1st grow - Growing to keep sane

wow it got col last night and even colder tonight... neg 1 degree that's including windchill it may have gotten a lil cold for my plants... they seem ok though
Glad they are okay! I'm not sure what the overnight temp was here, but I know I had to turn my electric blanket on in the mid of the night. I'm heating with wood right now, and it doesn't travel to the back of the house well. Took a trip out the store this morning and the roads are awful! Brrr LOL
Second the vape comment, and I love me some cannabutter myself, ate a yummy grilled cheese sandwich made with some last night, helps me sleep through the night.
Vaporizers are MUCH smoother on the lungs. That's why I use it.
I LOVE cannabutter and cannot WAIT to make some more!
just got home I have 3 of my lil gals inside under a lamp in my bed room and btw I have 4 baby seedlings plus 4 that have their serrated leaves plus my one I have on 12/12 back to 8 again 5 of the 8 are feminized... i'll get pics up in about an hour and a half or so...
real quick pic update before I leave for work

I'll get pics of seedlings soon I wanna let em grow up a lil before posting em online
the white was water drops that dried up on the leaves... one day they grew too much and that one grew in too close proximity to the light... but seems to be fine
well, bad news here, I had to give my plants away my boss fired my co-worker that knew about my grow and he threatened to call me in... i'm still gonna be on here but not growing for a few unless I can find else where to grow... I was pretty upset yesterday but a lil better today.
Just to let ya know, I know what you're feeling. I have a house guest that I have to actually go through an eviction process to get him out. Someone (a relative) I offered help to for a "few days" with extreme medical issues that has turned into a year long battle. Long story, and I won't go into it. Just a word of caution to people if you are going to take someone into your home temporarily. He has been telling people there is something illegal going on my basement because I told him he needs to find other accommodations. Thank the good lord for our MMJ law, or I would have had to toss everything. I'm still concerned with the unneeded attention to the grow that he is causing.
i know what you mean canna this sucks but i'll get it going again... still planning on a grow with my father-in-law... I won't do this but i'd love to teach people the privilege of having a tongue screw snitches get stitches I'd really lick to make this guy swallow his tongue. However i'll be a good lad.
yea canna you remember we were talking about whom we were growing for... he was one of em but whatever. I'll turn the page and continue on with life until I am sure he's ran outta town... won't take much... i'll be growing again shortly but i'm gonna double my security and make a better grow area that is 100 times better... this is the time to review my data and improve all around... As the great Marine saying goes adapt and over come...
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