LA's Continuing Adventure Feat - Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flow!

Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Best of bud laden days to you all :)
Its a little quiet in these parts today so thought I'd try and tempt a few people out the woodwork with some pics :) My buds may be smaller than I would of hoped but as you all know this is down to my own screw ups lol. The upside of things is , they be frosty as hell :) I'm soo looking forward to smoking this lot. The Red Dragon is without doubt a strain ill grow again it smells unreal with such a sweet candy scent. Lush coloured buds as well :)

Just wait until that Red Dragon cures my friend. Heavenly! :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Cheers guy's :)
GF, I've ran this tent many many times before, but all before I found 420. This is no way my best run lol , I did a few 7 plant tent wide scrogs that did really well. As did my auto runs when I'd do up to 9 at once :) Then switched to 6 before going solo for ages :)
Pantagruel :) she looks awesome now and I have some weeks yet so Ill be running her for some time I think if the smoke is as good as you say! :)
Wildjim, thanks for stopping in buddy, hope all is good and green in your world :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Ahhh. Loved Red Dragon! Nice looking ladies. How much time do you spend training your plants? Those modules look like the ones Bysen makes... Still cant figure out how you get to the center of the tent.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Hey Weed Dude, firstly lol :) I don't get much time for training etc at all as its all round my mates. The only saving grace being I get all my training set quite early on in the grow. Then the plants have been left pretty much to their own devices. Its cost me massive through not being able to keep up with defol of all the baby fluff crap that keeps coming back lower down. So I have lots of popcorn for butter if needed. Though I'm probs gonna harvest tops and leave bottoms a bit longer to mature :)

As for the modules they're the OD level Osrams from BM. These are the spec of diodes the majority If not all other companies running Osrams use.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

lol :) trust me this is the time all my "friends" come out the woodwork:) I don't really mind though, my close mates always benefit freely from my endeavors :) I just hate the ones that are only present in my life at these times :)

then do not encourage them, tell them to go F themselves :) or buy a plane ticket to Amsterdam and they can get all the weed they want.

the problem is that the type of person that is going to rat you out if they do not get what they want.
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

It must be a British thing, I've got four close buddies who get free smoke from me too. :) We always help each other out & I know for a fact they would never rat on my or ever let me down if I need anything. I never pay for a beer or food on a night out & we think of each other as brothers we've known each other so long :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

lol , its not as bad as it sounds, just my friends tend to visit a little more frequently when I'm stocked up. As Skunny says, I don't have to pay for drinks very often and these are the guys that either lend me their tents and filters or sit on all of my stuff :)
Its the second tier people who I don't see for months that worm out of the woodwork at these opportune times that drive me crazy!!
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Well lets have a look at some closeups of buds :) They look more mature etc due to the huge stall I suffered. Yet they are now coming back ti me some :)
Hope these look as good as they do in person! :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

Haha, I'm lucky in that sense, the rest of my mates are piss heads that don't smoke the herb :)

PS some yummy looking sticky buds there my friend :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

I checked them out & found a price of £108 which aint too bad. The others on my list are way more expensive, Pinnacle pro & Ascent Da Vinci. As long as it works & doesn't taste of plastic I'd be happy :)
Can you smell the herb whilst your vaping? I'm just trying to figure out how stealthy they are so could you say go to the pub or shopping with it & no one smell what you're up to :)
Re: LA's Continuing Adventure Feat: Budmaster II LED & Oxygen Pot Systems - Ebb & Flo

The noise isn't a worry & if it smells just a bit I might get away with going outside for a quick suck :) I've never used one but I suppose thinking about it all would smell on the exhale. Can you smell it when it's heating up? I think this is the most important part as I need to figure out how to go about having a toke as stealthily as possible.
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