PeeJay's Neophyte Breeding Adventure

Thanks Major. I'm a "silent subscriber" and loving your Rouge Valley outdoor side-by-side madness. Bring 'er home dude! Those colors you have going on with the Pitbull's are fun...
I've been procrastinating when it comes to refilling the indoor 4x4. The clones from the two Panama and two Chirtal took forever to root. They were two-node cuttings, diminutive in size, and they bubbled away for a month before they were ready to go in dirt. That got done yesterday and they all are taking to the soil well.

Since these clones were taken from plants that were starting to flower they are going to reveg now they are under 18/6. It will be a while before they are ready to move into the big tent.


They are in a new 36"x 36"x 24" tent that I chose because it fits in a space partially under the end of my desk. While the size is ideal and the quality is decent there are a couple of things I HATE about it. The zipper configuration makes opening and closing the front a pain in the butt. One must insert the male part of the vertical zipper into the female part, like on a jacket, to zip it up. This procedure takes place at floor level. It is fussy and involves messing around on hands and knees. Dumb design! I'm also less than thrilled with the giant logo splashed across the front. I suppose that in this instance it serves a useful purpose. You can see the brand and will remember that opening and closing the thing is a tedious chore. Brand recognition gone wrong.

If it weren't for the giant logo the little tent would be innocuous. The giant Yield Lab logo makes it plainly obvious what the enclosure is. I just don't get it...

There are 2 x 4 bulb t-5 fixtures for lighting. When the lights are on it runs about 4-5 degrees above ambient room temperature. Venting is out the top with a 4.5" fan supported from a wire frame that prevents it from falling into the tent. Intake is passive.



Four new seeds went into the dirt today.

Two are feminized indica dominant poly-hybrids. Both were freebies.

DNA Genetics Golden Lemon: Jew Gold x Lemon Skunk

Elemental Seeds 5th Element: Blackberry x All Spark OG

Also started today are two sativa dominant strains. One feminized poly-hybrid.

Eva Seeds Pink Plant: High Level x TNT kush

The second sativa dom is Ace Bangi Haze. It is a regular seed and is one of the strains I purchased for breeding. It is an F-8 stabilized cross of Congolese x Nepalese landraces. If it turns out to be a male it will be used to selectively pollinate the Chitral clones. If it is a female then I will hit it will some of the banked Chitral pollen.
It's difficult not taking any pictures when I make morning inspection theses days. I was giggling to myself this morning. When I was an adolescent male I had a serious "Playboy photographer" fantasy. I think this may be better. The greenhouse is doing really well this year. There have been no pests except on the breeders when they were small. I sprayed everything with a neem derivative once back in July and that was it. The climate continues to be great.


Some of the pretty Chitrals. These are impressing me. Doing very well in the 2 gallon pots.




Panama is starting to bulk up and get frosty.



And Sage 'n Sour? It is PACKING on frost this last week.


The S 'n S is almost 8 weeks, a good time to try a sample.





Still a ways to go, but there is some comfort in knowing that if there is some sort of crisis it can come down and nobody will throw the product out of bed.
Stunning! Love the color of the first Chitral, but all look amazing.
It's fun having some color. I've never grown anything this purple. The real question in the end; would a blind smoker choose it over the less pretty strains? I hope it smokes as good as it looks...
Some things just don't NEED logos. They are great for building brand recognition. The YIELDLAB folks have done a great job with their big bold graphic and neon green piping. Burn those marketing images into your brains, would-be consumers. When you see a tent from this manufacturer you will immediately recognize it as a piece of rubbish.


The more I deal with this thing the more irritated I get. It's all the darn zippers! Ok, the front of the little tent is open and I want to close it. Facing the tent there four zippers that pull from the corners to meet in the top middle and bottom middle.


There are fussy flappy things everywhere that need to be carefully tucked in on each side of the zippers - a bold attempt at light-proofing but an ergonomic disaster. Note the high quality stitching!




Once all the flappies are tucked away and the four top and bottom zippers are pulled closed EXCEPT the bottlom left one - I've found it is better left open a few inches to execute the final and most difficult tent closing procedure - this is what it looks like.


Ok, simple. Insert the male end of the zipper into the female end, hold onto the bottom of the farbric on the male side and pull. Easy enough and best accomlished lying in a prone possition on the floor. Nine times out of ten...


I have no idea if the company's larger tents use the same dumb system but this thing is a mess! Remember the brand! They made it easy for you.
When I was an adolescent male I had a serious "Playboy photographer" fantasy. I think this may be better.

I've never grown anything this purple. The real question in the end; would a blind smoker choose it over the less pretty strains?

Criminy's PeeJay! That thing is a trash pile waiting to happen. The stitching is going to give very soon, most places weren't even back stitched to seal it. I can see zipper edges pulling away already, and the more you have to fuss with the zippers the looser that will get.
Send it back to them along with your comments!
I have a cheap azzed wardrobe closet on wheels that is the same type of zipper system/material, and the zippers broke after very little use. The zipper teeth (plastic) broke off in several places. Cheap chit!
Criminy's PeeJay! That thing is a trash pile waiting to happen. The stitching is going to give very soon, most places weren't even back stitched to seal it. I can see zipper edges pulling away already, and the more you have to fuss with the zippers the looser that will get.
Send it back to them along with your comments!

I wish sending it back was an option but regrettably I need a little tent NOW. I think I'll work something out with the problem middle zipper with some velcro. I'm not too worried about light leaks since it will always be on an 18/6 schedule and the room is dark anyway during lights off. It is indeed a trash pile waiting to happen but so is the disposable diaper greenhouse. That thing will only last two seasons, maybe three. I'm a landfill hogging environmental disaster over here!

Just watched the weather. For the next seven days it is all sun and low humidity with high temps ~ 86 and lows ~58. Chugga-chugga chugga-chugga WOOOO WHOOOO!
It is absolutely picture perfect here right now too.... Highs in the low to mid 70's and lows in the mid to high 50's... humidity is a bit high today but dropping by tomorrow... The colors are starting to change too... I wish every day could be as perfect as today but I guess I wouldn't appreciate these days if that were the case....:dreamy:.....:circle-of-love:
Just spent 3 1/2 hours out in the disposable diaper adding more strings to PeeJay's cannabis marionette theater. The aim; prevent contact with the plastic sheeting and cola-to-cola cuddling. I began a defol program that will be ongoing between now and harvest - mostly removing fan leaves with stem growing from DarkStar colas. I'm going to start removing low hanging fruit next week and will continue to open things up moving forwards.






Getting out there and getting that done gives me mad respect for folks like Cola Monster and Lem who are dealing with many, many more plants and basically going it alone.

Still haven't found any of the dreaded worms that are plaguing so many this year, but I bet they're in there somewhere....
Damn PeeJay! How big is that diaper and how do you get in there to do ANYTHING?
Even playing around with my 4 plants, I end up with sticky all over my arms.
Mad props (and reps)!
The diaper has a 6'x6' footprint. The peak of the roof is 7' and it is 5' high where the roof starts sloping in. Getting in there to do stuff is... Well frankly, it's a Major PITA!


I stink to high heaven when I get out of there... Crawling around on all fours is the best way to get from place to place.

Here's what the climate is like in there today at 12:45 p.m.


I get partial shade from an overhanging tree between about 11:30 and 2:30. A week of this is going to be killer.
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