Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion

Highya VG,

I love your molds!! Very funny! Love your (and MrSauga) sense of humor. This one takes the cake!! Happy Smokin'
Highya VG,

I love your molds!! Very funny! Love your (and MrSauga) sense of humor. This one takes the cake!! Happy Smokin'
Highya Bode.
We do have some fun around here, don't we?
Hope you are having a highly satisfying day.

My son was just here for a visit. Have I ever told you how amazing and smart and well brought up that young man is!?!?
Look what he brought his mama today....

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was looking at another fan for the 2x2.
He beat me to the punch.
:wow: and :nicelydone:
He had his phone ready to take a pic of my reaction. My look was one of utter disbelief.

He asked when I'm gonna start the Green Crack. Guess he's excited about that one.

I will have to do an exceptional job on that plant. I'm growing it for him.
He's a good boy...

My two are picking up leaves out of my landscaping right now and having the time of their lives...:laughtwo:
He really is.

My kids hate yard work. Glad your had so much 'fun' helping you out. :love:
I have no doubt!

Pics or it didn't happen! ;)
I'll send you a pic one of these days.
My son hates yard work which is why we dangle a $10 bill on a stick and attach it to his head when he works. Always good to have something to focus on!
Seems very much inspired by the donkey+ carrot formula
The kid found a trove of large, empty glass olive jars at work.

Need to figure out how to black them out now. I thought about black poly bags and shrink wrapping the jars. I could also sew some black felt jar cozies.

I was going to use Plastikote but I'm worried that it will peel too easily.

Need to toss some ideas around.

You have any??
Highya Bode.
We do have some fun around here, don't we?
Hope you are having a highly satisfying day.

My son was just here for a visit. Have I ever told you how amazing and smart and well brought up that young man is!?!?
Look what he brought his mama today....

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was looking at another fan for the 2x2.
He beat me to the punch.
Awwww shit. Baby boy paying it forward! Noice. You must be so proud! :love: :love: :love:
Bah. I accidentally posted before I added most of my text. Butter fingers.:rolleyes:

The mutant is looking more plant-like with each passing day.

I'm really watching that GG4 closely. Looks like she is getting some lavender hues to her buds.

I love the contrast in color between JSP and the GG4.

Insert text where applicable.
Ginza is a tremendous support for me right now and she keeps me busy with her constant need of attention specially now when she's having her period. She needs to go outside every other hour and she pee's more than an male- boy- dog.

The time in between I keep busy with my crazy projects among a few this past week has been converting one of those handy clean- steamer boilers to be part of a small distillation system I put together with an old lab still in glass, will post a picture later. Cooked of the softener and polymers in 85% hand disinfection to get as close to 96% as I can after cooking it only once its looking very good already. Here it's impossible to get over 40% prof without a medical prescription at a pharmacy. I need this for cleaning, NOT drinking it. Interesting chemistry, physics and math involved in the process. LoL

Anyone want to see the long-term effects of a 7000k light?

Interesting to see your results from long-term exposure of 7K-k light, I have two 6500k light tubes under one of my cupboards in the kitchen. When I put a plant under there it just shoot towards the sky with hardly any leafs at all...
Here it's impossible to get over 40% prof without a medical prescription at a pharmacy. I need this for cleaning, NOT drinking it.

are you the only person in sweden that doesn't know 60 or so bootleggers ?

booze was so expensive hardly anyone bought the legal stuff when i was there.
Great video, thanks VG! Almost exactly the same results of the research article I link to. For those who didn't have time to watch the whole thing, here is my summary:
• No chemical differences between the plants.
• No statistical differences between treatments.
• Terpenes increased with feeding vs. flushing.
• Plants tend to tightly control nutrient content of their flowers.

Interesting to see your results from long-term exposure of 7K-k light, I have two 6500k light tubes under one of my cupboards in the kitchen. When I put a plant under there it just shoot towards the sky with hardly any leafs at all...
Isn't the sun considered 6500ºK?

Most plants look good. How about that?
You have a Virgin Grip on growing! :thumb:
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