Utopian Submarine - 2000W, Indoor, Perpetual

Flowering Clones Update

The Kali Mist and the Dog Hair flowering clones have both cloned nicely. The AK and the Diesel have yet to come around.

3/4 of the Kali and 3/3 of the Dog Hair have been moved to Veg!

The room is officially filled to capacity!:cheer: In fact its over filled.
Today was day 10 since I cloned them:
I like your set-up, seems like you have worked out the kinks... keep them happy and they will keep you happy as well... :grinjoint:+rep if i can

Thanks! I'm gonna try.

Nice job. I think i will use rock wool cubes next time i clone. Worked out really good for you.:nicethread:
Yeah, I think I understand it now. It's all about the drainage. You can water it whenever and however you want, but make sure it has 100% drainage.

Thanks for poking in!
Hot thang comin' damn those swollen calyxes and ripening buds look delectable!

Thanks! I agree they are starting to look tasty. Now lets hope they fatten up for me. I'd hate to come up to short on my estimates given that "the world is watching".

Papa You must have a dbase or spreadsheet somewhere to keep up with all those plants. I truly could not do it. +reps to you Bro. :ganjamon:
And you never stop to even catch your breath. More power to ya friend. :peace:

Thanks OMM. I have tried a spreadsheet - I'm not diligent enough about putting in exact numbers. I have found that the notes up here, plus a handwritten notebook I keep are enough.

And for me - working on this stuff all day is no punishment. I may try to turn it into a career soon. I have taken a few breaks lately to catch up. But I gotta keep on it - cause the plants won't wait.

Also, I am really glad I plumbed the room for water in and DTW to each res. Putting water in wouldn't be the end of the world, but not having an easy way to drain excess would be a killer pain in the ass. And this means I can set my levels exactly where I want them before sending the water to the plants. I just put in my closest guestimate (which are getting pretty good now) then test and add either water to reduce ppm and raise pH, or just pH up. Takes less than 10 minutes to completely drain and refill a 20G res with exact right nutes. And I can do both at same time.
Morning Update:

All is well in the Sub.

The flowering clones moved to veg last nite seem happy. Its funny seeing little buds down there. I'll get pics today for sure. I have to go back and re-read the thread on flowering clones, but I think I need to let them veg for a few days, then top them. That should trigger the funky hormones that make them branch like a thorn bush. Then I think I give them a few weeks to revert to veg, recover from the topping and get some new growth.

The oldest group of plants is looking good. I will likely take a little from the AK soon. Two reasons for doing this - I want some to test, and my 60 year old neighbor who has never smoked cannabis wants some for his Migraines. I want some premature for him because I don't think he wants to really get stoned and a high CBD and low THC would be good I think.

I raised the light on the group following. I think they are getting close to finishing their stretch. So now I'm gonna do either a total rearranging of pots to make room, or I may have to overflow into another room. Don't really have the $ for another light - but I will do what I gotta do to make sure the Barney's get A1 treatment throughout.

No other real news - the moms and other clones and Barneys are doing fine. On a side note, friggin Progress Energy jacked up the rates. My bill went from about 350/mo to 530 last month.
what is this montana clone? you live in montana ?
what is this montana clone? you live in montana ?

It was originally grown by a guy living in Montana - outdoors grow - unknown strain. Then he moved where I am now. I don't know him. But he had 1 seed left. He started it here. One day out of the blue a friend of mine showed up with a clipping in a wet paper towel and a baggie, and told me that story. I clipped the end and cloned it.

