About time you got some normal sized jars.

That harvest is truly amazing. So are your floors.
Haha! That's on my table top in the garage.
I had a few extra pieces of laminate laying around.

Thought it made a nice dark background.
Jolene photo dump...

Stay lifted!
Love that frost P! Are you still running both lights on her?
Went back to one light today.

I didn't realize how bad she got roasted until I started taking pics in good lighting.

Oh well, she seems to have powered through. Significant new growth every day.
You sand it and new lacquer...it's 140m²!

I redid 5800 sq/ft of hardwood when a buddy built his mamouth loft appartment in the 2nd floor of an old JC Penny's building, and that floor was damn near black with "patina". It was many weekends working through the night. We fashioned beer can holders to the handle bars on the drum sanders.
Ours all need refinished. The toenails of four big big dogs are tough on them. Of course I get flashbacks of walking behind a drum sander for countless nights every time I think about it.
Started off the day by finishing all the trimming on Laughing Buddha. She was a damn rockstar!

About 1.5oz of that is popcorn & trim.

I couldn't be happier! She was my baby from the start! :circle-of-love:

Here's where I'm at on this run, so far:

The stash is full, and I've still got Jolene to harvest.

Even shot a quick video update on her too

Hope y'all had a great week. Stay lifted!
I was a professional photographer for many years. Nikons and Canons.

Is lens flare a possibility? There's still a quality to them that doesn't have the clarity I know the S8 can produce.
We really need to talk Shed. I am good with growing plants but many do I suck at taking pictures of them. I know my issue is lighting.....I have shit for good picture taking lighting. I am thinking about trying to set up a corner of the 10x10 for pictures but I don't have a clue what kind of photo lighting to get for it. Any inputs?
Amazing harvest P9! :bravo: Your carpet makes those mini jars look normal sized :).

And I was so hoping you would mention "laughing buddha" in that video ;). Can you continue to find a way to work that in?

We really need to talk Shed. I am good with growing plants but many do I suck at taking pictures of them. I know my issue is lighting.....I have shit for good picture taking lighting. I am thinking about trying to set up a corner of the 10x10 for pictures but I don't have a clue what kind of photo lighting to get for it. Any inputs?
I'm thinking dark grey background paper would be better than a light color (unless you have a really dark bud..then bright white could be a great contrast). The standard way of setting backgrounds is to tape the front edge to a table top and run it backwards and then up, with enough distance to the curve at the horizon so it's out of focus when your buds are in focus from front to back.

You should be able to get away with one light and a white card for reflecting, but two lights would enable you to control top and front/side lighting independently. These can be simple squeeze clip lights but make sure the bulbs you put in them are the same color temp so you can set your camera or phone to that temp. If you really want to get fancy you can cut pieces of cardboard to make shades for the lights to control their spread.

Then just look at the bud as you move the lights around until you see what you like!

Same thing for pics of the plants except you need a lot bigger background paper!

And take a lot of pics. It's not like there are film costs anymore :).
Yeah I was thinking of putting some large sheets on shower rods that I can just pull into and around the corner where I will take plant pics. I was thinking that way I could do a few different color sheets/drapes for different background colors on different plants and find what I like.

If you have any suggestions for lighting recommendations, please feel free to PM them. Same with the white card or anything else that you think I might need or would recommend. Its our plan to turn about a quarter of this tent into an area to do photo shoots......I just don't have a clue what to get.
Unless you're going to iron every time, use paper and not fabric. Roll it up and stand it in a corner.

I shot with strobe lights (still have them in a trunk in the shed...no idea why!). Anything that puts out a consistent color light will work. And since the neither the subject nor the camera are moving (tripod a necessity), they don't need to be incredibly powerful.

We're talking DSLR or phone here?
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