VIVOHUT 2 Point Oh! Bill284 Grows North Atlantic Seed Co. In Coco

Good morning Bill! Nice day to grow!
Good Morning Stone. :ciao:
Cold wet and miserable here today.
Throw in blackflies and you have a typical May in the north.
I'm just listening to thunder as I'm typing. :rolleyes:
Nevertheless the forecast for night time is finally above 10c.:thumb:
That means I can finally use the greenhouse.
So the heck with blackflies I'm starting the move.
They don't fit in the veg room anymore, so time to go.
Post a couple pics soon.
Hope your doing well Amigo.
Have a great weekend. :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Top of the morning to you Bill. 🍋
Thanks Keith. :thanks: You too buddy. :thumb:
I've got over 300 notifications to catch up on.
Might be a while.
Take care my friend. :high-five:


Stay safe
Bill284 😎


Veg Room May 16/24

@North Atlantic Seed Co

Bubba Whip - Vibe Shift - Purple Kush 1/29/24







Air Pots :thumb:




Stay safe
Bill284 😎
It’s a regular forest in the Vivohut, I hope that the move to the greenhouse goes smoothly. Good morning brother I hope you , Stacey n the boys are well and have a wonderful weekend. SSDD here TTYL ✌🏻 CL🍀. :passitleft:
Good morning Cap’n :ciao:
It’s supposed to be May two four, a long weekend. But Stacey is working.
So I guess I should too.
Hope I have enough coco for these pots.
2 -100 litre pots and 2 - 200 litre pots.
Might have to add some used coco.
Hope you have a great weekend Amigo :passitleft:





25 gallon - 100 litre Pots

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Nice haul. 🍋
Thanks Keith. :thanks:
Have you seen the Artrix vapes before?
I was curious what you can put in them.
Anyone know?
Mabey the question should be what you can't put in them.🥺

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks Keith. :thanks:
Have you seen the Artrix vapes before?
I was curious what you can put in them.
Anyone know?
Mabey the question should be what you can't put in them.🥺

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
You can put any concentrate in them but might need to thin out the thicker oils/concentrates
You can put any concentrate in them but might need to thin out the thicker oils/concentrates
Thanks Amigo :thanks:
So RSO? How would you thin that?
Or am I better off not trying it?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I used this for when I made my RSO it was still pretty thick when I filled my kitty carts, fill them & let sit overnight in a warm spot
Thanks con. :thanks:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks Amigo :thanks:
So RSO? How would you thin that?
Or am I better off not trying it?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Many moons ago we used to use vegetable glycerine (sweet) or vape wax liquidizer (flavours) 👍 to vape our oils.

Good luck and enjoy :bongrip:
Many moons ago we used to use vegetable glycerine (sweet) or vape wax liquidizer (flavours) 👍 to vape our oils.

Good luck and enjoy :bongrip:
Thanks Gv. :thanks:
Moving Day is here.:thumb::woohoo:
Hope your weekend is going well Amigo. :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Nice haul !
Thanks Buddy. :thanks:
I was hoping the @PhlizonGrowLight light would have arrived.
I'll have to use my Medicgrow 1000 I guess. Hehe
Just turned on Formula 1 and put on coffee.
Hope your having a great weekend my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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