ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

Nice Update Cron
You take really good care of all your plants, I couldn't keep up If I had as many as you LOL.

Good Weedk my friend

ah it gets to be much sometimes but I still love it
and the rewards make it worthwhile for sure :thumb: and a Great weedk to you too Dani

Let us know how the hash comes out........:circle-of-love:

Meh so far that's what I think well ill say everything I need to say on my reply to Jaga
Good Weed to you Dennise :circle-of-love:

Looking good buddy. I too am interested in this method of extracting hash. I think DP has done it this way before, I think he used bottles then poked holes for the water to drain off.

well we will get to that in just a second Thanks for droppin in rain :Namaste:

Looking good cronic. Happy Munchday to ya. The girls are looking healthy as always. Hope your hash turns out. It's always nice to have around.

Hey Brotha Happy Tokerday almost :rofl:
I always got some hash but the silk screen hash isn't exactly full melt is what im trying for next bho is kinda dangerous
and I don't know if I wanna play with iso on a stove even tho I got an electric stove

High Cronic....:circle-of-love:

High Dennise the next hits for you :lot-o-toke:

Making hash is still a mystery to me.

Have a great weedk, CHH!

Thanks CannaMeds
well I can make screened hash pretty good I got me a silk screen and it comes out fairly decent and I got a press to press it with too

Anything we can help with? Lucky for you there is tons of options! Great videos and great people, just let us know.

yea I read a lot its why I wanted to try this method
I usually do silk screen

Happy Holiday Cron! This my last plagiarized greeting, I just borrowed it from you.:high-five:

I gotta stop this copycatting and use something original from within my own dome. :hmmmm:

I see you have been helping ALOT, great job! I see a MoM for you in the near future!:circle-of-love:

Nah you didn't :rofl:
Thanks I wish maybe one day :thumb: cant keep up with KJC tho hes like everywhere

Hey Sir Fast and Spikey! Some great levelling out going on and some lush plants indeed! :) hope your hash comes out great for ya! Best of buds to you and yours! :)

hey LA Thanks man I don't know how much hope I have for thios method of hash lol

Have a green week Sir Cronic :Namaste:


Same to you Fr3d Keep em Green :high-five:
ok maybe I been smoking too much lately and confusing what with who and why duh :rofl:

ok anywho on the hash using the blender the gold coffee filter and paper coffee filter
the return is not worth it for what I used I would get a lot more just on the first pass on the silk screen
and it comes out pretty good
this one looks a lot greener than what comes off the screen also and I have to wait for it to dry
also can lose some while pouring off the water as you near the end if you don't stop soon enough
if you look really closely its trailing out anywho so my conclusion is the silk screen is cheap enough to get and I get a better
return on the hash that I do with ice and blender and the hash is a lot lighter colored from the screen compared to really dark green on the paper coffee filter that's what was left on the bottom
the screen cost me like 20 something bucks
I guess its a few bucks for the gold filter and the paper filters
but the return is minimal on the blender method compared to the silk screen method in my opinion
and the end product off the silk screen looks better
when I can afford it I gonna get me some bubble bags I want me some blonde hash can you get full melt from bubble bags>?
ok maybe I been smoking too much lately and confusing what with who and why duh :rofl:

ok anywho on the hash using the blender the gold coffee filter and paper coffee filter
the return is not worth it for what I used I would get a lot more just on the first pass on the silk screen
and it comes out pretty good
this one looks a lot greener than what comes off the screen also and I have to wait for it to dry
also can lose some while pouring off the water as you near the end if you don't stop soon enough
if you look really closely its trailing out anywho so my conclusion is the silk screen is cheap enough to get and I get a better
return on the hash that I do with ice and blender and the hash is a lot lighter colored from the screen compared to really dark green on the paper coffee filter that's what was left on the bottom
the screen cost me like 20 something bucks
I guess its a few bucks for the gold filter and the paper filters
but the return is minimal on the blender method compared to the silk screen method in my opinion
and the end product off the silk screen looks better
when I can afford it I gonna get me some bubble bags I want me some blonde hash can you get full melt from bubble bags>?

From everything I read, the best sift from bubble bags is full melt :thumb:

Imma get some of those bags too... Was going to when my tax money comes in, but might go ahead and order them to run the KwaZulu trim.

Enjoy that hash buddy. :blunt:
Hey Cron I just finished another hash run last night with my indoor trim and had my best results to date, The cleanest blondest hash I have ever seen, no grainy matter just pure sticky resin goo. I am expecting full melt~ on the 73 and 90 for sure, the 45 and 120, possibly the 160 microns will bubble up but will leave a small bit of waxy/particle residue. With hash I feel you need to have a decent amount of trim and not be too sentimental with it so to say, I feel a lot of the trichome stalks and smaller less pronounced/mature trichome heads aren't making it through and are still stuck to the plant matter (smaller op growers who are attempting to use every bit of the plant should not be making hash, imo). If a grower is wanting to collect all the goodness off of their trim I would go with edibles, 24 hour low heat extraction into coconut oil, extra virgin olive, etc. to absolutely strip the plant material. But yet, we cant smoke this :laugh: I feel a long paragraph off topic rant coming on ahh.. Ill stop with this :laugh: I have also found the colder you keep the entire process, materials, equipment, the less green plant mater that seems to get through. Cleanliness is always #1! :Namaste:

Amazing what morning full melt dabs will to ya.. :smokin: :laugh:
Bubble Bags are worth the expense. I started with coffee filters, they work, but there is no comparison to the bags, the results are superior.

