Lady Cannafan's Seedsman Comparative Grow Banana Jealousy ViparSpectra KS5000

Okay, let's see what the debate is on this subject.

Do power strip and other indicator lights have enough lumens to affect plants during the lights off time?

I remember this coming up years ago, but cannot remember what the consensus was.

I snuck into the grow room during lights off when daylight was breaking, and stayed in there about 5 minutes to be sure it was completely dark and no light leaks anywhere. Good to go on the window and door...however that humidity unit for the mushroom tent has an indicator light that cycles red, green, and blue during operation that is quite bright in the dark. In addition to the power unit for the fan and heater inside the grow tent, that one has a bright red indicator giving the temperature etc.

I am going to cover these for a just in case kind of thing, but I am still wondering if the lumens of these things are enough to affect the plants cycle.
Obviously I don’t know since I haven’t even flipped my first photo but, I would think it depends on how bright they are. All my strips have a dull red LED that I never even considered. My small humidifier is bright enough I’d never consider using it but really shouldn’t need it during flower.
My big humidifier is external and the display turns off entirely when connected to the controller.. and of course the controller has a dark mode.
I know, not a cheap solution…

Only two full days into flower with 100% on the grow light, and we're at every 3 days water/feed instead of every 4.
They were looking droopy this morning, I waited for them to wake up, but later they were still drooped. So I watered/fed and they all recovered within about a half hour.

I've done so much this morning that I am whoop ass tired and my back is screaming.
Break time. :smokin:
Only two full days into flower with 100% on the grow light, and we're at every 3 days water/feed instead of every 4.
They were looking droopy this morning, I waited for them to wake up, but later they were still drooped. So I watered/fed and they all recovered within about a half hour.

I've done so much this morning that I am whoop ass tired and my back is screaming.
Break time. :smokin:
Take care of yourself.

They are thirsty, I'm avg 1/2gal each every other day. Still in 2.5 gal bag.
One of this mornings' projects was to set up a plant on the outside deck for a rocky raccoon test. They were out there last night with destruction in mind.
This is the clone that seems to not be doing anything, so I figure if the raccoons go after it, I won't be losing a lot of time and energy into it.
I put small rocks on the top soil, and it is strapped to the pole to keep them from just tipping it over, as they do often.
Hopefully the rocks will deter them from digging. I have skewers in another pot with chives with the pointy end up close to the top soil, but I nailed myself on one of them when I went to cut some for dinner. OUCH!

So, it is secure and we're going to see if they dig those rocks away. If this works, the rest of the clones will be put outside for full days of sun and the nutritious rainwater.

I have the motion detector light pointed at the pot, so if they climb onto the rail I will catch them on the surveillance camera with light instead of just the infrared.

She has a great partial view of the pond, and will be able to whiff on any outdoor cooking I do. LOL The honeysuckle there will have to be trimmed away occasionally to keep it from grabbing the kid. And they WILL do that. :laughtwo:

And a shot of the kids on the porch soaking up plenty of sunshine today!

We are in need of a woman.

Okay guys, how is that for an intro to a post? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Are there any of you female growers out there interested in having a fun girlz against the guyz all out grow show?

It would be all in one journal, no prizes other than bragging rights, and I believe it's going to be photo period plants only.
The plan is to have it voted on via a poll by members not in the grow contest.

We think this would be tons of fun, and having so many growers on the same journal could have a great impact for learning and seeing others' grow styles in one place.

We need at least one more female. So far it's myself and @JiggiLotus.

Details are not completely worked out yet, we are still in the idea stage.

Post a reply here if you are interested in joining the fun!

@Trala, you are one busy girl....but are you interested?
Hey hey grow sista!

While I’d love too, right now I have too many balls in the air and barely enough juggle room.

I’ll clap and cheer tho 😍
There's 8 of them. One big destructive fam-damily. :laughtwo:

Hopefully they don't get into your could always make them a spot where you leave scraps/fruit/old cereal or dog/cat food for them. I've got a spot along my fence line so they just go there an eat. They're having their babies now through June so the mommy's will be out looking for food.
What a badass backyard btw freaking awesome 💚
I was thinking the same 100% with the lake view every stoner would love then a little hint of BBQ get the guys excited 🤣
I was thinking the same 100% with the lake view every stoner would love then a little hint of BBQ get the guys excited 🤣
Thank you!
It's actually a pond. It's just shy of 2 acres, and is the most enjoyable part of my property. I see so much wildlife in and around it, so many memories of activity there. I have it stocked with fish, which brings in many different waterfowl and animals.

I hope you are having a good morning! I'm up early watching the "setup" on the surveillance camera, waiting for the Rocky Raccoon family to arrive. This is their magic hour before they head for bed for the day.

Edit: Was just thinking what the smell of mature "flowers" and BBQ would be like together. LOL
Sounds like a dream! What's the address I need to swap it for stones retirement home with the green house 🤣

2 acre pond sounds like a lake to mee 😮🤣
You have my summer juices flowing!
Mine are just beginning to thaw out! :laughtwo: It's cold, overcast, and windy this morning.
Sounds like a dream! What's the address I need to swap it for stones retirement home with the green house 🤣

2 acre pond sounds like a lake to mee 😮🤣
It's a nice retirement spot, especially now that I'm retired. ;-) I do have a name for it that includes "Lake", so I'm with you on that. :thumb: Stone would feel right at home, there's an Otter that likes to hang out here.
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