Deege420 Outdoor Garden

re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

I have never seen any light bleaching from the sun before. I've seen light bleached buds from being too close to 1000w HID's & LED's but they were very close to high wattage lights.

I wouldn't move them to the shade, cannabis only benefits from the extra light. My Greenhouse gets up to 90-95 sometimes and the plants rarely show signs of heat or light stress. The only time I noticed stress was when I moved plants outdoors that were indoors under CFL's, it was too much of a shock going from the low intensity CFL's to the sun and caused the leaf margins to curl upward. To avoid that, I hardened the plants off by introducing them to a few hours of sunlight a day until they could handle a full day of sun. I don't have that problem anymore since I started using my 150w hps instead of CFL's.

Did you use any foliar sprays or spray any kinds of pesticides on them?
re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

yes i did. yesterday i sprayed sns 217 and my normal pesticide. Im gna start spraying in the morning times. It also recently the past 4 days got really hot so idk. maybe a little mix of both but here are the pics. THANKS FOR ALL HELP GUYS. COUPLE DIFF PROBS but I'm not freaking. HELP ME IDENTIFY PROBLEMS GUYS! AND THANKS IN ADVANCE

Note: i think the splotch of little spots is spider mites but they r still there since before i started spraying. they r not present but old spots getting a bit bigger? unless someone tells me different


what in the hell are the black tips of leaves? i know its not fungus or mold. it feels like a pricker. or thorn. they are hard black tips? genetics? i don't think so. over nute? i don't think so b.c I only just added 3 ml of BPN. is it maybe a deficiency? or lack of nutes? THANKS GUYS FOR ALL INPUT AS ALWAYS!!!
re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

I would start only spraying in the early morning when the sun isn't fully out, some sprays can cause burns when applied during the day or lights on.

Make sure you also spray the undersides of the leaves because that is where the little pests love to hide.

The black tips are interesting, I'm curious as well. I've had a few clones that did that when they were in the cloner, but the tips got soft and when I pulled them off you could see like a stringy sticky residue
re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

It looks like it might be mites...i spray a killer in the morning and a repellant at are doing fine...i don't see any major problems...:thumb:
I have sns 217 and a more general pest spray since 217 is specific for mites. she I be mixing these foliars in the a.m or sns in am and pest before sundown (when pests are most active)?

looks like the snake has lost his bite, he seems a bit thin, what kind of diet are you feeding him, looks very deflated,lol
yes he has. I believe my little killer wiener dog got it. lol I need a bigger stronger security guard. thinking Rubber real life sized BOA :Namaste:

Deege, awesome job man. Those plants are really taking off and growin like hell. Whatever your doing don't stop man!!!!:bravo:
THANKS MAN! Means a lot coming from you! also being a first time grower I love the positive feedback! I have done some wrongs but have really learned in the past 3 months on this site from great people like you! I appreciate you guys for helping me and will always pass the knowledge :Namaste:

I would start only spraying in the early morning when the sun isn't fully out, some sprays can cause burns when applied during the day or lights on.

Make sure you also spray the undersides of the leaves because that is where the little pests love to hide.

The black tips are interesting, I'm curious as well. I've had a few clones that did that when they were in the cloner, but the tips got soft and when I pulled them off you could see like a stringy sticky residue
Yes undersides are very important I have come to learn. Takes some time to get all of angel heart #1(THE DAMN BUSH) lol but is obviously well worth it. Why would I grow if I'm not gonna do it RIGHT. got to have an open mind and I thank you ofr your input :Namaste:
Yes black tips are confusing me too. Ive never heard and can't find anything on the net. Its really just the very tips and nothing on the serrated parts of the leaves. I will keep a close eye and not over react just yet haha.

i took a tip from ya, your fuzzy wire technique :peacetwo:
Glad I could provide a tip :Namaste: :peacetwo:
re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

Quick little update: Got a brewer together to start brewing my own 1 gallon compost tea. I will feed every other day foliar on all the plants. also ill dump some of it in the solid to soak down in the roots. Gonna get a 5 gallon brewer going in the next week when I have some more money:)
Ingredients: 1/2 cup of worm castings and 2 drops of Tonic for every one gallon
When I move to the 5 gallon I will need some molasses for the constant brew but will be adding 100% organic rice to obtain that.

Also On the green side of the fence, I have a Norther Lights X skunk, Afghan Kush X skunk and a Mango that have been germinating for about 24 hrs. Will prob be ready for dirt tomorrow! Omg I need to stop with these seeds. First time grower getting a HUGE project on his hands :Namaste: p.s As if these 5 aren't keeping me busy enough, psht.... :peacetwo:
re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

yeah you know it man im doing the same thing lol now im up to 3 plants when i get big bang auto in haha but plants look fine just use the sprays and stuff. i need to get some freakin brewing going on for sprays for my girls :) ohhh btw sherley looked eevn more frosty today everyday it gets better :)

*EDIT~!!!!! YOU GOT 420 Likes!!!! :D hahahah
re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

hm turns out i wasnt subscribed to this for some reason lol. i am now =]

plants are looking great! i think im going to switch to flowering schedule tonight (gas lantern)

ill stay tuned for more =]
re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

im sure the dog will get a shock when he comes across a real one, thats if you got real snakes where you live, i aint seen one in the wild since i was very little where i live, we only get adders and grass snakes and thats it, nothing to nasty,

im just entering the best part with my grow, my plants are in flower with hairs all over the place and buds forming at ends of branches, cant wait till it gets a few more weeks down the line,
re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

im sure the dog will get a shock when he comes across a real one, thats if you got real snakes where you live, i aint seen one in the wild since i was very little where i live, we only get adders and grass snakes and thats it, nothing to nasty,

im just entering the best part with my grow, my plants are in flower with hairs all over the place and buds forming at ends of branches, cant wait till it gets a few more weeks down the line,

yea he's like an outdoor cat but dog. we have 2 dogs on 5 and a half acres so the roam the woods daily. come on guys i dare someone to try n steal my crops :) those dogs will go nuts haha. they hunt squirrels all the time haha. but I'm sure they have seen snakes before the one has been on this property for 8 years.

NICE MAN! I'm excited to hear! I can't wait to see. I'm going to look now!
re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

Subscribe me up as well!! Looking awesome:thumb:

sure thing bud! theres room for everyone here :) take a seat. tomorrow I will have a pic update. omg angel hearts got her even canop and is REALLLLLLYYYY stretching upwards after they're last BPN feed
re: Deege420 Outdoor Garden

no pics till tomorrow on mine, im war driving my neighbours to get on here, took me all day to get enough data to get back online, got engineers coming out in morning to sort my phone line out so i should be back online properly tomorrow sometime, but if im not ill use what im using now and post pics, so soz no pics today, be some up tomorrow mate
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