Utopian Submarine - 2000W, Indoor, Perpetual

little of both i think. Madcow and marijuana don't mix! :rofl:


I shouldn't really be laughing cause on this site its Nug of the Month not Bud.

But somehow my mental image of you working in your growroom can adapt very easily to the image of madcow and marijuana!

3 AM Update.

Running low on meds so my insomnia is really messing with me.

I am wrestling with what to do with the Moms and the extra plants in the sub, and its looking like the sub is gonna come into dry dock and get an addition.

I have another partner now who is helping with some funds. So it look like we will be adding some space in another room.

The plan right now is to try to use as much as we can from the sub, without having to add much. I believe our first new addition will likely be a light mover, and another light.

It would already be done if there were easy h20 in the second room.

So now I'm debating about plumbing, or soil.

I am tempted to go soil and put the moms and veg under the new light. The only thing holding me back is that I have the nutes dialed in now for hydro, and I'm not sure I'm up for risking all that right now.

Theoretically it shouldn't be a prob. Have done soil before of course.

Anyways, semi-medicated and thinking out loud. If there are any thoughts, please feel free to contribute.
I hear that, if it ain't broke don't fix it. :ganjamon:


Man, this is throwing me for a loop. Its only a few plants or a few weeks difference that's the prob.

I think the lesson here is that 6-8 various plants every month is too much for this size room unfortunately.

I think 5 various strains per rotation and 6 weeks in between would work fine. Or 6-8 of the same pheno and small, fast plants on a one month.

But I really wanted that Barney's to start on the first of the year, and I really wanted clones of the plants I have. So be careful what you wish for I guess, cause now I'm gonna have about 18 plants ready to go to flower in 2 weeks that I don't know what to do with. I jumped the gun on my rotation.

But I really want to baby the Barney's and that's a time issue. If I can slam the breaks on them in Veg long enough that the 3 plants about to finish are gone - then there is room. But I think I'm gonna come up about a week or two off. I could harvest the ones in there now a little early - but that is sacrilege to me - even when I don't have smoke.

Actually, I think this thinking out loud has helped. I think what I need to do is resign myself to giving away more of the clones - that's a good thing anyways. Then move the moms to a closet with their own light and put them in soil - mom's should be in soil anyways. And finally, stall the Barney's as long as I can in Veg then harvest the current plants when necessary. That's my punishment for rushing the Barney's. And the reality is that it will be at least another 7-10 days before that becomes necessary, so they should be really close. And by moving the moms I may be able to keep the Barney's in veg for as long as necessary with some good lst.

AHA! I think we have a plan! General Custer had a plan - lets hope mine works out better. Patton said,"No battle plan survives contact with the enemy." Lets hope these girls are my friends.

+Reps to OMM for keeping me on track :thanks:
Nice Shots, Looking Frosty..

Thanks. I don't think folks understand why I'm so amazed by the tris on my clones. Perhaps others have seen this before - but I have never seen it. They were not there a few days ago. The plants were cloned, have re-rooted, and continued to flower - even though they are under veg. Now I'm supposed to top them anyways and let them revert to veg. So this is like 14 little .5gram nugs for free without breaking the rotation.

So in the experiment of budding clones - if they do indeed maintain their potency when re-vegged and grown to harvest - then the flowering clones debate will be over as far as I'm concerned.
See See, Said The Stoned Man..

Ya, It Won't Loose Anything Like Potency Or Characteristic From Being Re-Vegged, The New Growth Will Look A-little Mutated For A While, But Will Grow Out Of That & Look Fine After Awhile.
See See, Said The Stoned Man..

Ya, It Won't Loose Anything Like Potency Or Characteristic From Being Re-Vegged, The New Growth Will Look A-little Mutated For A While, But Will Grow Out Of That & Look Fine After Awhile.

Right on! That's what I'm hoping for.

+Reps for getting me fired up at 5:40AM when I have to wait another 4 hrs to change the bulbs.
Thanks. I don't think folks understand why I'm so amazed by the tris on my clones. Perhaps others have seen this before - but I have never seen it. They were not there a few days ago. The plants were cloned, have re-rooted, and continued to flower - even though they are under veg. Now I'm supposed to top them anyways and let them revert to veg. So this is like 14 little .5gram nugs for free without breaking the rotation.

So in the experiment of budding clones - if they do indeed maintain their potency when re-vegged and grown to harvest - then the flowering clones debate will be over as far as I'm concerned.

If you've got plants in veg getting too big waiting to go into flower just hack them back to a smaller size. As long as you leave a growing tip on a branch close to the main stem it will grow into a branch. If you want only one main cola at the top you can top the plant then when the two shoots grow out a bit cut one off at the main stem and the other will become the top cola. Your plants won't look as pretty for a week or so but more roots will develop for bigger buds and the new growth will come in fast. Stems and branches will fatten up to hold all those fat colas! More bong for the buck! :bong:

When you re-veg the next buds will be just like the first ones. I got four crops off a tub of KaliMist and the last would f**k me up as bad as the first crop. The buds that were left on your clones will finish up maturing even as the new veg growth emerges. Expect single bladed leaves first then the next set should have three fingers, the next five and so on until the new growth looks like the first time.

Just like RLMC said. +Rep for you RLMC

C'ya L8r.

If you've got plants in veg getting too big waiting to go into flower just hack them back to a smaller size. As long as you leave a growing tip on a branch close to the main stem it will grow into a branch. If you want only one main cola at the top you can top the plant then when the two shoots grow out a bit cut one off at the main stem and the other will become the top cola. Your plants won't look as pretty for a week or so but more roots will develop for bigger buds and the new growth will come in fast. Stems and branches will fatten up to hold all those fat colas! More bong for the buck! :bong:

When you re-veg the next buds will be just like the first ones. I got four crops off a tub of KaliMist and the last would f**k me up as bad as the first crop. The buds that were left on your clones will finish up maturing even as the new veg growth emerges. Expect single bladed leaves first then the next set should have three fingers, the next five and so on until the new growth looks like the first time.

