TassieDevil's - Indoor - DIY - Bag Seed - What The Fluxing Learning Curve - Stage 1

Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Sorry about that.

Yesterday everyone seemed to shoot up, like add an inch!

Hashy's white hairs are deminishing and leaves appearing in their wake...it appears that way anyway.

Can't get the camera mount on the tripod...the thread is too fine and hands are shaking to much.

Maybe tomorrow I can give a piccie update

Bye for now :)
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Hey all, sorry my hands are f-d and I'm struggling

Jaga, ...12 months of nerve conduction studies that hurt like hell, 2 x carpel tunnel surgery on both hands, not carpel tunnel...2 1/2 hours in MRI....to find nothing other than some bulging discs in my neck which are putting pressure on some nerves...nothing to worry about...and couldn't cause the severity of symptoms...they say...but they can't find what's wrong.

I get some 30-60 seconds of being able to hold or manipulate something, before I let go from the shooting pain up my arms and into my neck. At it's worst, I couldn't wipe my bum or eat for a week...honest, couldn't lift my arms or hold a fork..nothing.

Typing hurts like hell.

one finger..the typing above is it. hands f'd

Ok so a 2 minute rest, and I've got about 30 second tyyping before I have to stop

I work 1 day to feed the family...I can't lift my arms for 3 days....can't hug the children...starting to get upset now, so Its time to stop.
Have you ever read any of Dr Holda Clarke a cure for all Disease
It sounds to me like you could have Flukes in an around your body there are a lot of Zappers that send a certain pulse to the spot an kill the Fluke /Parasite
I am grasping at straws it could even be a toxicity issue there are plenty of things that wont put you or yer body at to much risk if you check out some of Dr Clarkes stuff she could well her work could really make a difference,, for 14 years I have been tackling
or trying to tackle paddys MS ,, the good news we managed to stop relapses and she got some of her balance back ,, I feel for ya Tassie its a long hard road my friend the very best of luck
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Tassie, have you ever worked with vibrating tools? The reason I ask is I suffer & have been diagnosed with raynaulds disease & carpal tunnel syndrome. I was also suffering from electric shock type shooting pains that shot down my arms. If I was holding anything when these shocks appeared I couldn't keep hold as the shock caused an involuntary release. I also had pains in my wrist like the bones were broken. The doctors couldn't diagnose these symptoms so they remain a mystery but they have lessened in their severity over the last few years & only happen occasionally in winter if I can't keep myself warm. If you have used vibrating tools as I have then hopefully your symptoms will abate over the years as mine have.
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

You pretty much describe it as i feel it. That's it...pain in the wrist like they're broken...torn...when under load, or just holding something it feels like all the bones and ligaments are tearing apart is about as best as I can describe it.

Like you say it doesn't matter how hard I tell my hands to keep hold, they let go automatically....I have an orange juice bottle bong at the moment...I've dropped and broken 3 lovely bongs in the past 6 months. I use the kids bowls and cups, so if i drop them or knock it over it wont break on the floor....havent been able to play guitar in almost 9 months.

The wrists are biggest problem, my thumbs ache constantly and gripping stuff with them painful, the other fingers they just aggrevate the wrist when I use them, like typing....and then like you say pain, burning, numbness tingling, can't lift arms by this stage, shooting pain into back and neck.

My hands feel thick, like the skin is real thick too, so sensitivity...touch...I'm often not sure if I'm holding something unless I look at my hands for confirmation.

Chainsaws, brushcutters and lawn mowers are pretty much the vibrating tools I use regularly...I often have tingling hands after using them...like before all this stuff with my wrists happened.

I used a jack hammer once, left me tingling for days after.

You can see my sentences getting shorter. hands are over now

Thanks skunny, I feel like I'm a dickhead when I go to the docs...they're all scraatching their heads..and sometyimes they maje mre feel like an diot, or makin it all up...
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

I had the same thing with the doctors & specialists I saw. They were trying to tell me I couldn't be experiencing these sensations as they weren't symptoms of raynaulds or carpal. They were looking at me like I was telling lies but the truth was they were clueless as it isn't written in any of their books & they have no machines to tell them what is wrong. I hope like me your symptoms fade with time. I still suffer but nowhere near as bad as I was 5 years ago
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

You pretty much describe it as i feel it. That's it...pain in the wrist like they're broken...torn...when under load, or just holding something it feels like all the bones and ligaments are tearing apart is about as best as I can describe it.

Like you say it doesn't matter how hard I tell my hands to keep hold, they let go automatically....I have an orange juice bottle bong at the moment...I've dropped and broken 3 lovely bongs in the past 6 months. I use the kids bowls and cups, so if i drop them or knock it over it wont break on the floor....havent been able to play guitar in almost 9 months.

The wrists are biggest problem, my thumbs ache constantly and gripping stuff with them painful, the other fingers they just aggrevate the wrist when I use them, like typing....and then like you say pain, burning, numbness tingling, can't lift arms by this stage, shooting pain into back and neck.

My hands feel thick, like the skin is real thick too, so sensitivity...touch...I'm often not sure if I'm holding something unless I look at my hands for confirmation.

Chainsaws, brushcutters and lawn mowers are pretty much the vibrating tools I use regularly...I often have tingling hands after using them...like before all this stuff with my wrists happened.

I used a jack hammer once, left me tingling for days after.

You can see my sentences getting shorter. hands are over now

Thanks skunny, I feel like I'm a dickhead when I go to the docs...they're all scraatching their heads..and sometyimes they maje mre feel like an diot, or makin it all up...

