Deege420 Outdoor Garden

re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

BPN really does make a huge difference, corey is a star for making this product, really does what it says on the label, im gona keep saving up for the next time i need some, postage cost is high to me unless he gets an outlet closer to my side of the world, but i gota admit its made my plants thrive since giving it to them, even the newly sprouted seeds have taken off since feeding with bpn, ive had only 2 patches of nute burn and 1 patch was one each plant and it was only on 1 leaf, ive had no nute burn since and im feeding at full strength, he really has got his product dialed in to perfection, just use the schedule on his site and not on the bottle as it does differ slightly, but i was amazed at the difference even after 48 hours of using it,
re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

Ok guys, little update for you today on Angel heart#1 (monster) purple auto and wembley auto. First up of course is the monster. Say goodbye to seeing the top of this 15 gallon pot :) also say goodbye to easy feeding lol i might create a syfening tube so i can feed at the bottom of the bush easily :Namaste:

Next up is my wembley auto :) :Namaste:

And now for my Purple Auto, She is becoming so pretty. both wembley and purple were born on April 6th. little behind? either way she is starting to flowers beautifully :) check it out :) :Namaste:

Both these autos just got fed 8/8/8 ml of bpn organic lineup. AS ALWAYS ALL FEEDBACK HIGHLY APPRECIATED!!!! THANKS GUYS :Namaste:
re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

loving the angel heart, my plants look similar with loads of tops and a even canopy all over, i just wish i could grow them outside like you have as mine would be monsters when finished, im now using 400 watt dual spec hps so they should finish nice now their in flower, ive updated my journal mate and plenty of pics so you can see what im going on about and see what im going on about.

how do i get on the bpn army list, ive been using it a couple of weeks now, before i used it my plants where stunted and growth was very slow, even my newly sprouted seeds where very slow, but since using bpn the seeds i have sprouted now are growing at least 3 times faster than the seeds i planted when i wasnt using bpn, it really is an ace products, enough reps to corey for that, you can even use it at full strength even the seedling stage is perfect for seedlings, most other nutes you need to start at half strength but corey has dialed his product into these plants to perfections, seems good for all strains as well, corey deserves a medal, im just saving up for the next time i need it as im in the UK and the last lot i got sent would of cost me £90quid all together or $180 so very expensive for me, but teSmp hooked me up with another grower and paid for it all and corey chipped in as well and got it shipped out, so enough reps to them when you see tesmp and corey on here, realy did hook me up, im so amazed by the kindness of people on this site, its beats other sites by far
re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

Yo!!!! so guess what guys! just made a kick ass tea!!! :) dam WR Threw up a hole new node in 2 hours after tea spray and drench :O and Sherley grew her bud like 2cm :X

(sorrybaked as wickwed)
re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

Got a nice BIG update for you guys on the 8 kids. 5 photos and 3 autos. FIRST UP IS MR NICE angel heart #1 I try to give you an "inside look" as well :Namaste:

Next up is Mr Nice Angel Heart #2(she will not be LSTd to compare the difference. Just topped last night:Namaste:

Next up, is the 1 day old sprouts. First being Mango

Next is Afghan Kush X Skunk ... interested to see how this looks bigger and how much of those colors carry out :)

Next is the Northern LightsX Skunk

Now for the auto flowering Strains starting with PURPLE Auto :) and my first bud porn :Namaste:

Next Is the Vertigo Auto

And Last but not least is My Lst'd Wembley Auto

Hope you guys enjoyed as much as i did! AND AS ALWAYS ALL FEEDBACK HIGHLY APPRECIATEDDDD!!!!! :) :Namaste: :peace2:
re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

loving the pics, looking good mate, it looks like your plants are a few days ahead of mine in flower, its good to see someone else going through the same process at the same time, cant wait,
re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

Damn Deege, some fine looking herb ya have there my friend.
THANKS MAN! :Namaste:
Plants look great dg ... You Gunna ScrOg the big 1
Ive decided against it. For the sole fact of it becoming more visible for pesky punks lol I don't want people to stumble across my plants. I have a large property that I can't exactly patrol all the time. So I'm gonna continue to keep them as discreet as possible. It would be a pretty sweet single plant scrog tho...
re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

Ok guys, I had to post these pics cuz I'm so excited! these nugs look awesome. so i hope u guys enjoy as much as i do. These are all shots of the purple (auto) plant :)

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