I won't be hurrying over to get the android, cause I sort of feel the same way. Thanks though Grizzwald and thanks for the random meaning of life/words of wisdom blather. Always very welcome here.
My eye thing is probably from a detached retina- theoretically lifted up in one spot and busted a blood vessel in the process so my eye is full
of blood. The dense frogspawn effect is blood cells floating in there The doctor couldn't see in there much because there's too much blood but of it doesn't get worse, it will get better... Otherwise I'll go to the city. Hopefully not!
Typing is going real slow. ;) That one eye is pretty much scrambled so it's hard to focus.
. I'm going to
Go back to the hot tub and have a beer and contemplate the meaning of life and whatnot! Now I've got a cracked eye as well as cracked screen and cracked brain. Wtf!!? :rofl:

All the best, friends :passitleft:
pushing to hard mate, need some softeners :rofl: damn that's be scary. Had you accepted having a stroke from brain and eye cancer, before the diagnosis? :rofl: have a craic, to forget about all the cracks :passitleft:
I am power reading thru your journal bro. Still at page 6 now. Coloidal Silver discussion. Interesting one.

When ya get really bored, read thru his old ones!

Weas man... detached the retina?!?! WTF man? Usually that's coupled with some head trauma. Been using your headbone as a pinata?

I've tried using the phone here before... frustration paired with dysfunction IMHO. I appreciate a keyboard in my lap and a big screen in my face.... these days with the font sizes bumped up a bit and the screen at the right range for my spectacles.

Lemme get some keef in me before I jump on the next subject.


Wow... got distracted and involved in my day... now I need a few more....... hang on.....

OooooK..... Maybe I can run this down....
So many good words from many. I like Graytail's words... they feel very comfortable to me. GT points out some of the magical bits about participating in an online forum like this one. When one mixes in the general vibe of the canna crowd, it sure is fun.

Weas man.... you're not supposed to hold my feet to the fire and actually think about my words. WTF again man!
Fun to ponder our existence especially with some herbal input going.
In the end, I'm just not all all convinced we as humans even have the senses to fully detect the world around us. Lately, the scientific community is busy-busy chatting about 'dark matter' and 'dark energy'. Tho spoken of as something directly observed, their existence is really a mathematical function used to adjust a larger formula. While the arguments may be stirring for their existence, a more stirring argument might be that we simply don't fully understand the larger formula.
But let's dump all the science and just pretend for a moment that dark matter and dark energy exist as proposed.
The scientists tell us that dark matter and dark energy simple are not observable by us. We, as humans, don't have organs that can detect it. We do have organs designed to detect the effects of gravity, tho not gravity directly.

What's your point Tead... other than that you smoke good weed?
Well.... Tead uses his brain as a sensing organ for a moment and looks around to see one sure example of realities he can't observe, and one proposed example of it. He can't help but wonder if there are more... and perhaps in a world where infinity exists (or perhaps doesn't) there might be an infinite number of them.
But can I know? Do I even have the physical ability to know? If I did, do I host a brain capable of understanding what I knew?

........... Sunset occurs... more bowls smoked.... waiting for the sun to rise as I consume coffee and smoke.

But in the end... one really has to choose for themselves.
One can chase the shifting facts and reality.... or one can choose to accept that they cannot know or understand the things needed to make oneself actually 'comfortable' with the world around them.
Interestingly... this core need may form the fertile grounds needed for religions to establish.... but Tead's comfortable with the idea that he can't truly be comfortable.... so religion finds no fertile soils in his world. He has no need to fill in the blanks he doesn't have a handle on with 'faith'

hmmm... am I getting off course here? Lemme smoke and re-read....

You speak of the conundrum concept.... and I have to tip my hat to it. I recognize that this forms a conundrum for someone that needs an answer... someone seeking the comfort of understanding.
When one considers that there are just so many things one cannot detect or understand, one is left with one choice... acceptance.
I'm with ya tho... my personal desire to know those answers is strong as well.
While not a believer, I am quite familiar with religion. At one point in my life, I was planning to attend a religious based college in WA. I can find many nuggets of logic and wisdom in the writings of various religions. The one that pops to mind at the moment is the old lilies of the field words found in the Christian bible....

Why are you anxious about clothing?
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow.
They don’t toil, neither do they spin.

While the words are apparently meant to address the physical needs of the masses, the idea they use can be stretched some and painted upon many situations.

In my eyes, I really remove myself up one layer of existence if you will... trying to see even my own life with a detached and realistic perspective.

Man... did any of that have any point at all? Shit that's all just stoned blather that we all devolve to in our inner brains. The duality of man... the thoughts of actual existence.

I now know why I like the Weas banter. I appreciate the social loners in life. I can relate. I find them gritty and real in ways I like. My smokin buddy is one as well. Endless stoned words about crazy thoughts.

Am I done here... has my blather even made sense or connected? I feel the answer may fall a touch far to the 'WTF are you talking about Tead?' side of the argument.... but perhaps stoned blather is just another magical bit of this place.

