1st Journal - M39 - Northen Light x Skunk - Soil - CFLs

Re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

Adult ladybugs are not too good in my experience. The larvae seem to do better at eating the mites and eggs. If you do end up using insecticidal soap be sure to wash it off thoroughly. It also has to come in contact with the mites as it works by suffocating them. Do not apply it under direct light. You might be okay under CFL, but I had problems with sunlight. I am pretty sure that one of my plants had issues because it got mites early in my grow and the soap residue damaged the leaves as they were not able to cool/breath properly with the residue on them. Insecticidal soap is not harmful to humans. You can also use predator mites which reproduce 5x faster than the mites biting your plants. DocBud recently recommended Organocide Plant Doctor to Shottafire in his journal. I hope this helps :)
Re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

Sup guys, got some sloppy pictures again but you can see the colors. I sprayed the leaves that had them with dish soap and water, then rince with water right before the night cycle. Will see how it goes tomorrow

Re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

Looks like mites to me. Try taking a pic from further away then zoom in when you crop the pic. You may be able to get it clear that way. I take mine on my phone so it is tough. Based on the light dots on the top of the plants it looks like mites to me. You are in veg so it should be very doable to get rid of them. It sounds like you are on the right track :) If you ever need a quick answer on something feel free to PM me. I am no expert, but I am happy to help if I am able.
Re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

Thanks Rain but i am at day 21 of flowering and not to sure what i should do from here, last night i sprayed and clean the leaves that were attacked but not the full plant, should i do a full spray and rince later today ? I really want to get rid of them
Re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

Looks like mites to me...I have no idea how you removed them...the world's tiniest tweezers?

My advice is spray only the underside of the leaves with the soap mixture and do not rinse...but that is just what I would do If I was in your situation...take in everyone's ideas and make the best decision for yourself ...good luck
Re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

Looks like mites to me...I have no idea how you removed them...the world's tiniest tweezers?

My advice is spray only the underside of the leaves with the soap mixture and do not rinse...but that is just what I would do If I was in your situation...take in everyone's ideas and make the best decision for yourself ...good luck

And that is what i did last night before the night cycle :) Their about to wake up, will see how it goes. What should i do if they spread into the flowers ? Spray directly the buds and rince after with plain water ? Thanks yall for the help :) :circle-of-love:
Re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

And that is what i did last night before the night cycle :) Their about to wake up, will see how it goes. What should i do if they spread into the flowers ? Spray directly the buds and rince after with plain water ? Thanks yall for the help :) :circle-of-love:

Sorry Lavernz...I do not know about the affects of spraying the buds..just know how to control the mites...I have never had to treat my ganja plants for spider mites, just trees, mostly dwarf Alberta spruce

Hopefully someone with experience in treating marijuana plants in flower will chime in soon ...good luck...it's still early and you are on top of it
Re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

Sorry Lavernz...I do not know about the affects of spraying the buds..just know how to control the mites...I have never had to treat my ganja plants for spider mites, just trees, mostly dwarf Alberta spruce

Hopefully someone with experience in treating marijuana plants in flower will chime in soon ...good luck...it's still early and you are on top of it

All good dont worry about it :) Just sprayed them good again (Only leaves, some spray touched the buds but they seem fine), a huge clean up of the garden & basement with Hydrogen Peroxide wipes (no chemicals traces), Dish soap, broom (all the goodies :)) and a little defoliate on the bottoms leaves. My girls seem to take it good, even under the light. Will keep yall updated, hopefully i wont wake up tomorrow morning with all dead plants lol.

Oh and, didnt see one little bastards after my little leaves cleaning last night. :D
Re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

Hello everyone, sorry ive been away for a while with work and all the goodies that life is the cities give us. First off, i wan't to say thanks to all of you regarding my little pest problem, i don't seem to find any of them anymore. Oh yes, i did find one 2 days ago, it was not moving, seem even dead to me lol, homemade pesticide is the best (only issue with it is i sprayed a few buds by accident, and the top of the pistils is already turning brown or burning ?), if they invade me once more, ill use tobacco or i found a recipe here on 420 with baked soda, vinegar & lemon juice that seem to rock their world lol. I just got a hold on Flora Nova bloom juice that i will receive on Friday so next watering will have some nutes !!! I was also wondering when should i start adding Molasse in my watering cycle ? Im already at Day 25 of the flowering period, RJ-11 nugs are looking very nice, hopefully the rest of the gang will follow soon :) I will post pictures tonight from my gf camera so the quality should be better :)

