Have you ever smelled a good earthy smelling hash? Like that, mixed with the smell of straw. :dreamy:

Yes, I do know that smell. I haven't had much hash in my life, but what I had was exquisite.

Weaselcracker, one of these days you're gonna tempt me beyond belief and I'm going to secure some Thai seeds. We have similar goals in our cannabis choices, and your description of the effect the Thai strains has on you mirrors my reaction to the smell of Carnival. It smells "just right" to my brain. I have this theory that our body seeks out the terpene profile that'll most benefit us, and that's why it's a good idea to let your nose pick the strain, if it's at all possible.

When you find a strain that really works for you, take note of the terpene profile and look for others that share the major components. Play around with combinations and see what wonder you can generate. Cannabis is so much fun to play with, eh?

All this time we thought it was the cannabinoids we were supposed to pay attention to. Turns out the terpenes are the real driving force behind what cannabis does inside your body.
Hey Weasle, not sure why I've never stopped in here before!

I'm excited to try some Golden Tiger, but currently I'm still trying to feminize my Blackberry Kush strain. I got some of the F1 original hybrids. They said they're fairly old though so not sure how many will germ
Hey mate I have been following your thread the whole way just never had any input because I'm new too growing but appreciate all the insight I've gotten from your read.

Sending good vibrations your way :Namaste:
Wow three fresh new vistors in one day, amazing! Welcome BB, Fertilizer, and Gree.

Thanks to the others for the great posts and stories.

Man I've got myself so overbooked on this site- so many threads I'm trying to keep up with- and I've got a bad habit of leaving the more important ones till last, including this one. Popped over to Tead's today and I was five pages behind already... ! Making me work.
Sorry to those I haven't replied to and those who are still on the thread catch-up list- right now, including especially Skybound's latest great journal which always gives me lots to think about. Which is why I tend to want to leave it till I 'have time'.

Spent most of the last few days catching up with the outdoor gardens - digging stuff and sprouting seeds. I made it in to water and feed the girls tonight but the phone died before I got many photos in - so it's the standard fare- same old boring jungle pics as usual.




You can see the hex plants have filled out now. I jumped the gun a bit and decided to chop one of them this morning. Regretted it a bit after I took it out into the daylight because it looked like I could have left it a week longer.



This is pretty much how all the hex plants would look right now if they weren't propped up.


This was the runt of the hex litter - a Jack Herer x Cheese cross, from a seedbank which shall go nameless because I've grown to despise them and don't want to talk about them right now. This plant wasn't a great success, but not terrible. Buds ended up a little leafy for my liking- partly from my screwups I think and partly from genetics. Maybe some of the leafiness would have been solved if I left it another week. Too late now. And I see many people harvesting earlier than this- so I know the sky will not fall.

The hex plants are falling all over the place. Lower branches have almost all broken under the weight and folded 180°- some of the main stems as well. So I've got them all propped up and tied and strung up- though you can't see it in the photos.

Picked another mouldy bud today- on the mystery Cheese cross. With all those buds laying every which way and drooping to the floor it feels like a mould bomb waiting to go off/ but I think all the desk fans are keeping it under control.

Pineapple Chunk is starting to get mangy and droop sideways, at six weeks flowering. In the next few days I'll trim her up a bit and lay her branches down to rest on the screen, to save her having to do it herself. She's already sticky as hell and trimming this stuff is a nasty gooey experience.




The phone died before I got to veg- so I'll try to get to that tomorrow.

Other news of the day, which I mentioned in my pain relief thread- is that I quick dried and vaped some of the CBD Therapy, which is showing quite a lot of amber now- and though already quite stoned from smoking various other strains all day- felt convinced that it suddenly put me in a nice calm relaxed state - and my back pain seemed to all but vanish. The timing could have been coincidence or something - but I'll certainly be trying more of it tomorrow and maybe get a better idea whether I'm just fooling myself or not.

And now I can't remember all the other stuff I was going to say... oh yeah- Nivek- you really can't remember anything? I do remember the good old times smoking Thai. After the indica stuff came along my memory gets more patchy. But mainly because I don't even want to remember most of the horrible fits of paranoia and deep self examination that I put myself through when I smoked that stuff. It really wasn't pretty.
Reminds me of that ill-fated night I stumbled into the corner store to pick up some munchies, and the punk at the counter said 'Maybe you would like a pack of bandaids for your eyes as well, sir?'
Not the type of thing I need to hear right now, buddy...

