420 Magazine's Member of the Month: August 2019

420 Magazine's Member of the Month: August 2019

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Teddy Edwards

Well-Known Member
Welcome to the 420 Magazine Member of the Month Contest

420 Magazine would like to include not only our valued growers, but also more of our non-growing members in this contest. We are by no means excluding growers from the Member of the Month Contest, but we feel that our Plant and Nug Contests are already serving these members pretty well. Please help and support us in this effort.

Specifically, we're looking to thank those members that help and support our site in so many under recognized ways, such as:
  • Greeting new members
  • Helping people with questions
  • Peacemakers
  • Activism efforts
  • Promoting our sponsors
  • Activity and content generation
  • Reporting violations
420 Magazine Staff will select nominees, members determine the winner by poll. This does not prohibit members from suggesting nominations to a Moderator via private message. When doing so, include detailed reasoning for your nomination. Please do not nominate or suggest nominations in the contest thread, or it will be deleted without notice.

The contest will be open from the 1st until the 14th at midnight PST. At one minute past midnight on the 15th, we will begin voting for a winner.

The winner earns "Member of the Month" title, 420 Mag T-Shirt, Bic 420 Magazine Lighter, 420 Mag Stickers, 420 Magazine Magnet, Medium 420 Magazine Nug Jar & Small 420 Magazine Nug Jar

MagicalButter Contributes:

Space Case Contributes:
Terpinator Contributes:
GeoPot Contributes:
Cannabis Irrigation Supply Contributes:
Foods Alive Contributes To Our First Place Winner:
Shipping fees may apply to packages shipped outside of the U.S.
We are not responsible for any additional fees applied by customs.
Additional information on prize shipping can be found here

With so many contests and even more winners, we unfortunately don't have the time and resources to offer organizing the 'gifting' of prizes anymore. Due to the nature of numerous, confusing logistics involved, delivery times get pushed back weeks waiting for everyone to reply with contact information, which causes delays in getting prizes to everyone. This causes a massive drain on our resources when everyone starts asking where their prizes are and why it's taking so long, some have even gone as far as to complain in public about us being lazy stoners, which couldn't be further from the truth. Mistakes in translations have also occurred, wasting valuable time, energy & shipping costs. Obviously you may pass prizes on yourself, and you are more than welcome to contact the sponsor yourself with a 'gifting' request.

Monthly winners are automatically eligible for our prestigious "Member of the Year" contest, held in January.
Contest Guidelines:

1. Members must have at least 50 posts to be entitled to vote.

2. 420 Magazine staff members submit nominees and rationale in the contest thread.

3. Promotion (i.e. campaigning) for yourself or a friend, or any attempt at voting more than one time per person (i.e. multiple user names, etc.) is considered cheating and is prohibited. Promotion also includes family and friends who register a new account for voting purposes. Campaigning in any form - including but not limited to mentioning the nomination in any thread outside the contest and campaigning via PMs - will result in the member being removed from the month's contest. A second instance, either in a different contest during the same month or in any future contest, will attract a lifetime ban from all future contests.

4. Past winners are ineligible for 6 months from date of win.

5. Staff members from this or any other cannabis forum/community will not be nominated.

6. In accepting the Member of the Month title, prize(s), and the respect of the members, the winner agrees to wear his/her title with honor and to continue to set the example with his/her actions and posting behavior. To retain the Member of the Month title, the winner must remain compliant with contest rules and site guidelines.

Contests Are Legitimate: Now that votes are publicly visible, it should be obvious who is voting. We have endless ways of discovering cheating and are always successful. If you are caught cheating, your entry will be deleted and you'll be called out in the public thread, visible to everyone. Reason being that in the past, when we removed the offending entry without any announcement (to help minimize embarrassment for the member), it often led to uninformed (or worse, misinformed) members questioning our motives and calling us censorship nazi's. More often than not, the cheater themselves would claim innocence, causing a higher workload for our staff. For these reasons, we now alert the community of what happened, to save all the confusion and massive workload on our team.

Just so i get this right @Teddy Edwards , i send you a pm with my chosen member and detail my reasoning and thats it..?!
Just so i get this right @Teddy Edwards , i send you a pm with my chosen member and detail my reasoning and thats it..?!
Yep. That's all it takes.

As James Brown said to Mrs Teddy many years ago, when she shyly asked him if she could shake his hand, "Ain't nuttin' difficult".

Who needs luck when you can grow herb:tommy:
Thank you for your nominations so far.

I've got one that is so eloquent regarding a member, that it itself is worthy of an award. :)

If you have a member in mind who's been particularly welcoming, supportive, informative or helpful over the past month, do drop me a PM with his or her name and your reasons why. We review and create a shortlist from all your nominations which, for the uninitiated, we publish here on the 15th of the month, after which voting starts. No nominations in this thread, please.

Teddy awaits your message. :nomo::circle-of-love:
Hi Everyone

I just need to get the word out that we are behind with fulfilling the prize goodies from 420 Magazine. I'm getting, quite reasonably, PMs from past winners asking where their package is, so it's time to go public. :)

I have been told by HQ in California, (I am in Europe), that not only has the person who traditionally fulfilled all the prizes left - not a huge problem as we are currently training up a new employee - but more significantly, our T Shirt supplier has screwed up two successive orders by mis-printing our logo. We are awaiting a third batch.

Many apologies to past winners, and indeed near-future ones, and thanks for your patience. We will get there.

Teddy :Namaste:
Good luck to so many worthy members here. Seeing the same names helping out and advising is a comfort but must take most of their time up. We all love this game here and the passion spills out during discussions and debates constantly. Titles or not WE have a great community here ( second to none !) and i celebrate this fact happily. To be part of a community based ethical site as we all are here while 420 staff dedicate their time to rewarding US with great sponsor prizes is a bonus. Good luck to all the deserving members. respect to the staffers
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