Scrubbys Rare Darkness - Rare Dankness #1 x Grape Ape

I just followed the instructions for 3 grows and paid attention to what was happening. Now that I have a kinda "average" of what does to what, I can make adjustments that fit specifically. It wasnt hard...just pay attention :)

That little Jack Skellington looks crazy down there doesn't it?! TGA says itll only stretch x2 upon their initial observation. We'll see...I have a few tricks up my sleeve for her :)
Just you wait and see :)

I can't emphasize enough how important this is!

"I just followed the instructions for 3 grows and paid attention to what was happening."

There really is no substitute for learning what the products do and following directions. Once you learn what's what, you can use your own intuition, deductive reasoning, and sense of adventure to make changes to each strain, each grow etc.

But if you never learn the fundamentals you really never learn the nuances of each product and what they cause in the plant.

When it comes to High Brix Cannabis, this is the place. There isn't another. It started here, it's catching on here, we're all learning and improving here.

There are no step brother's of cousins who used to live in mendo who can help with High Brix....we learn it here.

Wanna get good at it? Do what all the people who have it down do!

Step one:
Follow directions for a few grows to learn what does what.
Not sure how I havent been following your grow Scrubby. I love looking at your plants.:Rasta:

If somebody doesn't like the look of scrubby's plants, they don't like cannabis. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I can't emphasize enough how important this is!

"I just followed the instructions for 3 grows and paid attention to what was happening."

There really is no substitute for learning what the products do and following directions. Once you learn what's what, you can use your own intuition, deductive reasoning, and sense of adventure to make changes to each strain, each grow etc.

But if you never learn the fundamentals you really never learn the nuances of each product and what they cause in the plant.

When it comes to High Brix Cannabis, this is the place. There isn't another. It started here, it's catching on here, we're all learning and improving here.

There are no step brother's of cousins who used to live in mendo who can help with High Brix....we learn it here.

Wanna get good at it? Do what all the people who have it down do!

Step one:
Follow directions for a few grows to learn what does what.

It's an honor to make your product proud Doc. Its unbeatable when done right, and im OK with that :)
I wish everyone could have the soil round I just had. It wasnt the plants or genetics...the soil folks, the soil

Yup. It's no coincidence that the best buds seem to be grown High Brix these days.

Have an old buddy up in the Pac. NW who has a large operation. He's now 80% high brix due to customer demand. The fact that it costs him about 1/5 of what his salt based nutes used to cost is just a bonus.

Scrubby is just one of a growing list of growers who have gotten the kit down. Anyone can do it!

Most people won't follow directions, or refuse to learn what each product does, preferring to merely "copy" someone's style.

Copy the style in the directions, pay attention, take notes AND THEN do it your way. That's where plants like these come from.
I hope I don't come off creative with the directions.

The specific environment, plants and life and such seem to throw alot of factors at us and using the success of other people "following the directions" is just using these factors to figure out what to do next vis a vis fine tuning or even rescue drenches or OG or epsoms.

I've made some mistakes and adjustments had to be made to be sure, things are going well anyway.
Ill start saying what I do but if someones grow doesn't look like mine after doing what I do...I dont wanna hear about it! I mean, im not performing miracles or anything, im just tweaking the amounts of drenches and the timing of both feeds and foliars! Pay close attention to the upper 1/3 of the plant. It seem that that's where things change if theyre going to change, first. I noticed my serrated edge tips were starting to curl up a tiny bit. That's when I started my epsom regimen at a teaspoon per water/feed every 5 or 6 days. It looked like it was working for a while but changed for the worse. I figured the soil needed a "reset" and that's when I did a heavy trans/tea/epsom feeding then sprayed brix at a heavy concentration 2 days later. Now...not a single tip is curled. So!!!! I figured that out, for that strain, in MY soil! Can't say thatll work for anyone else but it worked for my rare darkness :)

Get what im sayin?

Like this scrubby?


That one shows the edge tip curl, but I see no other clues that its needy.

The next one seems to match other Mg deficiency descriptions more fully:



They were recently watered thoroughly, so thinking of adding the epsoms as a foliar.

Does half a teaspoon per quart sound right?

Don't use epsom as a foliar with hb bro. Just wait til your next feed and start at a tsp per pot. I don't know what you're growing or what you're growing in. I cant tell what or if anything is wrong with the plants in those pics either
Don't use epsom as a foliar with hb bro. Just wait til your next feed and start at a tsp per pot. I don't know what you're growing or what you're growing in. I cant tell what or if anything is wrong with the plants in those pics either


DBHBB, seven gal. pots. First run soil, upcanned 10 days ago, added ammendment 8 days ago.

Yeah sorry about the crap pics, but the tops of the leaf serations are curling up a bit. There are also a couple leaves near the bottom of the second plant that show the kind of discoloration pattern and colour I've seen in Mg deficiency photos.

So thanks, good plan.

So now that ive been told not to foliar spray epsom, I'm curious to see what happens when its done to someone elses plants. If I had dozens of plants I'd do it to one, for education purposes.

Cheers! :peace::passitleft:
DBHBB, seven gal. pots. First run soil, upcanned 10 days ago, added ammendment 8 days ago.

What amendment did you add after upcanning?

DBHBB, seven gal. pots. First run soil, upcanned 10 days ago, added ammendment 8 days ago.

Yeah sorry about the crap pics, but the tops of the leaf serations are curling up a bit. There are also a couple leaves near the bottom of the second plant that show the kind of discoloration pattern and colour I've seen in Mg deficiency photos.

So thanks, good plan.

So now that ive been told not to foliar spray epsom, I'm curious to see what happens when its done to someone elses plants. If I had dozens of plants I'd do it to one, for education purposes.

Cheers! :peace::passitleft:

Yeah, what amendment did you add? I know the directions dont say to add anything when you transplant into final pots...did you mean recharge?
Oops, meant recharge. Sorry.



They look pretty damn good to me! I'm still new to this, but if those were mine, I'd say they are good to go as-is.
Hey scrubby nice journal you have here! :thumb: Currently germinating a Ghost Train Haze seed by Rare Dankness! :volcano-smiley:
I'll be hanging out in the back..:goodluck::peace:
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