Thanks so much guys. :)

I didn’t ask them about weed. Unfortunately when the direct flight from the local airport fell through and I took the scenic route, I ended up with the bigger airline which has real security. So somewhere up there in northern BC, under a certain power pole, there is a jar with a nice chunk of Honduras cob, GT cob and a bunch of P Chunk which I thought I’d give away to friends. Pm me and I’ll draw you a map... I’m meeting up with a friend today and will check the local bounty.

These guys don’t really answer questions. Or -I just haven’t been processed by the question answering specialist yet.
It’s been a long time since I’ve been in the advanced form of the medical system and it’s all extremely fast. A sort of revolving door conveyor belt system as I mentioned. Each phase of the operation is carried out by a different specialist, and all my up to date info is available for anyone in the system. I keep getting shuttled from clinic to clinic and they all have all the information. I’m just like a chicken going down the belt in the processing plant being tended by robots. It’s really pretty amazing. But none of them really want to answer questions and since they’re making $100 a minute or whatever - they just don’t have time. The surgeons are a weird bunch anyway

I had to google Lasic. I had corrective surgery for nearsightedness done in the 90s. I remember it being kind of painful when I was recovering and couldn’t see well and taking a lot of codeine. But not really that bad. I guess that’s why I kind of dismissed the idea of the laser surgery being worse than the needles. But the laser directly on the retina was more horrendous then anything I would’ve imagined. It’s just a process of burning the retina in spots along the tear, building up scar tissue to glue the ripped part together

Wow it took forever to dictate and type this. I think I got to get away from this ipad for a while the light from it’s refracting through my bubble and making crazy patterns in my fried brain!

Yea I get to be a Pirate for quite a while yet. That emergency eyepatch that I whipped up in such a hurry is really saving my ass. I’m so glad I made that.
Or -I just haven’t been processed by the question answering specialist yet.
:rofl: Every hospital should have one of those!
They’re a factory that’s for sure.

So putting the iPad in permanent ‘night mode’ will really help with that screen burn issue. I use the schedule to keep ‘night mode’ on all the time. Apparently it reduces the blue light.

I mean - just not looking at the screen at all will help of course ;). But then, where would we all go? :eek:


Fuck you write well...
Fookin ell man. I literally felt yer pain for a split second. Hang on pls. I'm gonna be sick.

Ksrma fest sent friend
Still doing the voodoo juju dance for you here.... I still think you will do fine. I didn't say it would be painless..... (I knew better).

Glad you seem to be in better spirits. Sorry about all the light and pain. You have now SEEN THE LIGHT!!!

Keep us informed about your status....and I hope you are relaxing right now.....
:rofl: Every hospital should have one of those!
They’re a factory that’s for sure.

So putting the iPad in permanent ‘night mode’ will really help with that screen burn issue. I use the schedule to keep ‘night mode’ on all the time. Apparently it reduces the blue light.

I mean - just not looking at the screen at all will help of course ;). But then, where would we all go? :eek:


Just finally figured out how to use the multi-quote again with the new style.
Thanks a lot for the tip. Went and did that right away. I’d been looking for the icon for that since I updated the ipad, and not finding it obviously. Because there isn’t one& it’s in settings.

Fuck you write well...

Thanks Grizz. Maybe you’re just stoned. ;)

Fookin ell man. I literally felt yer pain for a split second. Hang on pls. I'm gonna be sick.

Ksrma fest sent friend

Mwa ha ha ha. Thanks Nivek.

I know right! Sometimes I write something and then look at it and think shit, either I'm too stoned or I write like shit :)

Maybe you’re just not stoned enough ;)

Holey moley is right, Amy.

That sounds like the most painful experience I could imagine. I hope you have a full recovery after all that. And ya you do write pretty well for only having one eye.... lol joke... but ya you are nice to read.

Cheers my Friend,

Thanks a lot L. Fish. I’m sure there are many more painful experiences out there but hopefully I don’t get to experience them.

Still doing the voodoo juju dance for you here.... I still think you will do fine. I didn't say it would be painless..... (I knew better).

Glad you seem to be in better spirits. Sorry about all the light and pain. You have now SEEN THE LIGHT!!!

Keep us informed about your status....and I hope you are relaxing right now.....

Thanks. Seeing the light isn’t all its cracked up to be. I’m getting a chuckle out of envisioning the juju dance. I’ll be fine now you can take it easy.. Actually once I got focussed on the struggle to get here I started feeling much better. I think we all do better when we are fully engaged. Sitting around going blind was the shitty time.
As for the rest of the experience - I don’t mind a little pain. As anyone who’s read my journals knows,I kind of get off on looking at the dark side of things for some reason. I just related that experience because I think it’s interesting and even a bit funny,, not because I feel sorry for myself over it. I’m actually just happy it worked out and it’s been a relent interesting experience. Obviously not one I want to repeat at all, but still interesting. .