I was also looking for my future grows... I am asking myself if i should buy a 300W LED system for my garden, or a 400W HPS. The thing is, i sleep right next of the garden and i really dont feel to install a 6'' intake fan that is super loud (for HPS set-up) and instead go with a LED that does not produce excesive heat and most likely very quiet comparing the intake fan's. I know the LED's system are still a cloud that spin's over & over again in our heads, but every year they seem to be better & cheaper, specially the ones on ebay... but... should i buy them of Ebay or they are all scams that breaks after a week of use ?

See y'all later with some nice pictures for you beautiful folks :love::peace:
Re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

be very cautious of the cheap light on the auction site, most are poor quality chinese rubbish that produce very poor results, im thinking of going led and following a few journals that are testing lights from the sponsors, im sure their are some good lights on the auction site but most are cheap rubbish that you would end up throwing money at and not get the results you want,

for now my hps produces the results i want, i could do with a 600watt hps but am looking into led's but theirs so many different options out their for the auction products that id stick with one of the sponsors and buy something thats tried and tested and proven to work,
Re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

be very cautious of the cheap light on the auction site, most are poor quality chinese rubbish that produce very poor results, im thinking of going led and following a few journals that are testing lights from the sponsors, im sure their are some good lights on the auction site but most are cheap rubbish that you would end up throwing money at and not get the results you want,

for now my hps produces the results i want, i could do with a 600watt hps but am looking into led's but theirs so many different options out their for the auction products that id stick with one of the sponsors and buy something thats tried and tested and proven to work,

Thanks Don, just took a look at them. Gotta say they are very expensive, but like you said its not a China product... We are safe enough to say that they are the Benz of LED's :) Ill search more on Amazon tho since they are great with their return policies, also they are US product. I don't feel like spending 1k into 1 light set-up that could get me 3 1000watts HPS kits...
Re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

im not saying dont buy off the auction or rain forest site just be careful with what you buy as cheap can mean poor quality, i just dont want you wasting money on something thats going to perform very poor for you, its not worth using something that just dont work, so try and research the company and type of light, their are some bad stories about certain products.

so do your reserach and im sure you will be just fine, i mean even the top end lights are built in china so im not saying all products out of china are a load of crap as a lot of stuff is now produced their and they do produce some great quality products, just take your time and do your research and im sure you wont have any problems. so not trying to put you off shopping elsewhere.
Re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

im not saying dont buy off the auction or rain forest site just be careful with what you buy as cheap can mean poor quality, i just dont want you wasting money on something thats going to perform very poor for you, its not worth using something that just dont work, so try and research the company and type of light, their are some bad stories about certain products.

so do your reserach and im sure you will be just fine, i mean even the top end lights are built in china so im not saying all products out of china are a load of crap as a lot of stuff is now produced their and they do produce some great quality products, just take your time and do your research and im sure you wont have any problems. so not trying to put you off shopping elsewhere.

Dont worry Don :) It's like shopping a car, gotta find the right one :) As you said for China, i realized that most of them sold on the market are from there lol. Like if LED's are not already complicated enough.
Re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

Alright guys got a few quick style pics for yall, i really gotta go to sleep lol. I used my gf camera this time, i will take more shots this weekend outside of the room with buds size.

Day 25 / Flowering period

The group



Mlevernz (She is still pretty small, hope she will catch up soon)


Roxy haze (she was too big for the camera ill get her better next time, i will also try to fit a small tomato rack this weekend, she is leaning big time)

Buds shots from RJ-11


With Flash


I will give them a shot of nutes this weekend, should i start with a 1/2 strength ? Also, when should i start adding some molass in the water ? :)

Time to go to sleep, gn :420: :peace:
Re: 1st Journal, M39 (Northen Light x Skunk ) Soil & CFL'S

In flower I feed nutes, then molasses the next watering, just make sure throw a flush or two in the schedule, salt can build up pretty quick. The plants are looking really good though, so you're doing something right, really nice trichs in that last pic.
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