OK... hitting the 'post' button now.... then I'll go see what hell I can stir up elsewhere... I'm sure I've ignored Sue's thread for long enough.

I have not read anything that long since grade eleven.

I much enjoyed that and I feel like I agree and we are on the same page. Does this mean we are 'right'? I've been trying to type replies using my one good eye, on this microscopic phone, with a screen that's a maze of cracks, but generally decided it was way too much work constantly editing each misspelled word two or three times, and easier to just smoke and chill out.
I made a leather eyepatch for the other eye to ease the stress of having to open it and look through an eyeball full of frogspawn and a big octopus that's twirling around in there squirting ink. If it craps out completely maybe I can get a small goldfish to put in there or a Siamese fighting fish. That would be cool.
Gonna try to update some of this tech I have around hand maybe I can get the site working on ipad, or jiggle things around and get a better signal so I can use voice dictation.
Thank Smeegol. I finally managed to focus enough to read that.
I know Sugar Ray got put out of business after a retinal detachment or two, but in my case it looks like the retinal damage was just a freak event associated with living too long and not having the sense to die young. The vitreous jelly in the main part of the eyeball can shrink over time. You are born with that jelly and it never gets replaced. When it shrinks it can pull inwards in a dimple like a deflating ball, detaching it from the material behind it. The retina, which lines the inside surface of the outer limits of the ball, deforms and can tear. I don't have a verdict on what's going on with mine. Hopefully I'll find out later today To be honest I am hoping at this point they will fly me to the city for surgery because it's really not a good situation. Every time I look through that eye the view is so horrifying that I alway put the eyepatch back on right away and go scuttling off to smoke more herb. :) If I have to live like a helpless mole it may as well be a stoned helpless mole. I already feel like I'm in some sort of weird dream, and smoking myself deeper into dreamland helps keep me from waking up.

Leather straps are a good idea. I'll go cut some now. All I could find was some stretchy cord, which tends to leave an angry looking mark across my face, and may possibly scare away the potential hordes of pirate groupie girls who I just know are out there waiting to love me.

The plants are doing good. Flower room is shrinking but veg is happy. I'm still working at updating the devices and will try to do this in town today. After which hopefully I'll be able to post pics again. Unless this whole garden and journal gets put on hold.
I realize this journal is limping. I made the conscious choice to limp it along for a while and see where it goes. Whether it just limps long enough wrap up loose ends and shut down, or limps it's way into something new and interesting- I don't know. I So I'm not apologizing too much about that. Everything has an ebb and a flow and right now I'm not minding it that way.
Ouch mr.W, well for your eye and yourself's peace of mind I certainly hope they fly you out for surgery as a mole dosent sound all that glam even if you are a happy mole..... got you in thoughts and prayers bud....:green_heart:

Thanks a lot. :passitleft: Yeah I don't want to have to change my name to Molecracker. You're right. Not very glam
Get to the City bro.. and fixed....
I liks this journal mate.. it seems to create all types of sprouting spruiking and bullshit and allows time to settle think and sink before more is created debated deflated..
Thanks maties. I'll definitely be pushing the doctor today to try and find some answers. I'm going to sit down and draw a picture of what I see through that eye, so maybe that will help.
I cut some leather straps from some really soft doeskin I tanned a billion years ago. Much more comfortable. As for badass... Lol. I feel helpless as shit but I'll try to project something tougher, if as you're saying, maybe I'm going to prison too? ;)
Thanks maties. I'll definitely be pushing the doctor today to try and find some answers. I'm going to sit down and draw a picture of what I see through that eye, so maybe that will help.
I cut some leather straps from some really soft doeskin I tanned a billion years ago. Much more comfortable. As for badass... Lol. I feel helpless as shit but I'll try to project something tougher, if as you're saying, maybe I'm going to prison too? ;)
I say we all get stoned, with a pump and a basketball needle....we can fix this.... :D

You may need a shot of tequila or something....
LOL, Bonsaiweed! :rofl:

I had a detached retina in my youth - got hit with a champagne cork - and they were able to stick it back with some easy cryosurgery on the back side of the eyeball. I don't suppose yours is as simple? The cryo was a snap.
Perty sure I could surgerize y'all up just fine weasely,,

AAs long as I dont pass out from all the blood
Words of hope. Thanks ;)
So I just made it home after a day at the hospital. Good news is I managed to update the iPad on hospital wifi so at least I’ll be able to be a little more more functional in terms of seeing the screen, as long as I can arrange wifi or a hotspot connection.
The hospital wifi wouldn’t let me access 420 and I got some sort of alert about ‘drug abuse’. Lol. First time I’ve ever seen that shit. Is this what it’s like in America?
Good/ bad news is he was able to see through the blood well enough to say that my retina is indeed torn pretty badly and I have to go to get surgery ASAP. This place being the way it is I can’t get out till Monday to go to Vancouver. A 2000 km drive but not too bad to fly.
Graytail that’s a pretty funny story that you got shot with a champagne cork.
Do you remember if your retina was merely detached, or also torn? I’m guessing torn or you wouldn’t have needed the surgery.
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