They may be mysteries but they are healthy looking mysteries! Bombs look good too :).

Are you going to contact Seedsman and wtf them?
Thanks Shed! Seedsman answer below.

The Bombs don't look bad, give them time. Have you asked Seedsman about the autos?
They don't look bad Penny as you say, just reduced growth. The one that is in early flower is a totaly different pheno than her sister who is almost at harvest. The nodal spacing is greater and she grew more like a sativa, whereas the older one is more indica dominant. I know I could do better with them based on what I've seen with other growers and I'm a little disapponted with myself. It's all good. Move on and learn from it.

So the Seedman seeds were freebies from a PhOTM comp last year. I ordered them around the Halloween freebie deals they had going on and without going back to look at what was free on the freebies I would guess it was a free seed promo. I don't think I would have ordered them knowing I like photos. But I will verify when I get a chance.
I have enough seeds and honestly I'm not concerned about it. If I paid top dollar I would contact them only if they were poor yielding plants.
If the plants yielded well, I'd just smoke up and move on. Sometimes life's to short to be stressing yourself out over a few seeds. There's 10 others I'm sure that have complained for some reason that day. I'm good with it.
Good thing I never wrote that letter. I went back to all my seedsman orders and could not find anything regarding the GG Autos from AutoSeeds. So then I started to think where in the heck did I get them from. Seriously, smoking weed really messes you up.
I won those as well from AutoSeeds, and the Bombs came from Bomb Seeds. So, they say the flowering time is 70-75 days from germination. How is it possible to get photos from a company who specializes in autos?
I will definately write to them.
Day 77 Update

Hey everybody!

I finally agreed with myself that Seedsman messed up and sent me some sort of photo labelled GG Auto. They have hit day 76 and have no intention of flowering from what I gather.
The THC Bombs on the other hand have flowered quite nicely, albeit not much to look at compared to other plants I have had. Mostly do to stress on both of those and I still have a couple of seeds so may redo those down the road.
Here are a couple of pics of the Bombs.

The next couple of pics are the GG Autos mystery plants. Healthy little pigs and I'll have to flip them soon. As soon as my seedlings are outside I'll do that.

So that's it for now. Nothing to report. The girls are being fed 6.5g/gal of MC every feeding and drink about 3L every three days.

The same thing just happened a few months ago to Brother Dutch with his "Early Miss" . Do you know where he got his seeds?

Good thing I never wrote that letter. I went back to all my seedsman orders and could not find anything regarding the GG Autos from AutoSeeds. So then I started to think where in the heck did I get them from. Seriously, smoking weed really messes you up.
I won those as well from AutoSeeds, and the Bombs came from Bomb Seeds. So, they say the flowering time is 70-75 days from germination. How is it possible to get photos from a company who specializes in autos?
I will definately write to them.

The only way I'm aware this could happen is if you accidentally were sent F1's or F2's and NOT F3's. It isn't until the F3 generation that you're guaranteed autos! ;)
The same thing just happened a few months ago to Brother Dutch with his "Early Miss" . Do you know where he got his seeds?

The only way I'm aware this could happen is if you accidentally were sent F1's or F2's and NOT F3's. It isn't until the F3 generation that you're guaranteed autos! ;)
My seeds were from CropKing. It’s a bit of a pain thinking your growing autos and they turn out to be photos! They look extra healthy though sauga so I’m sure come Flip day they will take off!
Good thing you didn't send it to the wrong company, or they'd look at it and think, "stoners!"
IKR! It's also a reason why I'm not an impulse type of guy. If I act on impulse I'm typically wrong :)

The only way I'm aware this could happen is if you accidentally were sent F1's or F2's and NOT F3's. It isn't until the F3 generation that you're guaranteed autos! ;)
So Seb at Auto Seeds replied back to me and he said "Sorry to hear that. Can you tell me what light cycle you have it on".
I responded back with 24/0 for the most part, then the last few weeks 20/4, and just recently 18/6.
I'm not sure what that has to do with it though.

My seeds were from CropKing. It’s a bit of a pain thinking your growing autos and they turn out to be photos! They look extra healthy though sauga so I’m sure come Flip day they will take off!
Ya but if they stretch double it'll be pushing the light height. I need to get my seedlings outside soon. I'm on vaca for the next week so I'm hoping for good wx.
Hope you're doing well Dutchie!
Isn't it annoying when they ask a question that obviously demonstrates they don't understand the issue?
lol, exactly why I chuckled when I first read it. But at least he responded and he did seem genuinely concerned. Maybe they've had complaints and they are trying to find out if there is some sort of pattern happening.
So Seb at Auto Seeds replied back to me and he said "Sorry to hear that. Can you tell me what light cycle you have it on".
I responded back with 24/0 for the most part, then the last few weeks 20/4, and just recently 18/6.
I'm not sure what that has to do with it though.
I would have added the question, "What light cycle does an auto need to trigger flowering?" :rofl:
Lol, on the note of seedbanks... and given that I was belly aching on here about it before, I wanted to give a little update. I got an email from another representative at Seedsman and she totally went above and beyond to make up for me getting overcharged. Maybe a little on the slow side, but the customer service was there for sure. Hope you hear back from your seed store too Mr. S!
Lol, on the note of seedbanks... and given that I was belly aching on here about it before, I wanted to give a little update. I got an email from another representative at Seedsman and she totally went above and beyond to make up for me getting overcharged. Maybe a little on the slow side, but the customer service was there for sure. Hope you hear back from your seed store too Mr. S!
They must have had a glitch in their system a few weeks back (unless your overcharge was more recent) my 420 sale order got overcharged as well (I actually didnt notice, they contacted me 2 days aftervI placed the order) They deffinately made it right and made a repeat customer of me for it.
Funny thing was that the free seeds they sent me for the mistake, got sent twice! So I got double what they offered me. I did let them know about the second pk and offered to return the extras but they said I should keep them.
Maybe a little on the slow side, but the customer service was there for sure. Hope you hear back from your seed store too Mr. S!
She contacted me as well and apologized for the misunderstanding on cancelling the order. She applied 400 pts to my account. I'm not sure if Alex is there anymore, or he has some help.
I'm glad to hear it got resolved HH :hug:
She contacted me as well and apologized for the misunderstanding on cancelling the order. She applied 400 pts to my account. I'm not sure if Alex is there anymore, or he has some help.
I'm glad to hear it got resolved HH :hug:
Top notch! Glad they took care of you too Mr. S :hug: and knife maker too :thumb:
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