4-20 Solo Cup Auto Challenge

Howdy dudes I'll jump in on this one too if that's alright. Love growing wee tiddlers. Smallest I've managed was 3g in a 250ml pot. She was awesome. Just a wee 6 inch tall bud with about 8 leaves. Wish I had a picture :(
Got tons of autos there though so I'll chuck one under my CFL and see what happens.
Why no dwc though? No prizes involved so might be a nice comparison.
Think the guy up there was right about hempys being the answer though. That was my first thought.
I followed a solo cup grow off on another forum last year and it was mental. Some guys droppin like 3-4 Oz in a pissy little plastic cup. How the fuck do you do that? My biggest was 9 or 10g.
Howdy dudes I'll jump in on this one too if that's alright. Love growing wee tiddlers. Smallest I've managed was 3g in a 250ml pot. She was awesome. Just a wee 6 inch tall bud with about 8 leaves. Wish I had a picture :(
Got tons of autos there though so I'll chuck one under my CFL and see what happens.
Why no dwc though? No prizes involved so might be a nice comparison.
Think the guy up there was right about hempys being the answer though. That was my first thought.
I followed a solo cup grow off on another forum last year and it was mental. Some guys droppin like 3-4 Oz in a pissy little plastic cup. How the fuck do you do that? My biggest was 9 or 10g.

Little bastard may have filled a one hitter.


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Reason for no DWC? I honestly do not have a good reason, just a parameter chose. Perhaps its because any other method is a possibility for me, which I can adapt for my own and create something awesome later on. Hempy I can do, daily dip I could handle, but a DWC is not in my books right now, seeing as I do not even currently PH my water

I have an Acapulco Gold and Freedom Dream Autos in water for the challenge, also have a Pineapple Express photo I am going to use as my first outdoor attempt, if it pops.
Little bastard may have filled a one hitter.
Certainly never filled the 3gal pot anyway lol.
I tried to teach my mate to grow last year. .... Actually...hang on I'll go try find some pics. He spent nearly 2k and ended up with exactly what you've got there.
Pissed myself to the point of dehydration becoming a serious thought lol.
easy enough to grow, just a huge PITA to keep watering it. Definitely thinking a modified hempy system is the way for these guys


Unfortunately I will be stuck with the same beans as always, Acapulco Gold. Will have a Freedom Dream going along at the same time, for fun.

Little update for this guy I swear I have been neglecting (just look at the leaves!), such a tall lanky bugger.


The look of the bud is interesting, not appealing, but certainly interesting. Short leaf stem is strong enough to hold up today's celebration, just trying to hold off a little bit longer
Oh man, wish I would have seen this before I moved this pineapple Express auto from here to my DWC.

Is Coco allowed? I can drop a northern light auto and join you guys if allowed
Not my thread lol
but Fuck yeah mate, do it!
Let's get this thread cranked up a notch!
See some absolute masterpieces popping out of these strange little red cups every now and then.
I Iove Bonzai grows.
Just checked my stash and I've got 10 strains to choose from. Gonna do some digging and see what the fastest finisher is :)
Not my thread lol
but Fuck yeah mate, do it!
Let's get this thread cranked up a notch!
See some absolute masterpieces popping out of these strange little red cups every now and then.
I Iove Bonzai grows.
Just checked my stash and I've got 10 strains to choose from. Gonna do some digging and see what the fastest finisher is :)
Alright, I will sacrifice 2 northern lights and see which one germinates. I have been disappointed with these seed from cropking. Not sure if they will even germinate but I will join this using a 16oz solo cup full of coco
Reason for no DWC? I honestly do not have a good reason, just a parameter chose. Perhaps its because any other method is a possibility for me, which I can adapt for my own and create something awesome later on. Hempy I can do, daily dip I could handle, but a DWC is not in my books right now, seeing as I do not even currently PH my water

At first, I thought it was because DWC would generally have an advantage. But then I thought, "Solo cup... :rolleyes: ." That reservoir would be so full of roots, lol, that I don't think it'd work.

I don't know about you, but if anyone wanted to add a Solo cup DWC as an aside (exhibition?), I'd be interested in watching it develop. Be easy to tell if it was really a DWC - there'd be no holes in the cup, lol.

I cannot decide between passive hydroponics (hempy) and soil(ish) for this. Still haven't decided on a strain, either. A friend was supposed to come by and pick out up to six autoflowering seeds to add to his little grow - which would have helped me by narrowing my choices, lol -\ but seems to have vanished. I'm torn between the Northern Lights Auto and one of the mystery seeds. The NLA would have some indica, which might be easier for me; a shorter plant wouldn't fall over as easily :p. But the idea of "I don't know what it is, but it's an auto" holds some appeal, too (although it might suck to end up with something that wanted to imitate a telephone pole, I guess).
Alright, I will sacrifice 2 northern lights and see which one germinates.

Nice, that's one of the choices on my shortlist.

I have been disappointed with these seed from cropking. Not sure if they will even germinate but I will join this using a 16oz solo cup full of coco

Err... Crap, I think mine might be from CKS. I'm not really sure, though, since they were part of a gift (thanks again, Susan!) and don't have breeder labels. Now that I think about it, I might have merely assumed. Can you elaborate on the reason(s) for your disappointment with your CKS Northern Light Autos, please? (Thanks!)
Nice, that's one of the choices on my shortlist.

Err... Crap, I think mine might be from CKS. I'm not really sure, though, since they were part of a gift (thanks again, Susan!) and don't have breeder labels. Now that I think about it, I might have merely assumed. Can you elaborate on the reason(s) for your disappointment with your CKS Northern Light Autos, please? (Thanks!)
To be honest, partially it's my fault for messing up at the beginning of my last grow but after I tried to germinate more seeds but 1 was dud, the other 2 got a taproot out and never developed any further there. Since then I have done some Barney farms autos from seedsman and have not had issues that bad so far.
Mines not a solo cup but not much bigger. Nearly 5 weeks old now. Won't be part of the contest but I'll follow along to see how you all get on. Blueberry Autoflower and I think the bottle is under 1L.


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AG is already sporting a nice little tail after one day in water. Put them all in paper towels, obviously, since they had all sprouted a root. Two of the FD are doing very well with very little time, one will be the challengers companion, the other will go outside.
Closeup shows what looks like a crack or cut in the root of the AG, hope that doesn't affect its performance, fairly aggressive so far.

FD's are just cruising along

Sure hope you all are having the same luck I am so far.
By the way, before I get started.
Is a solo cup 454ml in every country?
Or should I say, is 16 fluid Oz the same in every country?
Im in the UK and 16oz for me is a 454ml pot. I don't have a solo cup there so was gonna measure and improvise.
I realised a few weeks ago though that the American gallon is different to our UK gallon so figured it might be worth while checking just incase.
I think the most common (cannabis-use) size Solo cup is 18 US fluid ounces, which would be 532.324 ml. Being poor, I bought a small package of generic "Solo" cups. It states right on the package that they're plastic, but when I opened it and examined the cups it seemed almost like they were paper and had been sprayed with a .005% strength solution of plastic (or that the factory had a picture of an actual plastic cup on one of its walls :rolleyes: ). So I bought a different brand of generic cup. It's more like the real Solo cups. The former are 16-ounce (473.176 ml) and the latter are 18-ounce.

Years ago, I could get 24-ounce Solo cups around here. I wish I still could, but haven't seen any in ages.

When I think "Solo cup," I normally think "18-oz." Or those little "shot glass" sized ones ;) . It turns out that one of those is capable of growing some a great buds bud, too.

I'm not sure where you got the 454 ml number.
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