Lion n' Witch Garden


12/12 Week 1 of stretch

12/12 Week 1 Bending

12/12 Week 1 Top

12/12 Week 1 Thirsty


Harlequin day 6

Harlequin day 11


Grape ape day 6

Grape ape day 11


Sour Tsunami day 6

Sour Tsunami day 11

these are the seeds ive started at my personal grow.



as you can see, the weed grows faster then the herbs and veggies ;)

on the left are pgsc clones, on the right are Tagoe Og from Seed.

Slowly getting personal grow put together, to much time in others gardens

A test i did, two same Harlequin clones, under same t5 light, but one i used a compost tea and the other plane water

Plain water

compost tea

Grape Ape fun


the reason we all love these cloth pots..

Edit : added captions to pictures, had mods removed duplicate post

Looking good Gfcollective, do you put your cfl on your dome before the seeds sprout. And what size MH are you using in the picture above?
hey there 60cal,

my T5 lights dont sit exactly on the dome, but are elevated about one inch from the top due to the patent design that they have that holds the light just above the plastic so it doesnt heat the plastic and melt it or burn plant tops that press against the top of the dome. some of those pics are a week old some of them are just a few days old, i will take a new picture of my shop seeds in their dome they have almost reached the top of the dome and are looking great!

my MH is just temporary right now while i get my T5 set up. the MH is a 400w that is just supplying enough light for them to not die or go into flower on me. once i get my room setup i will have my mothers (hopefully) all under T5 lights while under the 400w i will have 1-4 plants depending on the size or style of grow i am wanting to do in the following flower.

now i have a 1000w and 600w ballast and multiple hoods to where i could setup just a 600w and 400w in veg and run all under them but for two reasons i decide not to..

1. cost (as goes for most everyone) i dont see a point in running a combination of 1000w (600+400) for my veg room when i could get away running some T5
2. i dont care to have my plants grow super fast, under T5 they will grow healthy and slow compared to healthy and fast..
3. less heat to have to worry about


Edit : rambled forgot to answer, yes i put the light on my dome before the seeds sprout and i dont pre germinate my seeds. i believe i posted a post a couple pages back showing me doing my seeds. then just put the light on the dome and let the humidity build up and stay in there.
Sweet update Gfc :) that's a cool comparison of the compost tea roots vs. clean water. I may need to add some compost teas to my young plants. You were talking about elevated compost giving free tea, what did you mean by that (I asked you at my thread but I'll ask here too in case you don't see that as soon)?

If you mean like, an elevated bin (a few feet off the ground) we have one of those lol, but how does that give me free tea? What do I do for it hahaha? excuse my ignorance please lol. Thanks for the help! :circle-of-love::passitleft:
hey there 60cal,

my T5 lights dont sit exactly on the dome, but are elevated about one inch from the top due to the patent design that they have that holds the light just above the plastic so it doesnt heat the plastic and melt it or burn plant tops that press against the top of the dome. some of those pics are a week old some of them are just a few days old, i will take a new picture of my shop seeds in their dome they have almost reached the top of the dome and are looking great!

my MH is just temporary right now while i get my T5 set up. the MH is a 400w that is just supplying enough light for them to not die or go into flower on me. once i get my room setup i will have my mothers (hopefully) all under T5 lights while under the 400w i will have 1-4 plants depending on the size or style of grow i am wanting to do in the following flower.

now i have a 1000w and 600w ballast and multiple hoods to where i could setup just a 600w and 400w in veg and run all under them but for two reasons i decide not to..

1. cost (as goes for most everyone) i dont see a point in running a combination of 1000w (600+400) for my veg room when i could get away running some T5
2. i dont care to have my plants grow super fast, under T5 they will grow healthy and slow compared to healthy and fast..
3. less heat to have to worry about


Edit : rambled forgot to answer, yes i put the light on my dome before the seeds sprout and i dont pre germinate my seeds. i believe i posted a post a couple pages back showing me doing my seeds. then just put the light on the dome and let the humidity build up and stay in there.

Please ramble on GFC it's all good information when it comes from you. I was reading your post over at Herbingrower, I can feel the passion you have for your Cannabis (medical) plant and put your business experience behind that, I'm sure you have a top notch business.
hello ladys and gents! Its Seed Time!

