1st grow - Growing to keep sane

It's amazing what some people think is funny. I was thinking about doin more than 3 plants but I'm thinking as they grow I might run outta room. Next grow will be double the size. In November Ohio is supposed to vote on legalization of rec use so it'll take some pressure off as far as nerves go. My plants seemed to like natural light. When I was keeping it warm in the house. But my wife wanted it out as soon as the power was on. She's warming up to the idea we went to the in-laws a couple days ago and she helped me pick out stuff from a garage sale pile I could use. Small steps
It's amazing what some people think is funny. I was thinking about doin more than 3 plants but I'm thinking as they grow I might run outta room. Next grow will be double the size. In November Ohio is supposed to vote on legalization of rec use so it'll take some pressure off as far as nerves go. My plants seemed to like natural light. When I was keeping it warm in the house. But my wife wanted it out as soon as the power was on. She's warming up to the idea we went to the in-laws a couple days ago and she helped me pick out stuff from a garage sale pile I could use. Small steps

Give the wifey time...she'll come around. :) And you're right...small steps. No pushing her nose in the plants. :rofl:
Glad to hear the legalization is coming up for vote! I wish you good luck in Ohio for sure. :)
Thanks canna...
here is a design without discriptive measurements of my air filter i'm tweeking.Hence no exact measurements. Heppa-Carbon Filter is 1/2 inch.
ok just checked on the kids and also made an attempt at a dwc but dwc pics will come later.

the dwc idea came from reading a thread from donpaul i'm gonna give it an attempt it's a bag seed not really concerned about it practice.
should i start nutes next watering?
Wow, those lil' plants really grew since your last pics! Looking great and green. :high-five:
I am not one to give advice on anything beyond the most basic of things, I'm a newbie at this for sure, but hopefully someone will be along shortly that can help you on the Nutrients question.
In the meantime, keep taking care of those lil' green babies like you're doing. They look happy. ;-)
I would wait on the nutes a little longer, until they have about 5 nodes of growth. Did you use the 2 liter dwc method, you will like the rapid growth crim dwc, just have to keep a watchful eye on res temps, and ph.
should i start nutes next watering?

Hello sir. :Namaste:

I usually go by the color of the Cotlyedons. As they yellow this tells me the "natural" Nitrogen is running out. If they cot's stay green for a while I hold off. If the barely start fading Ill start with 1/4-1/2 strencgh and so on sir.

Hope you dont mind me chiming in. Ill try to get caught up on the entire grow shortly as I'd hate to comment on your pics without knowing the History. :)
welcome spimp chime in any time i'm learning and any experience helps.
thanks for the input on nutes. fyi for any followers when i transplanted to the bigger pots a week or so back i got rid of the nitrogen infused soil and went with a plain soil with more per-lite.

Dank - yes i did use the 2 liter dwc fortunately i have a baby monitor since my son is old enough not to worry about i can use it to monitor my baby plants... still being used for similar purposes.
when i shift to 12/12 or what ever cycle i do i'll have to have in on a timer.

thank god for an insulated and heater shed it snowed here today.

shrubhub - yes my plants seem to be growing more rapid now. i haven't checked em tonight but i will eventually waiting to put my son to bed first.

for my first grow i didn't use pricey seeds (bag seeds of a tasty smoke) just to get one grow under my belt. i'm trying to decide on what i'll grow next time... as the saying goes lets not count chickens before they hatch. still gotta get this grow done.
Snowed here overnight too USMCO. :-( I was really NOT ready for that. Had snow this morning driving to work. None has stuck yet though.
So you will have freezing temps at night now.
I have to plan my grows next year carefully because of the weather, I want to do an outdoor greenhouse...but I have to plan it just right so I don't run into early cold weather. You know how it is...."don't like the weather here? Wait 10 minutes." LOL
Are you using hydrogen peroxide in the res, or any other additives? The peroxide helps protect the roots from rot, and there are lots of res additives you can use. I read up on dwc quite a bit, especially after the roots caught some rot, and there some different options. Here's a link that will explain better than I can, I plan to do a "live" dwc grow in the future, TheCapn is really knowledgeable with anything hydro, this link is one of his threads. Live or Sterile? Why I choose Live
i'm not that far yet my seed was just planted last night so no chance in hell it popped yet or roots are far enough down to make it outta the spot of the bottle. but i was thinking H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide). i know it'll help with alge and other issues.
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