420 Magazine's Plant of the Month: October 2012

Vote for Plant of the Month - October 2012

  • Ilikebike - Unknown Strain

    Votes: 2 2.7%
  • Greenlover32 - Marleys Cheese

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jandre2k3 - Jandre Kush

    Votes: 3 4.0%
  • ConqueringLOJ - White Siberian

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cultivator - A.M.S.

    Votes: 4 5.3%
  • Dweeden420 - Satori

    Votes: 7 9.3%
  • Blueskybsn - OG Kush

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Rastabama - Super Lemon Haze x Rey Mysterio

    Votes: 4 5.3%
  • Caregiverken - Rock Candy

    Votes: 9 12.0%
  • Relaxed Leester - Sativa OG Kush

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Muttt - Gran Daddy Purple

    Votes: 6 8.0%
  • Frogsong - Purple Berry

    Votes: 23 30.7%
  • The General - Northern Lights #5

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • DarksideD - Chonic

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Be Irie - Churps (Sativa Chernobyl X Da purps)

    Votes: 6 8.0%
  • Goldengoose7 - Grand Daddy Purple

    Votes: 9 12.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Great entry there Mutt! I thought I got warped to the help section! Hope it makes it!

Here's my entry for Plant of the Month.

I got myself a clone from the only collective left in my area. It was a Gran Daddy Purple clone. It had decent small growth along the stem and looked to be in good shape. It was obviously pot bound in the little red cup it was in. So, I repotted it into a bigger pot with some fresh organic soil mix. I was really careful when repotting it since this was my first ever attempt at growing, I wanted to get everything just right.

To my horror, as I looked down at the table after repotting my clone. I noticed that I had knocked a new growth sprout off the side of the stalk .... down near the bottom of the stalk. I felt so bad about ravaging my precise little plant. So, I decided right there and then that this little piece of plant needed to live. The cutting was so tiny, only about a half inch long. I wasn't sure if I could save it or not. So, I put a little sprinkle of rooting hormone in some water and place it into one of my wifes little candle holders and used a toothpic to keep the plant out of the water. Just the stem touched the water. It seemed to live for about 5 days. After which, I went out and got the supplies I needed to make a small bubble cloner. I wanted to move it to the bubble cloner, but It was too small. There was no way I was going to be able to put it into a foam circle and the stem would never be able to get anywhere near the water. So, I had to make a little tinfoil sling to hold the plant at water level. After ten days, it seems to be in excellent health.

Yesterday, when I looked in on it, I noticed that it has three tiny little hairs hanging down from the stem into the water. Since I now have roots ..... as tiny as they are. I am calling this little bugger a plant. I actually have more time invested into this tiny little thing than I do the three big ones currently in my grow box. Hopefully it will make it into the next batch I run throw the big grow box.

So, here is my official entry .......... "Mini Me"


yep my vote has been taken:)
Holy Crap ....... now that's PURPLE.
thats amazing well done!
was your soil red clay? I mean did you add clay to your soil?
:popcorn::popcorn:I dont know mutt I may have to change my mind:hmmmm:
This is my Chonic 3 Weeks an 2 Days into 12/12, I have spent a good few hours just looking at her the frosting on it is really quite good for this stage, beautiful I have 5 of them in atm I just wish they where all like this ono. Ez DD *edit pic
damn, some nice entries this moth for sure,im liking the clone, everything i have read says to take big clones, how ever all my clones are around an inch in length from tip to root, i find they root a whole lot quicker than bigger clones, i always get 100% success rooting strait into soil with rooting gel and a small dome over, all i do is spray twice a day and within a week i can keep the dome off and it dont wilt, i tried this with a bigger clone over the same period but when i took the dome off the clone wilted within an hour and died, i now only take small clones and ive not had one die on my yet,
damn, some nice entries this moth for sure,im liking the clone, everything i have read says to take big clones, how ever all my clones are around an inch in length from tip to root, i find they root a whole lot quicker than bigger clones, i always get 100% success rooting strait into soil with rooting gel and a small dome over, all i do is spray twice a day and within a week i can keep the dome off and it dont wilt, i tried this with a bigger clone over the same period but when i took the dome off the clone wilted within an hour and died, i now only take small clones and ive not had one die on my yet,

Large clones really are better as u get more vigorous root growth and faster veg time. Smaller cuttings are fine but bigger is better, as many nodes as poss before it becomes too woody. Ur larger clone prob died as it will transpire much faster than a small clone, hence needing a humidity dome. I too get 100% success rate and have done for years. Aeroponic cloning is the best way and I've tried just about everything. But it's personal preference at end of day.