Freshly transplanted : green label = pgsc
blue label = old island indica
red label = sweet baby jane


Day after Transplant (MadFarmers Be one {b1} [from the sample kit recieved from CoFinest thread]) was added at 5Ml per gallon of water

The personal veg room. will have close ups of everything on friday 9/19
on the bottom right of the picture you can see my clone dome, off to the side of those in the red cups are Tahoe og seeds from the shop (pictures of them breaking soil are on previous page) i took 10 home and left the rest at the shop for now. soon i will take a clone off all these seedlings from both levels, numbering them in pairs, and sticking in a 12/12 setup to see which are males and which are females. this will decide which plants stay and go before i spend the energy and time on flowering them all.

(about to start training)

This has easily became my show and tale lady. let me start with if you notice this was [from clone] and was pre topped when it was taken as a clone. now ive bent the two main branches w/ zipties

(first TRUE attempt at FIMing) *thanks for soilgirl for teaching me and providing links*


(not sure if this is what its suppose to look like for sure, but something is going on here..)

The top view, and ill break the growing styles down on this lady.
She has been Topped before taken as clone
she was then bent, and i topped the right side of this Sour Tsunami resulting in the 4 heads almost making a diamond shape
the left side i FIM'ed and the recovery has taken longer then the topping but looks to have 4 heads. we shall see.


These are the Tahoe Og seeds i planted at the shop. pictures of them being planted are posted a page behind.

The craziest thing, see the root growing a inch above soil? i knew they started pores where roots would grow but didnt know they would start rooting above soil.

The worst part, Transporting. not transplanting.. need to get some of those espresso coffee cup holders :slide:

Thats all for now FOLKS!

What an update Gfc! I really liked it. :cheer:
I've found those roots above soil too, so weird lol. I just added a bit of soil to my clones that did that to cover them up. You're very welcome for teaching about Fim's, but (and hopefully I'm wrong - crossing my fingers!) that looks to me like it won't take; I think that plant must have been a reveg cutting, or its starting to flower, because it has alternating node growth rather than twin node growth. Fimming can only create 4 tops if its still in the twin node growth stage in my experience, unless it stunts the growth of that node enough to let lower ones catch up... which it may well do. I'd try fimming on your tahoe og's grown from seed, I bet you'll learn a lot more about it, be more successful, and have some very bushy plants!

Stay green! :love::passitleft:
aye, when i transplanted my seedlings i usually burry them up to their first node point for added strength and a bushier looking plant :) those seedlings got a good 4-6 inchs of extra soil placed on top once they were placed in the dixie cups.

about my Fim job, i see and understand what ur talking about (the parallel nodes u get on seeds compared to the offset nodes u get from clones) and i will be training many of my seedlings as you can see i have a few dozen to play with (once i cut the males out ..)

its definnetly not a reveg cutting and hasnt started flowering. its under 24/7 light, all those ladys are in my veg room. 400w goes off for 6 hrs but i have 4 t5's that wont let any plant in there go to sleep, may not grow while the 400w is off but they wont flower. like you stated the 4 tops may just be 2 lower nodes that catch up to the part i pinched. few more days i should have my normal 1 inch a day growth back and we shall see. either way, this is what i do while i sit and wait for my flower room.

fiance and i are looking into a much bigger house, about 3 times the size the one im in now. im excited for a basement! its mine!! once i get that i should have easily twice the growing room and ill be within a baseball throw of my shop so it just cant get much better.. we have a appointment to look at the house on friday, it just seems to good to be true.

its definnetly not a reveg cutting and hasnt started flowering. its under 24/7 light, all those ladys are in my veg room. 400w goes off for 6 hrs but i have 4 t5's that wont let any plant in there go to sleep, may not grow while the 400w is off but they wont flower. like you stated the 4 tops may just be 2 lower nodes that catch up to the part i pinched. few more days i should have my normal 1 inch a day growth back and we shall see. either way, this is what i do while i sit and wait for my flower room.

fiance and i are looking into a much bigger house, about 3 times the size the one im in now. im excited for a basement! its mine!! once i get that i should have easily twice the growing room and ill be within a baseball throw of my shop so it just cant get much better.. we have a appointment to look at the house on friday, it just seems to good to be true.

Oh right, I guess I'm just a bit confused about what makes the plants go into alternating node growth - because I have some clones that stayed in the twin node growth stage, like this BBK clone of mine:

and some that didn't. But they were from flowering plants. My bad for assuming haha, weird that some clones go into alternate node growth and some don't, when both were taken from vegging mothers.. I wonder why.

