Waknbake88's 2013 Blue Mystic Indoor Soil Grow

Very nice progress on your plants WB, your Blue's top cola's are looking awesome. Mine aren't there yet but I'm hoping another cople of weeks. ;)

Good work my friend. +reps :thumb:
Here is a photo update and I have ran into my first real problem the bad pics first followed by the better pics
Do you guys think that the deficiencies I'm having is do to the plant just being In flower or does it seem more seriousness....also it's only on my indica dom blue mystic....and he vary tips of the leaves on a couple leaves are turning black , temps are in tolerance humidity is good, maybe my soil ph is off idk....I can't really do nothing right now cause I just watered a couple days ago so I'm just going to sit tight and see what happens.
I would flush, and see if that helps, it's kind of hard to tell with the lights on in those pics, but flushing would probably help. Do you check the ph, has it been high? I think potassium is locked out at around 7, and the plants need that K during flower.
Thanks for the feed back, yeah I've fed her kinda high mixes before but didn't want to adjust cause I'm trying the organic wY but I got some wTer ph adjusted to 6.0 on stand by of when I can water next and this is what I'm going to give them.

Locking out P during flower is a common issue. The roots grow thru a secondary growth spurt and P can get forgotten about. happened to me. :straightface:


Do a plain water feed just enough to get some runoff and check it. That will tell you alot sir. :)
Hi mate, how many leaves have the problem, it dont look like you have brown spots or burned patches on the leaves, could it be that you have spilt something on the plants or have you been misting the plants with the lights on, sometimes you get patches like that if 2 leaves have been lying on top of each other,

the plants dont look like they need nutrients so just use plant water for a week or 2 or until the plants look like they need more, some products your suppose to feed every time you water the plants and others you dont, their is a nutrient feeding guide in my signature so have a look in their.

remind me what product your using and at what dose,

it dont look to bad to me, it could just be that your misting the plants or the leaves have been touching each other, but it certainly dont look like they need nutrients so id just use plain water for the next week to 10 days and see how they look, if the leaves start to look a lighter shade of green then you know they need nutrients.

as im sure you read in my journal im getting amazing results but not watering as often and not watering as much when i water, this has meant i have not needed to add any nutrients at all to some of my plants, im now under 12-12 and wont feed nutrients on the test plants until i can see they need nutrients, so far their just growing like crazy and even after doing a defol on a couple of them they didnt seem to slow down with growth, so im thinking that the lack of water is forcing the roots to grow a lot quicker so they can reach the water, then when i water the plants the growth is very aggresive for the first week after watering, my plants have reached flowering height much quicker and im not using as much nutrients on my other plants either,

the nutrients im currently using your suppose to give nutrients every time you water the plants, but im going every 3rd feed with nutrients, so i give nutrients, then water, then water again, then back to nutrients,

your plants dont look that bad, how many leaves have for that mark on them, if your misting them stop misting as the plants dont need misting, i do mist mine but only once a month and i do this just to wash any dust off of them, but i mist the plants then i turn my big fan on the highest setting so it then evaps the water a lot quicker and the light then dont burn the leaves

so remind me what nutrients your using and what feeding schedule your using and how often, then let us know how many leaves and plants are affected, if its more than one plant that its clearly a nutrient problem or misting problem, if its just on the leaves that are touching other leaves on other plants then these will swet and cause pm problems, so i remove any leaves that are resting on each other as the last thing you want is mold forming,

their is also a plant accident room in my signature as well, that covers pretty much every problem and tells you how to get it sorted, their is also a beginners guide to breeding and the nutrient feed guide is pretty good as well,

so let us know as much as you can then we can have a think of what it is and give you some idea of whats caused it and whats going to stop it getting worse, but if the plants dont look like they need nutrients then id just use plain water for the next 2 or 3 waterings and that will then rule out nutrients being the problem
I say get some silica and some nitrogen in there at 1/4 strength.
but what do I know.

I would try and shoot for 6.5 ph and give it 1/4 strength base nutrients and 1/2 to 3/4 strength on your micros. to start with and let it have a fair amount of runoff.

I think your ph is too low if you say you have fed heavy a couple of times.
how many days of flower are you at now? if you are early into flower i would flush your pots until your run off is acceptable. if you are late in flowering i believe you should correct the micro nutrient deficiency and ride it out until harvest. you want pH 5.8 for hydroponic and soiless (peat moss and coco coir) and pH 6.5 for soil.
how many days of flower are you at now? if you are early into flower i would flush your pots until your run off is acceptable. if you are late in flowering i believe you should correct the micro nutrient deficiency and ride it out until harvest. you want pH 5.8 for hydroponic and soiless (peat moss and coco coir) and pH 6.5 for soil.

for coco yes a ph at or below 6.0 is good but5.8 for a peat based mix is out of the question for me. to each his own but I would not tell people to adjust ph to 5.8 in soiless unless you have done so yourself. I have ran soilless and I always run it 6.3 plus. but I feed organically also. KJC no disrespect to you man just stating what I have observed.
Today is day 39 of 12/12
I am using earth worm castings 1/3 cup to a gallon of tap water set out and bubbled
To this I add 1tbs of super swell
1 cap of maxi crop liquid and this stuff makes my ph go way up
1tbs of molasses
I have quit using Alaskan fish fert 5-1-1
I do not mist
I have been scared to adjust my ph cause I heard that ph ph down will kill microbes
I'm also starting to think these plants are a little past halfway done
Do y'all think It would be ok to give it a dose of blue planet nutes micro
Thanks for all the responses.....I'll get more pics up later
I have dropped my temps to 62 at night and 72 during the day
Ohh and donpaulp it's probably like 5-10 leaves that have the issue.
That's what I wanted to hear......or needed to hear, cause that little stoner voice inside my head keeps shaving days off my calendar trying to convince me they are going to be ready sooner. That's cool 4 more weeks should give me time to fix what's wrong with the indica looking plant. Thanks man!
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