May the best plant win everyone. Good luck ;)
thanks for the info, ill take it on board, i just find that smaller clones take easier and quicker in soil, i started to build an aero cloner but i thought that if im growing in soil then i should clone in soil, aero cloners are ok if your growing hydro, but transplanting to soil after causes problems, ill try bigger clones at some point but i can get mine rooted in around 7 to 10 days then i can leave the dome off, i just think bigger clones need more to keep them alive while they are rooting, im probably wrong but ill give it a try next time i take clones, ill take a bigger clone and a smaller clone and see how each of them compare, you might be right, ill give it a try at some point and find out,
thanks for the info, ill take it on board, i just find that smaller clones take easier and quicker in soil, i started to build an aero cloner but i thought that if im growing in soil then i should clone in soil, aero cloners are ok if your growing hydro, but transplanting to soil after causes problems, ill try bigger clones at some point but i can get mine rooted in around 7 to 10 days then i can leave the dome off, i just think bigger clones need more to keep them alive while they are rooting, im probably wrong but ill give it a try next time i take clones, ill take a bigger clone and a smaller clone and see how each of them compare, you might be right, ill give it a try at some point and find out,

check out my grows don

Obviously we on the wrong board for this discussion but if u want advice on clones pm me or we can chat in my journal. Honestly mate i have lots and lots experience with clones, i produce on average 300/400 per month. Aerocloners can be used to root cuttings for soil with great success mate. and there is very little (if any) transplant shock when done correctly. i transplant to soil, coco, perlite, clay pebbles and use straight hydro. I mean ofcourse do what works for u marra ofcourse but if u try an aerocloner u wont turn back mate. :peace:
I'm still trying it every which way I can. I tried dirt .... didn't seem to work out. Trying bubbler. Next is rapid rooters. I don't really care which way I end up doing it. I figure I will just keep using which ever method works out best and fastest for my conditions here. There are some damn fine plants posted up this month.
ill come over and check your journal out mate, i have no problem with my clones and i always get 100% success now i found out where i was going wrong, i was watering the soil as well as spraying the clone, this was a big mistake all this did was stop the clone from growing roots, so now i water the soil before taking the clone, then i take the clone and put it in rooting gel for about 15 seconds then i place it in a small pot with a small dome over it, and leave it under 24-0 and they seem to root ok, between a week and 10 days before i can leave the dome off, so now i dont water the soil i mist the clone and inside the dome, this makes it humid enough to stop wilting and make it root, i have also tried rooting in plain water as i was told this i the easiest way, i found it hard and found it took up to 3 weeks for roots to grow, and when they did grow i left it till they was a few inches long then i placed it in a pot, within an hour it had died but i know if i used a dome it would of lived, so i cut that out and root direct to soil as im growing in soil, its less stress on the roots,

i am doing dwc grows as well so aero or water clones would be ideal for this,
Thank you very much. I think she is very beautiful too. Main ingredient aged horse manure. Fed with Fox Farm fertilizer. We had a slight frost in mid September and that is when the purple started, on her and her sister. As the weather gets colder the more purple they get. Satori has a lemonly almost lacquer kind of smell. I love it. Smooth minty flavor. Very social, uplifting high, cures my social anxiety every time.
wow its definitely that outdoor time of year!!!! some bad az$ plant entries this month!!! beauties! I can't wait to see more!!! 2 more days!!

Here's my entry for Plant of the Month.

I got myself a clone from the only collective left in my area. It was a Gran Daddy Purple clone. It had decent small growth along the stem and looked to be in good shape. It was obviously pot bound in the little red cup it was in. So, I repotted it into a bigger pot with some fresh organic soil mix. I was really careful when repotting it since this was my first ever attempt at growing, I wanted to get everything just right.

To my horror, as I looked down at the table after repotting my clone. I noticed that I had knocked a new growth sprout off the side of the stalk .... down near the bottom of the stalk. I felt so bad about ravaging my precise little plant. So, I decided right there and then that this little piece of plant needed to live. The cutting was so tiny, only about a half inch long. I wasn't sure if I could save it or not. So, I put a little sprinkle of rooting hormone in some water and place it into one of my wifes little candle holders and used a toothpic to keep the plant out of the water. Just the stem touched the water. It seemed to live for about 5 days. After which, I went out and got the supplies I needed to make a small bubble cloner. I wanted to move it to the bubble cloner, but It was too small. There was no way I was going to be able to put it into a foam circle and the stem would never be able to get anywhere near the water. So, I had to make a little tinfoil sling to hold the plant at water level. After ten days, it seems to be in excellent health.

Yesterday, when I looked in on it, I noticed that it has three tiny little hairs hanging down from the stem into the water. Since I now have roots ..... as tiny as they are. I am calling this little bugger a plant. I actually have more time invested into this tiny little thing than I do the three big ones currently in my grow box. Hopefully it will make it into the next batch I run throw the big grow box.

So, here is my official entry .......... "Mini Me"


Hahahahahahahahhahaha Mutt, I love it.
Beautiful plants, just gotta love the end of the outdoor season.... Here is one of my Churps (Sativa Chernobyl X Da purps) She seems to do much better outdoors then she does indoors...



and as a side note, the plants can take some cold weather....

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