Trala’s Tent

So, it's cool leaving your plants out in the open like that? Not worried about security? Must have cool neighbors.

I didn't think growing was legal Down Under.
Dont mention The War.

Theres a massive shed within a days drive of my place, big signs everywhere, 100s of square metres dedicated to it. They have a piece of paper with some names on it that means they can run it. Turns out that piece of paper makes it legal.
So, it's cool leaving your plants out in the open like that? Not worried about security? Must have cool neighbors.

I didn't think growing was legal Down Under.
I have a big fucking fence lolllllll

Tbh neighbours on both sides are cool. I’m super discreet about growing in my actual life. I actually grow for my son, and anyone who kinda knows eg the neighbour I give clones to, or people I’ve given some to think it’s my son who grows. His address is the address that is used for lights, seeds, nit sprays bought online etc.

And it’s not.
I can see why there’s a nurse shortage. You couldn’t pay me enough to deal with that. Your one tough gal @Trala
I am sorry if I misrepresented the profession. I really do have the best job ever. I really do. There is not a shift that goes past that I don’t feel appreciated, valued and proud (including that shift shift). Drinky McPoo Poo was so much better today. Her delirium had subsided, and her GCS was back to 15. Still shaky, but accountable and hopeful that she can make change. That made me big smile. I’ve done 12 Steps. I’ve been clean now longer than I used. I understand addiction so I was able to connect with her today.

I was just over tired and emotional. I made a situation that wasn’t actually about me all about me. I have a history of not mentally managing nightshift, and over the last year I’ve got to a point where I almost enjoy them coz post nightshift I now have a routine. Rain, hail or shine I go for a good walk straight after, have a healthy snack, then sleep for two hours then I’m right. I didn’t walk yesterday and I think I immediately slipped back into that negative emotional thinking. I really think had I have walked it off, my music and the sunshine would have improved my mind frame.

24 hours later and I literally had the best day everrrrrrrr :)
:love::love:sending digital love:love::love:

Sorry about crappy shift…… some days you are the dog….. other days - the fire hydrant!

chin up Doll Cakes, even if you toss whole garden into the drink - we‘ll help you regroup.

and the best part is - ya bounce right back!

always forward / never backwards
Thanks 013 :)

Exactly. Today was the mirror opposite :) We had the best team on. We got a new bladder scanner, and Our CC did a demonstration. And she’s showing us how it scans and when you press that button the whole thing vibrates and I mean brrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Let’s just say the conversation regarding uses became colourful.

My question: could it get you pregnant?

I do bounce back quick…. The upside to bipolar like mood swings :laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo:

Onwards and upwards!
Thanks 013 :)

Exactly. Today was the mirror opposite :) We had the best team on. We got a new bladder scanner, and Our CC did a demonstration. And she’s showing us how it scans and when you press that button the whole thing vibrates and I mean brrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Let’s just say the conversation regarding uses became colourful.

My question: could it get you pregnant?

I do bounce back quick…. The upside to bipolar like mood swings :laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo:

Onwards and upwards!
Hmmm well let’s just say it has that uniquely phallic shape….
Hmmm well let’s just say it has that uniquely phallic shape….
And tbh it’s not a “new” bladder scanner, it was just new to the nursing students on. We got the machine maybe 6 months ago, that was basically my rehearsal for the main show yesterday.

I made my Nurse Unit Manager snort laugh. Look you had to be there, but it was the absolutely terrific day I needed. Hopefully today will be more of the same.

Good Afternoon guys :)

It’s so cRaZy what 48 hours can do in the life of a plant.

Look at what my freak clone MC Bee aka Mimosa EVO decided to reward me with. I just can’t believe that canopy! It’s just so lovely. Maybe I can take a Mimosa to flower.


My lice seem to be under control. I took an leaf off each plant that had signs of lice damage and I was delighted to discover only one lone live nit on two of the leaves and a dead nit on the third, and no nits on the forth. While I will never have a nitless grow I think I can have a somewhat controlled infestation. I treated them with the soap spray tonight :)


The Familam ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Im not sure whats more noticeable, no Flamingo or the height of that toddler swing!

Your girls look happy T. Every time you break up the mite cycle it gets harder for them to go nuts, definitely winning.

Maybe Bee saw Mimmys fate and got busy haha. Plant whisperer over here.
Floramingo is there! Look closely at the first pic - top and left of center … juuuuust inside the left pool ladder handle ;)
Rain, hail or shine I go for a good walk straight after, have a healthy snack, then sleep for two hours then I’m right.
Only 2 hours? Heck I’m not even into REM sleep after 2 hours.
When I was younger I worked the graveyard shift for about 2 years. Really tough to get enough quality sleep.
I just can’t believe that canopy! It’s just so lovely
Well done, Trala:high-five:
She looks just about perfect so far!
Those things look heavy. Need some of those roller moving thingys. With breaks!!! Don’t want to drive into the pool.
Yeah nah, moving them each day builds my biceps:)
Im not sure whats more noticeable, no Flamingo or the height of that toddler swing!

Your girls look happy T. Every time you break up the mite cycle it gets harder for them to go nuts, definitely winning.

Maybe Bee saw Mimmys fate and got busy haha. Plant whisperer over here.
The swing is sit in the chair beside it and push with ease height.

This is where I have gone wrong before, I spray, have a “she’ll be right” attitude, then I don’t follow up in a timely manner. This time round I’m really committed. Tbh I think I’ve said all this before, but this time I really mean it lollll.

I think they are all a bit scared after Sunday mornings skullfuckery! I’m on a night tonight and I’m already planning survival techniques for tomorrow :laughtwo::laughtwo::laughtwo:

MC Bee is looking extraordinary, look so was Mimmy till I broke her. But her shape is lovely. She has a right canopy. I was going to give her away initially so I called her MC (Mimosa Clone) as an identifier more than a name, and I’m so annoyed about it now. She so deserves a prettier name.

Floramingo is there! Look closely at the first pic - top and left of center … juuuuust inside the left pool ladder handle ;)
Toooooooo funny!

She is too!
Only 2 hours? Heck I’m not even into REM sleep after 2 hours.
When I was younger I worked the graveyard shift for about 2 years. Really tough to get enough quality sleep.
I like to just have a good cat nap. It both gets me through the day and helps me have a good solid sleep that night.

I’m on another one tonight. Who knows what version of me we’re gonna find 24 hours from now!
Well done, Trala:high-five:
She looks just about perfect so far!
Good morning C Gull :)

Thank you so much. She is responding so well to her Carhooking™️ I’m so pleased with her, T. She looks soooOooo Carcassy!

I’m going to flip her Sunday. Do you think she is big enough or wait a bit more?
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