But that's so cool about the new house and basement prospects!! Super stoked for you and the lucky lady. You already grow lots of great plants, can't imagine 3 times as much room :) I hope it all works out for you guys! :circle-of-love:
while reading the last part of your message i think i may have a idea on why you got same node points compared to mine. my clones were taken from a cloned plant. all my ladys are from clone accept (the unknown male, that has been pulled off to the side) and all those lil cups. so im thinking if you take a clone, from a plant that already has offset node points possibly you will continue the off set node point? ive never paid any attention to node points when i clone. but i do recall when i took the clone off my Unknown male to identify its sex its node points were even with each other, but i believe that is just because it was taken from a plant that was from seed. maybe after a few cloned mothers down the road they just start giving offset node points. i dano ;)


Edit : sorry for my grammar everyone, fiance just informed me its terrible ;)
hahahah no worries about the grammar :laughtwo: :passitleft: even though I'm a bit of a grammar nazi in real life. On the internet I'm not :)

about the alternate vs. twin growth nodes, that makes sense that if you take a cutting from a plant that's already getting alternate node points you'll keep getting alternating nodes and vice versa. I don't think that being from clone in itself makes this happen though, even down the road of 4-5 clone generations haha.

I think alternating nodes start happening at the earliest sign of flowering in new growth, at least from what I've seen, so as long as you keep the clones that still get twin node growth in veg until you take a cutting you should keep getting twin growth in those clones, which is a good thing IMO, especially for people that do hubbing and fluxing or lots of LST in general, because it makes FIMs possible and gives more control over the plant's growth. But alternating nodes, as long as they're closely spaced, also make for a great, bushy plant with lots of bud sites. Just maybe not as easily "sculpted" if you will - into that 'perfect' plant. LA's first big winner plant, for example... (I can't remember which it was right now, but it was before Tut - it looked like it was sculpted by Jah and the Sun God himself!)

I'll find out eventually! And have data to back it up! but for now, I'm just speculating ;)

I oughta get ready for bed. Goodnight Gfc + gf!! :Namaste::cheer:
so pretty sure thats what it is. my clones came from Seed that was put in 12/12 then they took clones from them. i dont see why anyone would do this other then being lazy, as i showed with my unknown plant in the beginning of this journal there is a perfect time to take a clone and test its sex. after the plant is 10-12 inches tall most people like to pinch or top their plant, i cut the plant down to just above the third node and clone the top part. then if the seed is a female i will continue training her and take more clones, then stick her in 12/12.. ive found this to be the easiest most effective way for myself.

yea like i told my fiance, i speak with plants not people. ;)

Great job Gfcollective, and good luck on the house, I'd love to have a basement but the gf is afraid of fire or I would have a new house by now.
Day 20 [9/20] close up harlequin, sour tsunami, and grape ape no burn from the led and some of these tops are within 12-18 inches of mars 2 1600

Day 20 [9/20] lights out, flash on ;)

Day 20 [9/20] lights on, all standing tall on their own so far. thinking of adding a second net before it gets extremly difficult, stems seem big enough to hold some weight though. may just use yo-yos if needed

Day 22 [9/22] Harlequin lights off flash on

Day 22 [9/22] GrapeApe (around 12" will get pic with a ruler stick) lights off flash on

Day 22 [9/22] Sour Tsunami sativa taking a lil longer in flower ;) lights off flash on

Day 22 [9/22] lights on

Day 22 [9/22] Harlequin lights on flash on

Day 22 [9/22] Sour Tsunami lights on flash on

Day 22 [9/22] Grape Ape lights on flash on

Day 22 [9/22] Grape Ape Close up lights on flash on
Great job Gfcollective, and good luck on the house, I'd love to have a basement but the gf is afraid of fire or I would have a new house by now.

the house was great and couldnt of been better, but the owner apparently told the fiance that no painting the siding no changing anything of the property (including a garden bed outside for veggies) so that got thrown out the window real quick, i made a garden out of a 4x3 foot area off the side of my porch with (peas, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, basil, cilantro, sage, broccoli, and a few others) all inside that 4x3 area, so i will do whatever i have to, to have a garden. im told i cant build a raised bed? well then thanks anyways but no thanks ;)


Edit : we had a example by the property manager and she said " a past tenant moved the fridge around and she freaked out " o boy
Looks great Gfc! :cheer::ganjamon:
Looking like some nice big colas are on the horizon for sure! :)

im sure i could look through the upwards of 1000 pages on your journal :p but i figured since i have you here i might as well ask you, how long was your one plant in veg to fill that tent area? i have 3 plants in mine and was training them for around 3 months.

ive noticed about 5-10 decent size colas i have building up right now.

i love how yours they are all about the same height and look like a little Terracotta Army or if i may, a terracola army ;)

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