day or so and any eggs from spider mites should have hatched...


OK - Sphynx...oh look I find it very hard to omit the 'y'...I had a very hard spelling teacher :)

That's what I need to know. I wasn't sure. She's on 24 like everyone at the moment. The sunshine is my 'compensation' for not enough wattage in the cab. But....consistent light source...that's what I want to know. Ok. Thanks mate.

So, I'm just clarifying an observation on your words...my understanding of flowering is light colour and timing cause the hormonal changes for flowering...and I guess I've drawn conclusions about this. What you're saying is the changing or inconsistent light source is or could be a trigger for flowering. Is that correct?

Thanks all. I hopefully will get pots re-pot all and finish some lights today. The new 6500K globes...despite paying for express are NOT HERE AFTER A F'N WEEK. Bass Straight (the stretch of ocean between us and australia main land), despite only being 470km (285 M) it seems to be the longest stretch of water on the planet. :)
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

I am blessed to have to all visit overnight! :)

Big smiles from me when I saw all the comments and encouragement....thanks guy's :)

Hash Plants conditions are...well...she's a bit tall for the temporary temporary accommodation now (not a typo!). I really want her in the cab, but not sure I should yet, another day or so and any eggs from spider mites should have hatched...


OK - Sphynx...oh look I find it very hard to omit the 'y'...I had a very hard spelling teacher :)

That's what I need to know. I wasn't sure. She's on 24 like everyone at the moment. The sunshine is my 'compensation' for not enough wattage in the cab. But....consistent light source...that's what I want to know. Ok. Thanks mate.

So, I'm just clarifying an observation on your words...my understanding of flowering is light colour and timing cause the hormonal changes for flowering...and I guess I've drawn conclusions about this. What you're saying is the changing or inconsistent light source is or could be a trigger for flowering. Is that correct?

Thanks all. I hopefully will get pots re-pot all and finish some lights today. The new 6500K globes...despite paying for express are NOT HERE AFTER A F'N WEEK. Bass Straight (the stretch of ocean between us and australia main land), despite only being 470km (285 M) it seems to be the longest stretch of water on the planet. :)

Lol hopefully they get there soon!

I've had plants flower under 24 hour light after being brought inside lol. Buds started forming under 24 hour light. They weren't autoflowers either. It's the change in light intensity that causes stress. Put it this way... Waking up in the afternoon, walking outside with no sun glasses on and staring at a white wall reflecting the sun. OOOOOOOUCHHHH!!!!! My EYES!!!!!!! AHHHH pretty much what the plant is saying as well when you make a switch like that... fluorescent lights are darkness compared to the sun.
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Fair call, nice analogy...fair enough too :)

Im not 'aware' of these things...out door is grow a seedling, stick it in the prepped hole, water n feed....job done :)

...well, you know, there abouts :)

I have considered this to some degree, when they've gone outside, it's been from sun up to sun down, so, there's some 'transition' for them, with the repot yesterday was overcast, and she was in the shade as her spot by the pool only get's sun to just after midday...:)

...not excuse, just what happened :)

Thanks again Sphnx. I do want to get Hash Plant growing :) shes a she, and frosty ...what more do you want :)

The other's aren't guarenteed anything yet...I'm pulling out the Stage 1 clause again...the learning, and thank you for the education

Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Nice job on the repot TassieDevil. Interesting process.

It would be awesome to have a time lapse of Hash Plant perking up and coming back around. That would be a winner.

I have my fingers, toes and hair crossed for the great response on the repot.

(Not stalking you this time looking for a handout, just checking your progress.):rofl:
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

A time lapse would be sooo cool.
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Week 4 Day 28

I'll work on the time lapse as she still hasn't really picked up :)

Re-potting and everything else day...it's been big, no write just pic's ok? :)

Group shot before


LL1's roots...mmm she's a bit tight :)


LL3's roots...mmm she's a bit tight ...now hang on a minute...wasn't she repotted 4 1/2 days ago...yep :)


O3's root...mmm she's a bit tight...even she/he the smallest, repotted 4 1/2 days ago... :)


Group Shot with Hash Plant for size comparison
Back row R-L LL1-4
Middle row R-L O1-3
..and hashy :)

Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1
















...and the irrepressable goddess of mank...Hashy :)

Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

New Lower cab with hashy and friends...