I had the same thing with the doctors & specialists I saw. They were trying to tell me I couldn't be experiencing these sensations as they weren't symptoms of raynaulds or carpal. They were looking at me like I was telling lies but the truth was they were clueless as it isn't written in any of their books & they have no machines to tell them what is wrong. I hope like me your symptoms fade with time. I still suffer but nowhere near as bad as I was 5 years ago

If you guys are up for trying this it will help both of you out. No joke.

Find or make some bho (doesn't really matter on the quality as much for this state)
Get a bottle 70% or higher Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol.
Put alcohol into jar and through in you bho. (The more hash in the alcohol the better honestly. I usually put around a half ounce of bho in a quart jar)
Shake until the hash is completely mixed in. Then soak your hands up to your wrist in it for 10-15 minutes couple times a day. Guarantee you this will work. If it will make the symptoms of Arthritis in 70+ year old patients go away, and lubricate their joints for move movement... It will help you both.

Much love and respect
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

You're incredibly welcome my friend. Glad to help you out somehow :)
Everyone I recommend it to uses it regularly. I have my girlfriend rub it onto my back for my muscle spams... Miracle medicine ;)
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

It really is a miracle plant, the amount of people on here who report the amazing qualities of this plant never ceases to amaze me
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Bit teary this morning guys.

Thank you all, I truly appreciate your interest, help, just saying something about it..docs saying can't do anything..they've moved from trying to fix things...to managing the pain...so that means they don't know....so I've been losing hope that it's going to get better....obviously there is an alternative point of view! :)

Then I get the condecending ...you have very real symptoms...but because I have PTSD they are always dumbing down what I say...oh Adam, look you're very stressed at the moment..truly is that what you feel? To which of course the PTSD fires and either I shut down completely or go ballistic and end up wanting to take the person outside...which of course means that I have just confirmed my perception of reality shouldn't be considered..

Last time I was in hospital I was left in the hallway...I am skinny and look pretty aweful at the moment, I'm not well that's all...they thought I was a narcotic addict, because I asked for oxycontin by name, so left me unable to move and in severe pain in the hallway for over 12 hours before I finally got up and left myself....

My mate is a nurse...he told me this after I experienced it, I asked what happened why I was treated like this...that's what he said..they're trained to ignore ill looking people coming in for pain medication...

Hey Sphynx...damn y....I'll look up what BHO is...you guy's are just too far ahead of us little Taswegion's, and thanks mate, I appreciate it! :)

Hashy has been really stinking up the cabinet with her sexy femininess :)

Everyone is firing

Got a couple of shots with the tripod yesterday, but was struggling...managed to do 7 hours paid work yesterday! :) but the hands suffered.

In the interest of consistencey...5am our time is when I've been writing the day's out, so:

Week 5 Day 32

We had snow to 1100feet night before last...temps dropped to around 60F, but stayed there, and yesterday was up around the 80-85F.

Got some shots just now...the tripod can't get close enought, but maybe the pics will be better?

Upper Cab


Lower Cab


O's leaf tips. I've never grown the O's before, so am I going to have to consider different nutrients for each of the species? O's are all the same, looking like PH or nutrient issue...still all growing well, but...


L's leaf tips. By comparison all the L's are perfect. I've grown these before, and the species is definately a set and forget type. You plant it, it grows, that's it! Honest, this species you could put in the ground, walk away from and come back to a 2-3m high plant fully developed, 3 or so months later....as long as the stoner possums around here are growing their own...otherwise!


Hashy - The shot's aren't good, but the hairs are definately lessening



Sorry if I'm a bit whingy...no meds 3 days...I'm ok, just 'sensitive' :)
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

The way you were treated is horrible, I'm sorry man. And PTSD is a motherfcker. God blacking out from adrenaline over thoughts in my head is fucked up. Had to learn how to control it, but sometimes it gets the best of it.

BHO is Butane Hash Oil. Bubble Hash or Cold Water Extract might work as well, but I'm not sure... Haven't tried.
But please please try this brother, I know for a fact it will help you with your pain in one way or another.

Edit: and if you need some safe pointers on BHO pm me about it, I can only say so much about it but I'll help as much as I can without breaking any rules :)
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Hashy might be my saviour...whilst I save her...what a wonderfully symbiotic relationship....with a plant :)

Mate, I'm sorry you suffer too. What most of the dick*ead's don't realise is despite the fact I'm military, martial arts trained, despite the fact I'm 6'2 well and was 220lb of muscle...I have never hit...ok...that's a lie....I broke one man once out of anger, he was abusive and I was in a bad mood...he copped it.

Every other f*wit I've encountered I've subdued or turned away from....yet as soon as I say I have PTSD to any of these medical people, everyone jumps back as if I'm about to explode....they have no idea how much self control I have to have, just to listen to their ego's and their own crap.

F sorry man, really I'm gunna stop now, I'm just a big fn whinger.

Butane hash oil was what you guy's were talking about before on your thread, ok, am going to go and look it all up.

Thanks again Sphnx, I got some hope again! :)
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Before you go take some crazy method on... I'll send you a few pro tips ;)
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

SO currently this big man has tears streaming down his face.

I dunno what to say to you all, thanks is about as much as I can get out....I'm honoured that you all are taking an interest in me, honest...I'm struggling with it

Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Brother life is too beautiful and short. Gotta keep your head up even if it hurts. If you believe in the medicine you grow, it will work better. Gotta keep those positive vibes around, you know?
Re: TassieDevil's Indoor DIY Bagseed WhatTheFluxing Learning Curve-Stage1

Stay strong brother & feel free to say whatever you wish, it's your thread & anyone worth their salt will understand & help you where possible.
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