Oz's First Grow - Pyramid Tut In Coco

Hi Reg. I'm all for that as you know. I'm a very easy going guy. That's twice I've ad "issues" with Trichy though. I love a laugh and bit f banter (as you know) but I find him offensive, confrontational and antagonistic.....not what I want on my journal. :Namaste:

A.G...Hi buddy and many thanks for kind words and reps. All will be revealled very soon my friend. :) It's no big deal really and undoubtably been done before but it's just "something" I want to try. How's your garden of green progressing mate? :)
Sorry to hear LA, it seems like your apprentice still needs to work on his green thumb :laughtwo:

And OZ, keep me posted on your 'something'. As far as the garden, I am redeeming my Bubblelicious plant with a re veg, and testing it a couple new strains.

Good luck bro ;)
Shit....mate!!!! Vulcan death grip for that DIPSTICK Rodders!!! Not the SAME ejit that binned the girl earlier I hope?

A.G....you and all 420 will be informed my friend :) Basically I'm going to be playing with an auto. I know how the strain reacts to topping and light training so I'm going to push it a bit further this time....I'll post some pics in a sec and you may get a clue by the box lol :)

Evening all. Very busy day today....got Mrs acar sorted but me....NAH lol. Bought a few toys and bits for new small grow room and a new 600w HPS for the tent. I'll swap it with the 400w which will go into the small room along with 1200w of CFLs. Fed the Tutts today and desperately want to defol them.....LA HELP :)

A few pics for you humour

The HAIRY Tutts


The "experiment" Soon to be relocated :) That's my "irrigation system" around her by the way :)


The 4 Hempies (actually 5 but ones poo) lol. Again, soon to be relocated


Quick "Q" on the Hempies. They're under 12/12 at mo. When I move them they'll go on 18/12.....will this be ok?
Comments, opinions, suggestions.....ALWAYS welcome :)
Hey buddy. Thought it would be ok but wanted to check:) The Tutts are like Russian women shot putters......they NEED a trim lol. LA said there's a "way" to do it so I want his advice lol. The pre-flower look is starting now so I'm getting VERY excited :) 10 more weeks I reckon :)
Good morning OZ! I'm sure you will have lots of sticky trim when you finish trimming buds. Definitely consider making hash with budleaf trim and even some shade leaves with trich's.

Bubble Bags make great hash, here's a vid I made, takes a practice batch to get the hang of it. Worth every dime for the bags, you'll be giving away hash to your mates!!

Hope all is well. :high-five:

bubble bags hash - YouTube

Shit....mate!!!! Vulcan death grip for that DIPSTICK Rodders!!! Not the SAME ejit that binned the girl earlier I hope?

A.G....you and all 420 will be informed my friend :) Basically I'm going to be playing with an auto. I know how the strain reacts to topping and light training so I'm going to push it a bit further this time....I'll post some pics in a sec and you may get a clue by the box lol :)

Evening all. Very busy day today....got Mrs acar sorted but me....NAH lol. Bought a few toys and bits for new small grow room and a new 600w HPS for the tent. I'll swap it with the 400w which will go into the small room along with 1200w of CFLs. Fed the Tutts today and desperately want to defol them.....LA HELP :)

A few pics for you humour

The HAIRY Tutts


The "experiment" Soon to be relocated :) That's my "irrigation system" around her by the way :)


The 4 Hempies (actually 5 but ones poo) lol. Again, soon to be relocated


Quick "Q" on the Hempies. They're under 12/12 at mo. When I move them they'll go on 18/12.....will this be ok?
Comments, opinions, suggestions.....ALWAYS welcome :)
Love the irrigation system.:thumb:
Hey OZ old buddy! :)
I see you bought a 600? Have you considered LED? What about going organic? Id love to see you do a grow like that! Youre definitely kicking ass at this (10 green thumbs lol).
Regarding the light flip...i dont think anything will go wrong going from 12/12 but there will be a "reveg" time added on which isnt probably a big deal seeing as how you have ALL THAT SMOKE you just harvested :) lol
Well congratulations are in order once again bro! Keep on doing what youre doing :peace: 420 love :)
Trich, do me favour........if you find Alex, LA, Myself or any other member who contributes to my journal "freakish" or "un-funny/offensive" please unsubscribe to my thread. Personally I like the input from them.....I also like our "funny" L sign....it's been around a LOT longer than your good ole US of A mate.

Trich, do me favour........if you find Alex, LA, Myself or any other member who contributes to my journal "freakish" or "un-funny/offensive" please unsubscribe to my thread. Personally I like the input from them.....I also like our "funny" L sign....it's been around a LOT longer than your good ole US of A mate.

:sorry: freaks are a good thing, I'll just watch :peace:
Hi all. Many thanks for your kind words and encouragement.....I say it time and again but I really couldn't do this without ALL the great advice and info receive from my 420 brothers and sisters......that INCLUDES you Trichy :) I'm sorry if I sounded harsh mate but please, just think BEFORE you type ok? :peace: :Namaste: :circle-of-love:

LA mate, I've had a manic few days but really must give those girls a trim SOON :) I'll be in touch for your master class :)

Stevo...can't get used to Canuck lol... I'm definitely up for a little more vegging :) One thing I have learnt is that veg is GOOD for yield :) To be honest mate, I love coco and the HPS/MH kinda suits my Neanderthal nature :) LA might change my thinking VERY soon though lol :)

Hi L.B...watering/feeding "bushy" girls is a pain in the bum lol. This way it should be much easier :)

I've done a bit of work on the "small" room today but life and the weather intervened lol. Let's see what I can do tomorrow :)
Now shake & make up and don't force me to play the peace-maker with you two again. If I hear anymore on this breach of contract that I'm sending the both of yous via cyber space to sign I'll be forced to get Mr. Rico Suavay involved (and if you thought he got to the bottom of things b4 you should see him now that he's a MOD.).
Lol....more Sea than Nugs at present mate. I shit you not, the sea spray is hitting my windows like stones.
Reg buddy, I'm very much a live n let live guy. Happy to be happy lol :)
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