ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

I've had cracked & broken ribs, I've also broken both collar bones & all are painful so I have an idea what you're going through bro. Take it easy, rest up & hopefully you'll heal fast. Sending you healing vibes brotha :circle-of-love:
It's such a shame you can't medicate :(
hang in there buddy :love:

best wishes, get well soon :grinjoint:
Congrats on the chop Cronic.

Thanks Brotha :Namaste:

I've had cracked & broken ribs, I've also broken both collar bones & all are painful so I have an idea what you're going through bro. Take it easy, rest up & hopefully you'll heal fast. Sending you healing vibes brotha :circle-of-love:
It's such a shame you can't medicate :(

I hope so Brotha Hurts like hell :thumb:

Sorry to hear about that pain Chronic :straightface: Hang in there and take it easy on yourself.. :peace:

Thanks Catman :high-five: trying to but im only gonna stay home from work about 1 more day I cant afford to stay home too long
lucky thing I don't have to do much at the job im currently at but when I go back to construction itll depend what kind of position I can get hopefully im better by then cause im taking the first thing that comes :rofl:

hang in there buddy :love:

best wishes, get well soon :grinjoint:

Thanks 420 Brotha :thumb:

Hope you feel better soon Chronic.

hope so too Brotha Smiley :high-five:

ok on another note

pbk x rpbk x gdp BID genetics got 368 fem seeds off 2 small clones

the one I used that same pollen on the single sour diesel clone which was a lot bigger than the pbk clones
1551 seeds wow I didn't expect that kinda number took a few hours to clean it off :rofl:
took another couple hours to count it :rofl:
Nice work on the seeds, Brother! That is a crazy amount. You are on your way to owning a seed bank! Or at least supplying one. Everybody will want Chron's Genetics! Happy Weednesday my good man Hope your chest feels better :high-five:
thats some serious amount off seeds mate....have fun with them and i hope the pain dont last long for you mate

itll probably last about a month or so Thanks man :thumb:

Cronic make sure you rest well :circle-of-love:

Trying to Brother its hard not to do anything at all but im limiting the use of my right arm since its the right side that's hurt
Thanks Brother :Namaste:

Hey, man! I know that hurts like hell! Take care old friend.....and stay out of the Boat for a while. Many healing vibes are on the way!

:Namaste: :high-five: :Namaste:

yea it does Buddy but I don't think it compares to what you go through you take care of yourself too and glad to see you pop in Buddy :circle-of-love:

That is A LOT of seeds my man. :cheer:

Got lucky I guess :rofl: Thanks Catman :high-five:

Nice work on the seeds, Brother! That is a crazy amount. You are on your way to owning a seed bank! Or at least supplying one. Everybody will want Chron's Genetics! Happy Weednesday my good man Hope your chest feels better :high-five:

hey Brotha Sweet well hopefully ill need them next year the bill is still moving forward and as long as they pass the dispensaries they are gonna need production centers :thumb: Thanks Brotha and you have a Great day too :thumb:

Dude I am so sorry .... that sounds so painful... please take care.....:circle-of-love:

High Dennise Thank you im trying to its probably why im only checking my journal and OMM's journal :circle-of-love:

1551 seeds :thedoubletake::bravo::)

Thanks Brotha :high-five:
Hey Brother Chronic....just got caught up.....only 4 pages behind this time:rofl:lol.....dude.....dont you know that you are cant be doing all that young man shit seriously bro....i hate to hear you are in so much pain.....hopefully today is a little better for you:).......on another yall hear that....?.....!!!.......1551:)lol....congratz my friend:) if you feel like answering a question:).........when you see your long do you wait to collect you shake teh bush or cut off the bud and collect it like that......i cut a bud with a lot of nanners off yesterday.....then realized that one was opened but empty!!!!uh oh:)......anyways the others were a little yellow but mostly green.....cut a few open but there was no yellow:/ the pollen yellow? i dipped a q tip into the mush and painted the top of one of my colas on the clone in the flower room.....put a zip lock on it for a few hours so when i put her back in the flower room there would be no sharing:)lol.....i really dont think there was anything to pollinate with but we will see.....basically i jumped in yesterday with out any sort of a plan other than to pollinate.....once i cut teh nanner bud off i was like....shite.....maybe i should have thought this through better:rofl:....upside is that Lady Bud had a very good laugh on at my expense:rofl:lol....any help is muchly appreciated bro:).....and Get Better Soon:):thumb:
Good morning weed brotha cronic. Wow I leave for awhile and come back to all kinds of good and bad things. Sure hated to hear about being towed and then hurting yourself. Fluke things like that just suck. Can't prepare for it. Hope today is a little better. Did they wrap you up? Now to the good!!!! The bill passed, you will be a grower, your seeds popping, more seeds on the way and a great looking harvest. Everything is looking great so take care of yourself and heal. Happy Days are ahead. :thumb::high-five::volcano-smiley:
ok before I answer you all heres a pic for you all the 368 pbk x rpbk x gdp seeds on a plate then the
1551 seeds of the pbk x rpbk x gdp pollen on the sour diesel