So I named the plant Montana. Sounds better than "some guy from Montana's bag seed"
I'm gonna be going in on this with another friend so it will have 2 people to tend to it. I think we are gonna use a 2 sided cabinet along with a tent. Mothers and cuttings in cab 1, babies up to 12" in cab 2, and flowering in the tent. We picked up some really great strains recently and we can wait to get it started. I think i'm gonna go with Lemon Skunk from greenhouse seed co. first and he is gonna go with white widow from dutch passion. 2 of the 8 strain choices we have :) Its gonna be a great experience. We were talking about builiding a controller as well and I happened to come across your journal and was like SCORE! +reps and its always a treat to check in on your grow
I'm gonna be going in on this with another friend so it will have 2 people to tend to it. I think we are gonna use a 2 sided cabinet along with a tent. Mothers and cuttings in cab 1, babies up to 12" in cab 2, and flowering in the tent. We picked up some really great strains recently and we can wait to get it started. I think i'm gonna go with Lemon Skunk from greenhouse seed co. first and he is gonna go with white widow from dutch passion. 2 of the 8 strain choices we have :) Its gonna be a great experience. We were talking about builiding a controller as well and I happened to come across your journal and was like SCORE! +reps and its always a treat to check in on your grow

Thanks Very Much! I like what you're talking about there with the multiple cabs. That's a good way to go. This place is super tight. Maybe excessively so. But I'm learning to control the plants much better. After learning in the Big outdoors, then indoors vegging until they show sex with 8' vert, now this - it has been a real challenge for me to adjust my eye to the smaller plants. My friend came over at one point and said,"damn - you better put those in flower soon" - and they were like a foot tall - and that was when I knew this was gonna be a different game.

But now - I wanna use these techniques on bigger plants. :rollit:

I should have some good progress on the controller - very soon - I'm running some tests right now,debugging a little code and adding a little better logic - then I will share.

I was gonna put up stuff a day or two ago - but I KNOW the incomplete version would eventually get circulated, and its just close enough that it would work enough of the time to get somebody over confident - then kill the crop while they sleep.

Cool Pics of Flowering Clones!

OK folks. I think these pics are a treat. I can't think of any others like them. There's an excellent thread on flowering clones that has some great pics, and I think these pics are right up there for novelty or rarity. Her mother's cola is bigger than this entire plant - including the pot! Was not gonna do POM or BOM till the Barney's, but I might have to do POM or BOM for fun. Specially if her tris turn 40-50% amber. I'm even considering putting her in the flowering area to really see what happens.

Kali Mist - Clipped 10 Days Ago! Moved to Veg yesterday!




This is a 2" net pot if you want some scale.


Gonna post some nice shots of the other plants in a while. Gotta run to the store then medicate.

Morning Update:

All is well in the Sub.
I want some premature for him because I don't think he wants to really get stoned and a high CBD and low THC would be good I think.

Other way around. High THC and low CBD in early bud. Less couch lock tho and I think that's what you're aiming for. I don't have migraines but I would imagine that a stonier, relaxing buzz would be better for that.

On a side note, friggin Progress Energy jacked up the rates. My bill went from about 350/mo to 530 last month.

Highway robbery! We have expensive power here too. My grow is probably 25-30% of my bill. That is an outrageous increase tho. They must have started buying power from Canukistan. lol

Re: Cool Pics of Flowering Clones!

OK folks. I think these pics are a treat. I can't think of any others like them. There's an excellent thread on flowering clones that has some great pics, and I think these pics are right up there for novelty or rarity. Her mother's cola is bigger than this entire plant - including the pot! Was not gonna do POM or BOM till the Barney's, but I might have to do POM or BOM for fun. Specially if her tris turn 40-50% amber. I'm even considering putting her in the flowering area to really see what happens.

<snip pix>

Gonna post some nice shots of the other plants in a while. Gotta run to the store then medicate.


Great looking clones you got there my man! I wish I'd done that when mine were 3 weeks into flower.

I must of missed that class or I'm over-medicated but wtf is BOM and POM?

I feel a DOH! moment coming on. lol

Re: Cool Pics of Flowering Clones!

Great looking clones you got there my man! I wish I'd done that when mine were 3 weeks into flower.

I must of missed that class or I'm over-medicated but wtf is BOM and POM?

I feel a DOH! moment coming on. lol


Yup - gonna duh you on that one. Plant of the Month, Bud of the Month - or in your case Member of the Month!

How bout those tris!!!

Given I'm supposed to top her in 3 days to stimulate the branching - I can't wait to see if the tris change. Its supposed to take 2 weeks to revert to Veg from flower soo I think there's a chance.
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