The girlie is taking care of the plants for me and hopefully this silly journal will get more focussed on greenery soon!
Do you remember how you did it?
Nah man, your words move at a pace and the pictures you create are vivid. I think you've got a story to write, if it was something you wanted to do...
Do you remember how you did it?
Nah man, your words move at a pace and the pictures you create are vivid. I think you've got a story to write, if it was something you wanted to do...

Thanks mate. I am actually really looking forward to more plants in the journal here, but life seems to have other plans for now. It feels a bit self serving all this blather about me.
But wtf... maybe someday one of you will have to go for eye surgery and my account of the process will have reassured and filled you with confidence.
Veered way off topic lately, but It’s still a fun outlet. Typing is so slow these days that I can waste hours on a post or two. Constant editing and peering at the screen.
I think there must be a better way to do the multi quote thing than this. But the way I’m doing it is - I hit ‘quote’ then ‘reply’ for each post I want to add. Each time I do that it bumps me down to the bottom of the page which is annoying, but it does insert the quote in the box. Then I scroll up to the next one I want added, and repeat. I think Amy G will know the proper way to do it.
This is on an iPad and it may be different for you. My 4s phone isn’t really handling the site at all though it might work with the chrome app

Then you've never caught your nutsack in the zipper of your pants.

Lol. Pretty sure i have actually! But just not to the point where I needed surgery. And you? :). I may have forgotten. Some memories get buried as fast as I can shovel the bullshit on top of them. The older I get the more skilled I get at shoveling.

damn mr.W, I can only imagine that feels like a tattoo on the eyeball but worse...??? But I'm glad you are on the mend......:hug:

I knew that the eye would draw you in, Smeegol.
Thanks. On the mend I think, and also a bit more used to bumbling around in Lala Land with only one eye. Still sort of like being in a dreamworld somehow. Half the vision gone, and the lack of depth perception makes a person feel way more vulnerable for sure.
Thanks mate. I am actually really looking forward to more plants in the journal here, but life seems to have other plans for now. It feels a bit self serving all this blather about me.
But wtf... maybe someday one of you will have to go for eye surgery and my account of the process will have reassured and filled you with confidence.
Veered way off topic lately, but It’s still a fun outlet. Typing is so slow these days that I can waste hours on a post or two. Constant editing and peering at the screen.
I think there must be a better way to do the multi quote thing than this. But the way I’m doing it is - I hit ‘quote’ then ‘reply’ for each post I want to add. Each time I do that it bumps me down to the bottom of the page which is annoying, but it does insert the quote in the box. Then I scroll up to the next one I want added, and repeat. I think Amy G will know the proper way to do it.
This is on an iPad and it may be different for you. My 4s phone isn’t really handling the site at all though it might work with the chrome app

Lol. Pretty sure i have actually! But just not to the point where I needed surgery. And you? :). I may have forgotten. Some memories get buried as fast as I can shovel the bullshit on top of them. The older I get the more skilled I get at shoveling.

I knew that the eye would draw you in, Smeegol.
Thanks. On the mend I think, and also a bit more used to bumbling around in Lala Land with only one eye. Still sort of like being in a dreamworld somehow. Half the vision gone, and the lack of depth perception makes a person feel way more vulnerable for sure.
Jus thit the quote button, for each one. Then at the bottom you can insert them. No need for the reply button if you are going to quote them all.

Just trying to help.
How do you insert them though?
I can hit ‘quote’ on a page full of posts. Each time a message pops up saying ‘message added to multi-quote’. Other than that nothing happens. I haven’t found where the button is to make them all appear in the reply box. Other than the dumbass way I found last night.
How do you insert them though?
When you start your reply, there is usually a button at the bottom left to insert the quotes. (I'm on a desktop, but I'll have to try on a mobile device to give an accurate answer).
That button only appears if you have hit the quote button at least once. For what it's worth.
I don't know how to do it either, I just start the reply with,

@ Weaselcracker

Oh yeah there’s it is. How much more obvious could it be... only on the iPad though. No sign of it on my phone. Thanks!
It’s weird actually when I updated my phone last week it actually was like four steps backwards and I lost even more options on the website.
Yeah I know...’ optimized for google chrome.’
Oh yeah there’s it is. How much more obvious could it be... only on the iPad though. No sign of it on my phone. Thanks!
On the phone, you may need to turn sideways (landscape), there are a few things that do that because of the small screen (what I read on the new forum threads when the forum switched over). But because I do not use a phone or ipad much, I can only speculate.
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