I still can't believe it took me so long to figure out the difference between indica and sativa - and why some smoke worked for me but most didn't. The kids have it easy these days- all this amazing info at the fingertips. 30 years ago I was smoking sativas and having a good time. Then skunk and other indicas took over and I started having a not so good time. Then I started making trips to Asia and having good times again, interspersed with stays back home where the pot didn't seem to work for me anymore. Somehow I knew that there were 'different types of pot' but nobody had any concept of 'how'. It was all a confusing mystery. It's totally retarded that I floated through those circumstances my whole life; not knowing wtf was going on at all. (And not just with sativas/indicas either - but that's another story. )
No internet amd no cannabis instruction manuals in those days.

I'll try to pick this up tomorrow in a more coherent and less sleepy state. Goodnight!
When I remember my teen years, I kind of enjoyed the grade of pot floating around these streets. The buds were somewhat compacted, but not pressed. I believe it was some higher end Mexi bud, but whatever, it did the trick, but not overly tricky. Mid 90s I go "away" and return at the beginning of 02 to find the prices have almost doubled, and the great bud always referred to as BCs (I think British Columbia) came down from Canada. Being on parole, I didn't yet smoke any, but all my old friends did, and one of ours had a great connect locally that received quantity from up north, so it was plentiful. Around that time, I made a date with a hot little number from back in the day, but prior to going out, she wanted to smoke me up first. Not wanting to look afraid, I took a few whacks from her pipe. As the levels of strong body stone continued to pull me down to what seemed to be thousands of levels below hell, I apologized to the hotty, but insisted she had to take me home. Needless to say, I didn't get lucky that night and to this day, I blame that stupid fucking strong Canadian bud for ruining a sure thing. I also at the time was vastly under-educated about Indica and Sativa, and the variances between.

Not much going on in my journal, just over complicating things and watching the adverse effects. Thanks for thinking of me though.
I blame that stupid fucking strong Canadian bud for ruining a sure thing.

as a near life long british columbian,, i fully accept responsibility for the damage to your love life.

apologies sent,, post haste.

Ha ha. I understand all too well. I live in BC - but for the late 80s and early 90s I was away- mostly in Asia, smoking sativa. I missed the advent of a bunch of 'great' new BC pot that everyone was raving about when I got back. Chemo, Hydro, and some other strains I can't remember. One which started with a P which I can't remember the name of, but I remember it left me a paralyzed frightened mess. So did the other ones.
By then all the local BC pot was like that. It was weird. I'd been smoking more or less happily for six years or so, and now I couldn't seem to handle it anymore. I honestly thought something had changed in my head- all of a sudden I just couldn't smoke anymore without feeling horrible. I kept trying though...
We still got winter shipments of hash in those days, and I started mostly just smoking hash instead. I felt totally alienated from all the new strains that everyone seemed to like so much.
I still didn't understand what the difference between indica and sativa smoke was- didn't figure that out for another twenty years... my how time flies.
Re a couple of the previous strain comments.

Kriaze- I did a bit of googling for the Plushberry strain. Out of stock everywhere. Have you tried contacting TGA Subcool Seeds directly? Depending on who you get through to and the company's attitude- you can bet that someone there will care a lot about that strain as well- and will have some seeds stashed away.

Sue I'm curious about the smell of Carnival now. I see it has some Thai in it. Once I have a better handle on what is going to happen with the Honduras and Golden Tiger plants, I may start one. So far I've all but confirmed one Honduras male- and the rest are still unsexed. Stretchy looking things though, all of them.
I never had any BC Bud but I remember always hearing that was the best stuff. When I started smoking in 2004 it was kind of all on the brink of changing over to medicinal. There was so much cheap stuff from Mexico, but not really the terrible mess of sticks and stems people usually associate with "Mexican weed". A lot of that stuff got taken up here and grown in the forests, so it didn't end up bricked and smuggled next to a muffler or something, though usually still had plenty of seeds. As much as all the new-fangled "medical grade" bud from California was supposed to be better, I still remember buying twice as much for stuff that seemed to get you half as high. I mean, my first "dank" or "chronic" or whatever was some stuff called Snow Caps, and it was just covered in crystally goodness. However, compared to some of the Mexican stuff I'd smoked, which you'd need a jewler's loupe to make out a trichome on, it didn't actually seem to get me as high. The Mexican stuff was just way more psycadelic, but the new stuff was more of a body high, almost narcotic feeling.

It still took a long time for me to even be able to select between Sativa or Indica, because once the market shifted to the stuff from California everyone just stuck with Indicas--high yielding, faster finishing, it just became the norm. I don't think I got to try a pure Sativa until a few years after 2012. I still rarely ever feel the way I do like the old days on Mexican sativa, probably more due to tolerance now more than anything.

