The Vault's Brooklyn Sunrise Auto Comparative Grow, In Association With Dutch Passion

I’m seeing a #helmethead trend:D 3/4 here
Maybe try planting them a little deeper. The helmet usually gets pushed off before they're above ground if they have to go through a little soul or medium
This is my first helmet but I've had membranes stick before. I drip water on them a few times to loosen the connection before I try taking it off. Worked on the helmet too. I never use a tweezers, just something flat like an exacto blade or a pocket knife.

I Did use Two needles a few months ago... one worked and a few weeks later i killed a girl with that:hmmmm: the lesson was that my hands can be steady, but it costs me a lot of meds LoL:rofl:
Cant wait checkin the mail daily lol i really dnt mess with there helmet it falls on its own but sometimes get stuck n kills ut plant have that happen to me quiet a few times n i have steady hands but wen u have to do somethings critical boy do they start shacking lol sometime i say its mental lol
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