Just like RLMC said. +Rep for you RLMC

C'ya L8r.



I can not tell you how good the relief has been the last hour and half now that I have decided to keep it simple. Moms in dirt. Top the Veg. Give away a few clones to lucky folks. See what happens.

I'll be ordering a light and light mover in the next week and eventually carbon scrubber for the closet for the moms. I have a good 6" fan for cooling the hood. The closet will be in another room so the door can just stay open for air to the plants. and I have all the 5G pots and good soil I need. And the soil never needs to go in the clean room.


Hey Papa Sounding good. Talking things though really helped (as you say talking to yourself) and others had a say, like that Rat from up north and now its and accomplished. KISS is the best and you now have a working plan. :woohoo:
Morning Update:

I changed the two HPS bulbs. Much better! Not only brighter, but better spectrum as well. You were right LR about the black inside.

I am definitely wind burning the plant closest to the fan - but oh well. She must take one for the team.

I also think there has been some ph screw up over the last week, or cal/mag screw up. One plant in early flower and one in veg are showing signs. And there seems to be quite a bit of yellowing on the ones in early flower. So all in all - seems something has gone a little bit awry in the world of nutes. I think its because there are more plants on that res than before and they are drinking tons. Gonna have to keep an eye on that.

Nothing serious yet, and I hope it will resolve itself over the course of the next few feedings.

Everything else is running peachy for the time being. We're definitely getting to the home stretch on the 3 oldest - they're starting to fatten up. The Kali Mist has me stumped. Her clones have grown super roots - and I'm wondering if she's not a little root bound in these pots. No easy way to check, so I'll just see what I get. Not super worried.
Hey Papa Sounding good. Talking things though really helped (as you say talking to yourself) and others had a say, like that Rat from up north and now its and accomplished. KISS is the best and you now have a working plan. :woohoo:

Yubb - thanks for the late night correction in course.

For the new grow room, you may want to consider hempy buckets with the additional plants rather than soil. Then you can still make use of your hydro nutes and keep things simple.
For the new grow room, you may want to consider hempy buckets with the additional plants rather than soil. Then you can still make use of your hydro nutes and keep things simple.

Boy your timing was perfect on that one. I have been looking at hempy. That's a great solution for whoever it was looking for a simple way to put pots on a flood table.

I think I'm gonna stick with soil for these - simply because of the drainage. I'm not worried about using these nutes with soil. In fact I'm rather looking forward to it.

I'm thinking I gotta test a hempy bucket. Down the road a little will do.

+Reps for great idea! I was really about a hair away from doing it.
My Gals turned into lushes

Mid Day update:

Boy, I guess its common sense that leaving the circulating fan on 24/7 would dry them out a little. But sheeeesh! They're using 40% more water in the last 3 days since I kicked it on than in the 3 days before. They've also been going through stretch. But sheeesh! The little lushes caught me off guard. pH had skyrocketed of course. Fixed.

I hope to see the plants recover quickly. I guess I'm gonna have to keep an eye on the res with the meter daily instead of every 3 days.

I have also added Gravity to the mix for the biggest ones. It's probably a week late for two of them, but hopefully we'll get a little extra weight. And the Dog Hair is behind them so it should work out nicely for it.
Man - hydro reacts quickly. Its only been 8 hours since I fixed the pH in the res and the plants have already started to return to the proper shade of green.

Only took a day to screw it up, and hopefully it'll only take a day to fix.
Man - hydro reacts quickly. Its only been 8 hours since I fixed the pH in the res and the plants have already started to return to the proper shade of green.

Only took a day to screw it up, and hopefully it'll only take a day to fix.

There's the rub. Just like investments, the higher the risk, the higher the return.

To some that are used to soil it's the thing that scares them away from hydro. Growing in soil can keep you from seeing problems until they become obvious. Especially for newer growers. Growing in hydro, the problems are obvious quickly and corrected almost as fast. The key here is being aware of the problem before it is uncorrectable. Like soil grows it's the experience that makes the difference.

My advice to anyone of any experience is to stay with the KISS principle and don't keep all your eggs in the same basket.

Soil and hydro both can produce awesome results.

Awesome results are usually produced by folks like myself and many others with mega-years of growing and learning "advanced techniques". Anybody that thinks that way just has to check out some of the fabulous first grows that have completed successfully in the last year. Where do you think we/they learned how to do this? Same as you. Listening to our elders. There are elders on here that are half my age or twice my age but the day they first put a bean in the ground they became Growers. Learn to read your plants and the rest is easy.

Almost everyone of those happy first growers started off by hanging around here. That's no BS, it's the truth from the LabRat. lol

I'd been growing in my own ways for decades before I showed up here last March. I'm constantly learning so much still that it totally blows me away sometimes. It's all well and good to read all the books and listen to all of us folks, but putting beans in the ground and growing a few plants for better or worse is the way you earn some cred.

Not for us, but yourself. Once you taste the first bud of the first plant you ever got to that point, you're a junkie. In a good way! If it hasn't by now obsessed your dreams it will grow soon to be an obsession.

You have been so warned and by signing below on the dotted line and accepting our terms of use you too can be liberated!
...................................... lol!

May you take your new status and spread your knowledge as we strive to do. :headbanger:

Sorry PaPa Green for raving on your thread but you know all about over-medication and good Jamacian rum, right?

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