New City Grower 3.5 - Our Perpetual Grow - Continued

Whoa Carestaker! I'm not ready to go that far yet so I guess we'll just spray for a week and see what happens.
Whoa Carestaker! I'm not ready to go that far yet so I guess we'll just spray for a week and see what happens.

I know Reg, I just wrote out the nuclear option. Try what you can though first. I've learned that that is the only thing that guarantees total elimination in my grow. You may find that you can manage the problem, and are able keep new plants from being infected. I hope you do my friend. :Namaste:
Back at it my boy! What's good on your end br0?
Whoa Reg!!! I wasn't expecting PM when I mentioned the spots. Geez B A R ......... I'm glad you caught it though, but I feel like I should be there helping clean up. :love: :hug: :love:
Hey Reg hows it growing :thumb:
Well that was obvious from yer nice updates :) Hey I have a Q for you what was the size of the solo cups that you grew in ?? I was going to try growing in a 1 ltr yogurt pot?? Do you think its big enough ??
Hope all is very well In your world brother:Namaste:
Jaga I have seen complete grows out of a solo cup but it wasn't all that and I think Broke Ass was using 1 liter bottles... I think you might want to think about at least going to the liter... a solo cup is really not much soil at all... I of couse defer to Broke Ass as I still don't go any smaller than 3 gallons and that's only with autos...:passitleft: Tell P hello for me....:circle-of-love:
Back at it my boy! What's good on your end br0?
Hello Mr. Flintstone, how the heck have you been?

:passitleft: High Broke Ass.. Give hugs for me....:circle-of-love:
Done, and one sent right backatcha Fifi.

Checking in bar. Hopefully you can resolve your issue. Many more knowledgeable people are trying g wrap their heads around it which is good. Best of luck bro.
Thanxx Vet & :welcome: aboard.

Whoa Reg!!! I wasn't expecting PM when I mentioned the spots. Geez B A R ......... I'm glad you caught it though, but I feel like I should be there helping clean up. :love: :hug: :love:
Well shoot Sue, if it wasn't for your curiosity no one would of caught it. Thanxx a million.

Hey Reg hows it growing :thumb:
Well that was obvious from yer nice updates :) Hey I have a Q for you what was the size of the solo cups that you grew in ?? I was going to try growing in a 1 ltr yogurt pot?? Do you think its big enough ??
Hope all is very well In your world brother:Namaste:
Jaga, we only use solo cups for seedlings as you can see below. Fifi was right, we grew in 2lt soda pop pots. You probably could get away with 1lts but you'd probably end up feeding and watering twice a day with such a small amount of soil.

The Seedling Tray



She's coming along nicely.



Love that Ultra Lemon reveg. You are an inspiration for the rebirth of post flowering beauties. I may just have to try it this time and name the plant Regina.

Bob ;)
Ha ha, my sister would get a kick out of that.

Did I miss the smoke report on the royal medic...:confused:...:circle-of-love:
Nope Fifi, I'm letting that one cure for awhile but here's a Smoke Report on the strain from NCG 3.0 on 2/25/2015...



SPIDER GIRL II (Royal Medic Clone) Harvested on Feb 9

This strain gives a nice clean head high; no fuzziness nor couch lock. The best way to describe it would be energetic but not jittery or paranoid; just happy-go-lucky, the happy face smoke.
I think it would be perfect for times when you're stressed out over one thing or another. It'll make everything seem better, even your body as it magically relaxes all your muscles. Royal Medic, definitely a well deserved name.
The flavor is a bit more fruitier than I recall from her mother and if each batch from the other two harvested clones are as nice as this one I'll be one happy camper for awhile. I give this one a 6 without the "focusing is hard" part.
Hey bar I see you have the dreaded PM. Been there done that and I don't envy you. If your are close to harvesting you can soak the bud in Hydrogen Peroxide. One cup of HP to 5 Gals of water. J. Cervantes has a vidieo on utube that will show you exactly how it's done. Make sure to rinse buds after soaking or your bud will taste like HP. If you need help let me know.
I have seen this kind of behavior before in a mazar sharif I was growing. It's like the plant freaked out a bit and just decided to put out that weird pheno of small leafs and bud chunks. At the time I was strict 12/12. None of the other plants did it and I haven't seen that pheno in a long time.

For PM you can spray with 1/2 tsp baking soda per quart. Be really careful because it can spread really fast to other plants! Some recommend taking any fans with pm and putting a plastic bag around it and pinching it off. This way the spores don't go into the air.
Welcome back and that's definitely some info we might need LB.
Right now we're spraying the tent every night with a Baking Soda & Tap mixture and it appears to be working. 4 days ago we sprayed the plant with the moldy spots for the first time, emptied the tent, disinfected everything, and have been spraying religiously at lights out each night.


KANDI KUSH Day 129 / Day 78 under 11/13



4X BLUE BLOOD Day 60 / Day 2 under 11/13

She's this weeks flip.

38 Days ago

Last Night



Some of you may remember her from the "train or not to train autos" experiment. She was the untrained; Subject #1.

28 Days ago

Now she's burning herself with the "Spider 9" lamp.

Last Night




So we super-cropped the main cola.





I'm not sure of her age but she was placed under 11/13 about 5 days ago.




All we've been doing is repeatedly topping her. With this last round it should create 16 heads.

21 Days ago

Last Night

No problem BAR. That's what we do at 420. Each one teach one. Actually that's how I found out about the HP for PM and how well it works. I posted that I had PM and someone shot me a link to J. Cervantes. If you not up on him you should look him up on utube. How long before you harvest the plant with PM. Is that a 4 clone flux or are my eyes deciving me
No problem BAR. That's what we do at 420. Each one teach one. Actually that's how I found out about the HP for PM and how well it works. I posted that I had PM and someone shot me a link to J. Cervantes. If you not up on him you should look him up on utube.
I keep hearing his name around the campfire but haven't looked him up. I'm pretty much a sheltered 420mag guy, everything I know about growing I got from here (not saying that the members here haven't used outside sources to help me).
How long before you harvest the plant with PM.
Maybe another 2wks. She's mold free now.
Is that a 4 clone flux or are my eyes deciving me
You got it but from seeds (4X Blue Blood). It started with bagseeeds; 2 in 1 pot and now any plant that ends up with beans I use them in pot sharing grows. The most so far is the 7X Liberty Haze in the last update; 7 plants in a 3gal smart pot.
I HEARD.... that if u put them in the freezer for 2 weeks it feminizes them? If it is true in some way that be pretty cool for thoes random seeds
Never heard that before Indo but I would think it's impossible to change the genetics of any bean once it's mature.
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