I really want to give some of the Ace varieties a try already. In addition to the Golden Tiger, I got the Panama x Malawi and Bangi Haze too. This is one I've been eye'ing too

Mexican Jarilla Sinaloa Standard
Those are great strains TF. I didn't know you had those going on. Conradino may be familiar with that Mexican strain. I ordered the Ace Honduras to fill the 'mild sativa' niche- looking for some old fashioned sativa that I can smoke all day without overdoing it, because sometimes I just want to be a lightweight smoker. The Mexican looks similar that way- if slightly stronger.
Interesting weed prices went up.. ours haven't changed for the last 30 years, not sure what prices were prior to 87 but if anything they have come down in that time..
Last time I smelt weed, I was burning off in the back yard and put a heap of leaf onto the fire.. never noticed the smell until I went into house, had that classic weed smell I remembered. Church incense leaf weed smell..
I read the story once of how b.c. Bud originated,, very interesting indeed

This only from memory now, no quoting this

But science got in the way

This fella, back a day or two ago,,was growing outdoors for profit, least trying for profit,,, in the interior of b.c. Somewhere, the kootenays I think,, anyhoo, he was an edumacated fella and he decided to take his growing efforts indoors. In a greenhouse,, even for the summer grows

He was exceptionally good at it as well, the main problems at the time was length of season necessary to ripen his crop, winter comes too early in near all of Canada.

In his greenhouse he was able to have,the control necessary to improve his growing to the point where his products and most importantly, his methods, morphed into the legend called b.c.bud,, bud

Much more to the story but interesting to know that the legend is real

The Pacific north west coast of North America is home to some of the best growing conditions in the world, bar none, and is perhaps still today the area where a lot of, if not a lot of, outdoor growing is done,, but no sativas, I would think

Then again, I might be completely wrong,, for sure one or the other

I read the story once of how b.c. Bud originated,, very interesting indeed

This only from memory now, no quoting this

But science got in the way

This fella, back a day or two ago,,was growing outdoors for profit, least trying for profit,,, in the interior of b.c. Somewhere, the kootenays I think,, anyhoo, he was an edumacated fella and he decided to take his growing efforts indoors. In a greenhouse,, even for the summer grows

He was exceptionally good at it as well, the main problems at the time was length of season necessary to ripen his crop, winter comes too early in near all of Canada.

In his greenhouse he was able to have,the control necessary to improve his growing to the point where his products and most importantly, his methods, morphed into the legend called b.c.bud,, bud

Much more to the story but interesting to know that the legend is real

The Pacific north west coast of North America is home to some of the best growing conditions in the world, bar none, and is perhaps still today the area where a lot of, if not a lot of, outdoor growing is done,, but no sativas, I would think

Then again, I might be completely wrong,, for sure one or the other


From what I understood, one of the reasons why indica was so popular here (Somewhere around the 46th parallel) was because our season was too short for long-flowering Sativas.

Weasle, yeah I'm sitting on a lot of awesome genetics, but trying to preserve this Blackberry Kush before moving on from it. It's just too good a strain to let it go, and I can't find it online.
Re a couple of the previous strain comments.

Kriaze- I did a bit of googling for the Plushberry strain. Out of stock everywhere. Have you tried contacting TGA Subcool Seeds directly? Depending on who you get through to and the company's attitude- you can bet that someone there will care a lot about that strain as well- and will have some seeds stashed away.

Sue I'm curious about the smell of Carnival now. I see it has some Thai in it. Once I have a better handle on what is going to happen with the Honduras and Golden Tiger plants, I may start one. So far I've all but confirmed one Honduras male- and the rest are still unsexed. Stretchy looking things though, all of them.

It has a delicious citrus tone to it, slightly more lime in some, more lemon in others. The buds I dried in the refrigerator had the smell of lemon flavoring, it was that intense. Wish I'd cured all of it like that. My best Carnival smoke so far, and that's saying a lot. :laughtwo:
PotChimp I wish I knew of anything- but I live up north near Santa Claus so I'm not really in the loop. I can ask Santa too but it's his off season and he's probably off sweating on a tropical beach somewhere. Any local varieties here are just short flowering indica stuff that can handle crappy weather, as Fertilizer said. It's not all that much different down south in Canada either really, as far as the outdoor stuff goes. Indoor is anybody's game I guess, and since we are 'all connected' now and whatnot, most indoor weed everywhere is the generic stuff that everyone grows- or if it isn't and something special has popped up - you can bet that it will be available everywhere soon.
The internet definitely made the world a lot smaller!
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