I got this hash using 5 of the colored Bubble Bags, quality increases with 5 being the best hash in the last bag I think the last (5)
bag is 40 microns and the 1st was 160 microns. Never tried a metal/gold coffee filter, but if I did, I'd run what comes out of it through a standard/paper coffee filter. I made a slideshow/video of my last batch shown in this picture. Let me know if you'd like me to post it.

I got the 5 chunks from the full bottle shown, maybe 10 grams? I did not weigh it.:high-five:

I got this hash using 5 of the colored Bubble Bags, quality increases with 5 being the best hash in the last bag I think the last (5)
bag is 40 microns and the 1st was 160 microns. Never tried a metal/gold coffee filter, but if I did, I'd run what comes out of it through a standard/paper coffee filter. I made a slideshow/video of my last batch shown in this picture. Let me know if you'd like me to post it.

I got the 5 chunks from the full bottle shown, maybe 10 grams? I did not weigh it.:high-five:


Please post....:circle-of-love:
Haha I never knew what bubble bags were for before I joined 420. I'll try it one day also. I think I've seen a full set on scamazon for 40 bucks. I love to smoke hash, but haven't had any in a long long time. :)
From everything I read, the best sift from bubble bags is full melt :thumb:

Imma get some of those bags too... Was going to when my tax money comes in, but might go ahead and order them to run the KwaZulu trim.

Enjoy that hash buddy. :blunt:

eh that filter stuff in the blender was a waste of time for me
if im gonna do it that way ill just screen it other than that I wanna get me some bubble bags

Hey Cron I just finished another hash run last night with my indoor trim and had my best results to date, The cleanest blondest hash I have ever seen, no grainy matter just pure sticky resin goo. I am expecting full melt~ on the 73 and 90 for sure, the 45 and 120, possibly the 160 microns will bubble up but will leave a small bit of waxy/particle residue. With hash I feel you need to have a decent amount of trim and not be too sentimental with it so to say, I feel a lot of the trichome stalks and smaller less pronounced/mature trichome heads aren't making it through and are still stuck to the plant matter (smaller op growers who are attempting to use every bit of the plant should not be making hash, imo). If a grower is wanting to collect all the goodness off of their trim I would go with edibles, 24 hour low heat extraction into coconut oil, extra virgin olive, etc. to absolutely strip the plant material. But yet, we cant smoke this :laugh: I feel a long paragraph off topic rant coming on ahh.. Ill stop with this :laugh: I have also found the colder you keep the entire process, materials, equipment, the less green plant mater that seems to get through. Cleanliness is always #1! :Namaste:

Amazing what morning full melt dabs will to ya.. :smokin: :laugh:

I don't bother once I screen the material it goes in the trash if I had bubble bags same thing once and done
I use to save avb and use it too cook actually works too theres stuff enough left from vaped material

Bubble Bags are worth the expense. I started with coffee filters, they work, but there is no comparison to the bags, the results are superior.

even screening is better than the blender and coffee filters lol

I got this hash using 5 of the colored Bubble Bags, quality increases with 5 being the best hash in the last bag I think the last (5)
bag is 40 microns and the 1st was 160 microns. Never tried a metal/gold coffee filter, but if I did, I'd run what comes out of it through a standard/paper coffee filter. I made a slideshow/video of my last batch shown in this picture. Let me know if you'd like me to post it.

I got the 5 chunks from the full bottle shown, maybe 10 grams? I did not weigh it.:high-five:


very nice too :thumb:

Haha I never knew what bubble bags were for before I joined 420. I'll try it one day also. I think I've seen a full set on scamazon for 40 bucks. I love to smoke hash, but haven't had any in a long long time. :)

as soon as I can get me a set :thumb:

Bubble Hash short vid. Here ya go D, just for you! sorry I did not add tunes, 2 minute video link below! Thanks for the trespass post Chron!

bubble bags hash - YouTube

no worries

Ok fellas. Happy tokeday. Now......what is full melt?:Namaste:

full melt hash stuff you can dab with

kinda like dabbing ?? perhaps ???

Well to anyone that can answer it for me. I dont know much about hash making or using it:) lol

no problem, I'm not familiar with the term "full melt". I let the weed sit in the ice & water for 20 minutes, blend, let it sit again, then blend again, the pull out bag 1, all the bags under bag 1 are hash.

save the weed from bag 1, and run it through the entire rocess when done, or watch vids on net and chose what you like. That's how I did my first coffee filter hash that was not bad, but I probably wasted a lot of trichs my 1st run. again, I found that you can get another chunk from trichs that did not rinse out when the first bag was pulled, the technique method is perfected every time you do a batch. I have yet to do a batch w/ all 7 or 8 bags because i'm lazy & impatient, nothing to b proud of, but I stay happy! feel free to pick my brain if you are going to try either method, I learned it by doing it & using vids, one step at a time.
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