Strawberry Cough? Yes Please! LOS Grown

Not so fast.
Today is 63 days. The day her mother told me it was time to take her down. This offspring is telling me to HOLD DA BUS! She's making pistols like she wants so with milky with some clear trichs I'll give her a smidge more time to fill in more. Here she is these daze. Here she is.

Have enough bags or jars prepared!?!
Have your axe edge honed to perfection?
Honed and stropped! I almost don't have to pick it up. It summons the branches to come get trimmed. How I don't know, I'll have to axe.
And assistants lined up?
I'm a solo act so far. Ms Otter won't fare well with it so I start early, medicate often and relax into it taking breaks often. This one as big as it is doesn't have too much trimming so I'm looking good there I think.
Morning SO,

I hear you on the solo trimming thing. My leaf/caylx ratio is way high. Takes a lot of trimming. But I'm so enjoying the smoke and high, it's totally worth every hour. I do like you and break often. Get coffeed up at first to get energy level up. Only one more to go, and she's a beast. Trying to hold off a little longer as there's not any amber trichomes yet. The old trade off between bigger buds and bud rot. I'm trying the lactobacillus serum now to see if it'll deter botrytis until the next rainy spell.
Have a great week! Cheers
Getting heavy!
Yea, she's leaning everywhere!
Tonight or tomorrow the lights are going off for 48 hours while I hold a candle light vigil outside the tent. I haven't kept the darkness for a trichome boost for years. I'll document with trichome pics of before and after. You've sparked my interest back in this technique Emilya. Thanks :passitleft: Next grow "backbuilding" the taking of a "few" hairs off the top of main cola tops to enhance bud shape and maybe more too. Thanks.
I managed to drop some simple things (and free) to lean on bud fatteners in my grows leading to the LOS. Time to back er up and simple it up where it matters.
Looking forward to seeing this baby come down!! What a beauty! :yahoo:
I think @Dutchman1990 did a comparison with 24 and 48 hours of darkness and he didn’t see any noticeable difference. Maybe he’ll come along and confirm/straighten out for us.
I guess I need a little more explanation on it to understand. So the idea is that 48 hours in the dark makes more trichomes grow on the buds? Its confusing to me just because we spend weeks watching trichomes go from clear to cloudy, etc. How would more new trichs be ready within just 2-3 days?
I guess I need a little more explanation on it to understand. So the idea is that 48 hours in the dark makes more trichomes grow on the buds? Its confusing to me just because we spend weeks watching trichomes go from clear to cloudy, etc. How would more new trichs be ready within just 2-3 days?
The way I understand it is that this is the plant's last ditch effort to create viable seeds, putting its all, even to the point of self immolation, to keep the species going by falling down dead, with a few seeds that will keep things going. I like 36 hours in the dark, and I believe that this is just enough to convince the plant that the end is indeed here... the sun has gone out, it is time to die, and it is time to do everything it can to go on. This is all in the same theory as making it cold in there, putting a nail in the trunk or splitting it... it is all about signalling certain death.
Regarding new trichs... no... I didn't document new trichomes occurring in this process, but the ones that were already there got thicker and longer, ie, a lot more resin had been produced, inside of those trichomes.
The way I understand it is that this is the plant's last ditch effort to create viable seeds, putting its all, even to the point of self immolation, to keep the species going by falling down dead, with a few seeds that will keep things going. I like 36 hours in the dark, and I believe that this is just enough to convince the plant that the end is indeed here... the sun has gone out, it is time to die, and it is time to do everything it can to go on. This is all in the same theory as making it cold in there, putting a nail in the trunk or splitting it... it is all about signalling certain death.
Regarding new trichs... no... I didn't document new trichomes occurring in this process, but the ones that were already there got thicker and longer, ie, a lot more resin had been produced, inside of those trichomes.
Thank you for explaining it for me. I was confused because in the link you added, the grower said there was a difference in the amount of trichs. Had me scratching my head! Your explanation makes way more sense.
Check out this thread just today, where conclusive evidence is given for the increase in trichomes after a period of darkness:

Maybe not yet conclusive for all strains, but it’s a good data point. I have also seen a substantial increase in resin production after 24-48 hours of darkness.
The way I understand it is that this is the plant's last ditch effort to create viable seeds, putting its all, even to the point of self immolation, to keep the species going by falling down dead, with a few seeds that will keep things going. I like 36 hours in the dark, and I believe that this is just enough to convince the plant that the end is indeed here... the sun has gone out, it is time to die, and it is time to do everything it can to go on. This is all in the same theory as making it cold in there, putting a nail in the trunk or splitting it... it is all about signalling certain death.
Regarding new trichs... no... I didn't document new trichomes occurring in this process, but the ones that were already there got thicker and longer, ie, a lot more resin had been produced, inside of those trichomes.
The psychology of plants is a wonderful thing. It's inspirational to understand the life preserving efforts any plant puts out every day to allow itself reproduce. This is one.
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