WoundedKnee's First Medical Grow

U made the right choice for sure. It'll be almost Xmas I think before any meds are ready for consumption unfortunately. Till then....black market
It will around then for me too. I have no access at all, so its just a case of waiting for me. The black market here is too shifty for me, I have no mates locally who can hook me up. I don't want to get involved with the local scene, too many junkies about here.
It would be interesting to do a side by side with soil, hydro, coco and Perlite/Vermiculite. All the same seeds, same lights and same feed. Thats something I might do in the future.
Don't think I'm gonna be trying soil. Just coco. And if I get good and start getting a bigger setup I may try some full hydroponics automated sort of set up. That's a ways down the line tho. For now.....time to mix

I told myself I'll bump up to full strength this weekend but hey. No time like the present.
It would be interesting to do a side by side with soil, hydro, coco and Perlite/Vermiculite. All the same seeds, same lights and same feed. Thats something I might do in the future.
Coco will yield more hands down, not saying soil don't cause I was very happy with my yield on first grow but Coco is more like hydro and you get alot better growth. Alot of growers say weed grown in soil ( especially organically) is better quality but I couldn't say cause I have never smoked anything grown hydro, if I have I did know it lol.✌️
The main reason I want to use a medium other than hydro is if you do get caught here, hydro gets a way higher whack. Weird, but thats the way it is.
The main reason I want to use a medium other than hydro is if you do get caught here, hydro gets a way higher whack. Weird, but thats the way it is.
That's weird lol, the strange laws we have. Oh well I've always had a disregard for the law lol. I wish they would quit legalizing it in some states and not others, it should be legal in every state and the rest of the world also.✌️
It makes no real sense. We apparently have Medical Cannabis here in Australia, yet there is absolutely no access, except for a very small group of young kids with Dravitts Syndrome. Doctors cannot prescribe it, even if they could, no one can access it ! Its a bloody joke. They passed legislation about 3 years ago, yet no one is any closer to being able to get it. They claim they need to do the appropriate research, yet all that already exists. Over 75% of the population support the idea, and its no suprise it was announced before the last election. Now we have a situation where we are seeing people die from Opiate addiction and having long term problems from other medications that Medicinal Cannabis could provide a safer viable alternative. The Law is a farce and its an obvious vote winning bluff. We are wasting a fortune debating same sex marriage, when its a simple case of just doing it, as polls say over 80% are in favour. Hopefully we bin the current duds at the next election in favour of the slightly more progressive duds (I have no love of any political party, they are all out to further their own agenda, not the peoples welfare, but let's not even go there !) Thats why I am taking my health and medications into my own hands !
Yeah here in Canada people love to shit all over our Prime Minister, yet at least he had the balls to run on legalization as a major platform issue, and won. Now he is not backing off on it as the majority supports it. I may not agree with everything he says or does but this is a major deal to me. Get it done. There are too many reasons for and few against. Some are saying they dont have enough time, yet he is standing firm (for now) and saying you had time, get it done. Say what you will about him but the guy is following through. How many politicians can say that?
It makes no real sense. We apparently have Medical Cannabis here in Australia, yet there is absolutely no access, except for a very small group of young kids with Dravitts Syndrome. Doctors cannot prescribe it, even if they could, no one can access it ! Its a bloody joke. They passed legislation about 3 years ago, yet no one is any closer to being able to get it. They claim they need to do the appropriate research, yet all that already exists. Over 75% of the population support the idea, and its no suprise it was announced before the last election. Now we have a situation where we are seeing people die from Opiate addiction and having long term problems from other medications that Medicinal Cannabis could provide a safer viable alternative. The Law is a farce and its an obvious vote winning bluff. We are wasting a fortune debating same sex marriage, when its a simple case of just doing it, as polls say over 80% are in favour. Hopefully we bin the current duds at the next election in favour of the slightly more progressive duds (I have no love of any political party, they are all out to further their own agenda, not the peoples welfare, but let's not even go there !) Thats why I am taking my health and medications into my own hands !
I agree completely, the opiates are ruining alot of people's lives here also. I just don't understand it.✌️
Yeah here in Canada people love to shit all over our Prime Minister, yet at least he had the balls to run on legalization as a major platform issue, and won. Now he is not backing off on it as the majority supports it. I may not agree with everything he says or does but this is a major deal to me. Get it done. There are too many reasons for and few against. Some are saying they dont have enough time, yet he is standing firm (for now) and saying you had time, get it done. Say what you will about him but the guy is following through. How many politicians can say that?
Only reason I voted for him. Don't care for the rest of his platform but the legalization got my vote and he is standing firm on his word as you said. So hopefully he doesn't turn on his word or delay it from all these ppl crying about how there's no time to do a or b or c. Suck it up cuz it's gonna happen.
Only reason I voted for him. Don't care for the rest of his platform but the legalization got my vote and he is standing firm on his word as you said. So hopefully he doesn't turn on his word or delay it from all these ppl crying about how there's no time to do a or b or c. Suck it up cuz it's gonna happen.

The way I see it, politicians are disposable ass wipes, use them for the one thing you need them to do then toss them. If they cant do the one thing you asked, fire them, we shouldnt have to wait years to do it either.

So I hope Australia finds someone who has the balls to do it, and hold them to it, people shouldnt have to suffer.
I hope he does stand firm. If a major country like Canada can do it, then the rest of the world will sit up and take note. Uruguay is all well and good, but its not a major player globally.