New Upper cab for the O's....no lights...oh no....about 2 hours no lights for the little one's .....


..and parting shots

New Upper cabinet for the O's - the lights are shitty improvised...it'll do for now...still waiting for globes....


Lower Cabinet


New Upper

Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Cheers brotha, great pictures.
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Week 4 Day 29

10 hours after re-pot

Lower Cab a little cold. We've got mixed conditions...hashy has drooped - it was warmer in her box, LL1 and LL2 are still droopy, the LL3/4 are good...I'd say it's temps....


Upper Cab good. Everyone seems to have picked up in the O family :)

Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Nice updates and photos Tassie thanks - I've enjoyed catching up! :cheesygrinsmiley:

It starting to seem you're looking towards a higher heat for your bottom cabinet girls...Everyone looks healthy enough...where are you going to put them when they get bigger?

Don't put yourself to pain answering. I've got plenty of time to wait, watch and see!

Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

They're lookin great brother! I sometimes look at these grows and envy the minimal work... It's awesome to grow big, but at the same time I miss being able to give all of my attention to 5 plants or even just 1 plant. It's definitely nostalgic for me seeing smaller grows.

You're doing a great job man, I love lookin at your grow.
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Week 4 Day 30

Thanks all for coming in and having a look, and sharing the love :circle-of-love:

Cabinet conditions a little (few degree's) warmer and more stable on average and humidity has been higher and stable too...slowly I'm getting this dialled in...oh hang on a little over confident....it looks like I'm getting it dialled in :)

...and you know these little temp/humid thingies...well they've got a F/C button on the back...for all you northerners I will be switching it over for the pics

Crash...Bash in the shed...back in a sec....f'n possum's...

Upper Cab


Lower Cab


You may notice the upper cab has an additional light...one for each plant....still not enough or right, but a temp fix for the littlies..

Everyone has lifted, hashy too is reaching up :) - I'll get the tripod set up ok, the nodes and maybe between the short spaces the internodes are swelling(?) too still, and maybe still producing flowers...so I can ask those that know what they think...

Sphynx I am listening brother, you said about a week of 24...well it's been 24 hours :) ...

not impatient or nuttin :)

But I want to see if I can get a shot that close...and maybe I'll learn something from someone who know's...like if that IS what I'm seeing.

...but I need to get the tripod and macro set up first and have a go...too much shaky hands for it otherwise :)

....oh and discolouration of leaves and stuff....it's early hands have had it, so the rest is to come :)

Have a great day/night all

Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

I''ve been wondering about this next bit

I'm not going into wiring and stuff like that on this build.

It's too involved and too easy to kill yourself if you F it up

Australia is 240V @ 10 Amps...more than enough
US is 110V @ 10 Amps...more than enough

I've worked with it for 25 years...I've had a tingle once...that was from a bared wire I didn't make....rats...

So...in the interests of safety and differing world standards etc, etc...this sort of detail will be left out.

There may be some things in these images which may not meet standards. I know this. BUT THEY ARE SAFE....bared shielding lengths and terminations are to standards.

When the conditions in the cab settle, lights, fans, etc, etc...I will tidy everything up, for the mo it's temporary and not to be taken as an indication of what or how to do anything.

Thanks for that :)
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Phew I just finished catching up
Mate what is the pain caused by in yer hands ? And hey that Hashy girl sure has some Charisma hope you have a great day
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Hey all, sorry my hands are f-d and I'm struggling

Jaga, ...12 months of nerve conduction studies that hurt like hell, 2 x carpel tunnel surgery on both hands, not carpel tunnel...2 1/2 hours in MRI....to find nothing other than some bulging discs in my neck which are putting pressure on some nerves...nothing to worry about...and couldn't cause the severity of symptoms...they say...but they can't find what's wrong.

I get some 30-60 seconds of being able to hold or manipulate something, before I let go from the shooting pain up my arms and into my neck. At it's worst, I couldn't wipe my bum or eat for a week...honest, couldn't lift my arms or hold a fork..nothing.

Typing hurts like hell.

one finger..the typing above is it. hands f'd

Ok so a 2 minute rest, and I've got about 30 second tyyping before I have to stop

I work 1 day to feed the family...I can't lift my arms for 3 days....can't hug the children...starting to get upset now, so Its time to stop.
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