so this is what 368 seeds look like on a plate


and this is what 1551 seeds on a plate looks like


Hey Brother Chronic....just got caught up.....only 4 pages behind this time:rofl:lol.....dude.....dont you know that you are cant be doing all that young man shit seriously bro....i hate to hear you are in so much pain.....hopefully today is a little better for you:).......on another yall hear that....?.....!!!.......1551:)lol....congratz my friend:) if you feel like answering a question:).........when you see your long do you wait to collect you shake teh bush or cut off the bud and collect it like that......i cut a bud with a lot of nanners off yesterday.....then realized that one was opened but empty!!!!uh oh:)......anyways the others were a little yellow but mostly green.....cut a few open but there was no yellow:/ the pollen yellow? i dipped a q tip into the mush and painted the top of one of my colas on the clone in the flower room.....put a zip lock on it for a few hours so when i put her back in the flower room there would be no sharing:)lol.....i really dont think there was anything to pollinate with but we will see.....basically i jumped in yesterday with out any sort of a plan other than to pollinate.....once i cut teh nanner bud off i was like....shite.....maybe i should have thought this through better:rofl:....upside is that Lady Bud had a very good laugh on at my expense:rofl:lol....any help is muchly appreciated bro:).....and Get Better Soon:):thumb:

ok I stop spraying my cs when the first flower opens from there
I just kinda look at it and wait a bit till I notice some older and some newer leaves
when I start plucking I know its good when I can see pollen drop off when I pluck it but not all that I pluck have pollen falling off
its been kind of a trial and error thing theres so much flowers I just try a few one day and gauge how old the flowers need to be when I do pluck it don't get me wrong I pluck some older looking ones and some newer looking ones as long as the flowers are open
I do notice the older looking ones usually drop the pollen they don't usually go poof like a male plant I pluck it and notice some pollen
drop I try not make sure I dont lose to much of it and place the flower upside down onto the bud
I put about 2-3 flowers on each bud and every day ill put a few on different buds that I haven't pollinated
its a lot of trial and error I thought I get more seeds off the 2 clones but I ended up getting more off the 1 sour diesel clone
but then again I think the 1 clone was bigger and had more bud sites that the other 2 put together
the other thing is the 2 clones the plants were a lot tighter so I couldn't easily get to all the bud sites whereas the 1 clone
was more open and had more space and also I think as I pollinate sometimes pollen drops and spread around to other budsites
maybe but definitely sometimes the flower drops onto other buds and spreads some pollen that way
I hope I didn't confuse you Brotha GreenZ

Good morning weed brotha cronic. Wow I leave for awhile and come back to all kinds of good and bad things. Sure hated to hear about being towed and then hurting yourself. Fluke things like that just suck. Can't prepare for it. Hope today is a little better. Did they wrap you up? Now to the good!!!! The bill passed, you will be a grower, your seeds popping, more seeds on the way and a great looking harvest. Everything is looking great so take care of yourself and heal. Happy Days are ahead. :thumb::high-five::volcano-smiley:

No Wrapping me up the doc offered but I didn't say yes I went through this before but this is the first time I found out it could more likely be cartilage separated or broken instead of bone, its happened to my ribs and my chest before I always thought it was bone
but the last time it happened to my ribs I took x-rays and it showed no breaks so this time I opted out of x-rays cause I knew it had more likely to be cartilage than bone, still hurts a lot only when I do certain movements or sneeze/cough clear my throat use my right arm
lol theres a lot of things that make me feel it but if I do nothing it doesn't really bother me but its hard doing nothing :rofl:
but im ok I can deal with it im pretty tolerant when it comes to pain its why I didn't say yes when he offered pain killers hell pain killers always sucked for me so I always went to the smoke cause I always still felt the pain either way the only difference is when I smoked I just didn't care as much that it hurt and could not think about it easier
Thanks For droppin by Brotha :circle-of-love:

Hey cronic friend I hope its going well for you and your family:circle-of-love:

Well the wife has her own issues so I just dont complain as much :rofl:
Thanks Brother :circle-of-love:

Just passing through to wish you well brotha Chronic. I hope today has been less painful for ya :)

still about the same this stuff usually last about a month or a bit longer but im sure itll pass
Thanks Brotha :circle-of-love:

Hey Chronic, hope your healing up buddy.
Congrats on all the seeds man.

its gonna heal eventually :rofl:
Thanks Brotha Stealth :circle-of-love:

Hope your feeling a bit better....:circle-of-love:

Im gonna get there Sistah D :circle-of-love:

Thanks all My 420 Brothas and Sistah D I can feel the love and support :circle-of-love:

enjoy the plate full of seed pics
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