Number 1 is showing signs of her next set of leaves and has roots popping the sides of her Jiffy Pellet and into the Clay Balls. She is definetly very happy.
Number 2 is definitely showing all the traits of a middle child ! She is trying to over achieve and chase her big sister to be the biggest (I know this happens with my kids !)
Number 3 is getting bigger and growing happily, doing its own thing.
They seem to be loving the heater being back in the Tent, the only issue is the speed with they dry out with the heater going. They were bone dry this morning. I am going to knock it off during the day, just have it going at night and in the morning.
Very happy with the way things are going.
Don't think I'm gonna be trying soil. Just coco. And if I get good and start getting a bigger setup I may try some full hydroponics automated sort of set up. That's a ways down the line tho. For now.....time to mix

I told myself I'll bump up to full strength this weekend but hey. No time like the present.
Thats a crazy haul dude. I honestly think if you are growing in a tent, you don't need soil, I know it has a ton of assorted stuff in their already, but with the likes of coco, perlite/vermiculite and clay balls we can control everything much better.

The girls side starting to reach for the sun - or their artificial sun ! They are looking really good, I can't believe how much the roots grow compared to the size of the actual plant. They are bursting out the side of the Jiffy Pellets, popping out of the clay balls all over the place.

I think its because he posted last ? I definetly started it, I actually started two, because I did one, posted it and it disappeared, so I did it all again, post it and when I looked - there was the first one ! So I abandoned it and have stuck with this one. They are looking great (to my novice eye !) and I love how the roots are going berserk. They seem to be shooting out of the Jiffy Pellets like wildfire, I can't believe how big and how many roots there are. I am getting my Coco Coir next week when I am in the next Town over from me. They have a huge garden centre and I will pick up some other bits and pieces. I might grab some big pots for them and put them straight into those. I have some plans for a watering system so I can water them easily with just the turn of a tap. I have noticed how inventive all the people are here, I have seen all sorts of fantastic systems and they have been pretty inspirational. I have a watering ring that I got with the hydro set up (that I have decided to not go with, I may go with it when I have better skills and also have a bit of stock of weed !) and I will order another couple for the other two girls. I will link them together and then use some rubber tubing run to a big reservoir. I will pop a tap on it so its simple to water the plants. As they grow in the tent getting to each plant to evenly water it will become increasingly more awkward, with my bad blance the last thing I want is put 220lbs of downforce on the girls, especially as they are close to the finish line !! I will make a reservoir out of a large plastic container, I will pop in a large airstone I have to oxygenate the water and keep it from stagnation. I need to get a decent ph meter ordered up too. I have used bottled water so far, but I have noticed a big emphasis on the correct ph, so this is top of my list of things to get.
The seedlings are looking great. See you are going to give coco a try. Hope it works well. Just make sure you let a bit of nutes run out and drain off when feeding and should be good. Maybe you should try one in the hydro bucket and they other two in coco. Get a feel for both systems. The more things you try the more you will learn. So far you are doing very well.
Yeah you will need a ph pen. I just use cheap ones off ebay now and they are better than all the fancy ones i have had in the past.
I was thinking of doing one in Perlite/Vermiculite as I need to get some of that anyway for my Chillies, so I could do a 3 way test out and see what works best for me. I can use the Coco on my Chillies too, see which works best there too Since finding this place I have found so many transferable skills and tips. I always top my Chillies and Tomatoes, yet never thought to clone them. Now today I find out about 'fimming' - which I might give a go on my other plants. I can scrog them too. I am overwhelmed with great ideas.
Just been looking at some seeds (thanks AussieBlueTHC - you have infected me with your obsession!) and I found Nova OG by Manali West Seeds, its got a THC content of 35% Thats incredible. That would definetly kill any pain I have and definitely help me get a proper nights sleep.

I think its because he posted last ? I definetly started it, I actually started two, because I did one, posted it and it disappeared, so I did it all again, post it and when I looked - there was the first one ! So I abandoned it and have stuck with this one. They are looking great (to my novice eye !) and I love how the roots are going berserk. They seem to be shooting out of the Jiffy Pellets like wildfire, I can't believe how big and how many roots there are. I am getting my Coco Coir next week when I am in the next Town over from me. They have a huge garden centre and I will pick up some other bits and pieces. I might grab some big pots for them and put them straight into those. I have some plans for a watering system so I can water them easily with just the turn of a tap. I have noticed how inventive all the people are here, I have seen all sorts of fantastic systems and they have been pretty inspirational. I have a watering ring that I got with the hydro set up (that I have decided to not go with, I may go with it when I have better skills and also have a bit of stock of weed !) and I will order another couple for the other two girls. I will link them together and then use some rubber tubing run to a big reservoir. I will pop a tap on it so its simple to water the plants. As they grow in the tent getting to each plant to evenly water it will become increasingly more awkward, with my bad blance the last thing I want is put 220lbs of downforce on the girls, especially as they are close to the finish line !! I will make a reservoir out of a large plastic container, I will pop in a large airstone I have to oxygenate the water and keep it from stagnation. I need to get a decent ph meter ordered up too. I have used bottled water so far, but I have noticed a big emphasis on the correct ph, so this is top of my list of things to get.
For some reason I believe your comments or something got deleted at the start of journal, im not sure but on my screen it just shows what I was saying and not sure what happened to your comments lol. Oh well you are off to the races now and looking good, thumb up.✌️
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