600W Cree CXB3590 - Coco - Canna Nutes - 4x4

All caught up! That was action packed for sure!

Love that light! Cob is it? Diy??? Gotta read up on that because not only is it so sleek and showroom looking, the plants grew so rapidly under them! Amazing!

What a recovery from early veg and now trimming up the undercarriage so heavily! Wowzers. Those roots!!! Very impressed and waiting on the flower show !!!

MADD respect man and I'll keep an eye on this one, taking notes and soaking it in as you obviously have!.

Well thanks for making me feel good about myself! The cob set up is semi diy. I pieced together all the items from various sites and bought the rails from rapid led. I tried to diy it and it was about the same price in metal and screws from Home Depot not incorporating my time engineering.

They are Cree CXB3590 "cd" bin COBs. 3000k 36v@1400ma on 140mm passive heatsinks.

Here are some pictures from tonight! Can't even tell I chopped 40 leaves off the pineapple kush in the front right.

Pineapple Kush, officially the "queen" of the tent.


Blueberry the cunty runt.



Orange Cream, sneaks up on you in size. Her time lapse is crazy. She's spread just as wide as the pineapple kush with half the training. Weird, but weird is good sometimes.


Plushberry - had trichs on her stalk since a young cutting. Fattest leaves in the tent. I think she's going to be massive.


Then we have the guard dogs. Being ferocious and Shit.


Canopy porn!!!

Finally able to check out your grow. Subbed in and looking forward to watchin this one. Your lst is awesome!

Thanks for taking the time to read through it! Here's some photos from tonight :)


Pineapple . Kush!






Orange Cream!


I think I'm screwed on space. Every inch is covered and this is only week one of 12/12. Hopefully this canopy stays even. I'm scared .

Here's Sunday for reference

The canopy looks nice and even, so they should be stretching soon to their max. A few more spots to fill in and that tent is going to be lush and full like a hedge! You plan on putting up a screen now?

*.*.* Cedru *.*.*

I think you are looking at the very bottom photo.. that's last week. Here's current :) I'm not going to put a screen up. Makes accessing and moving the plants a pain. They are tied down and widened out. They should grow the same. All are indica dominant low stretching strains.


Ya,, Your tent is going to be maxed out.

You have a fan in there?

I have a small one, and an exhaust. I need a couple more fans on the inside for sure though. I need a bigger tent too .

can't believe the turn around since veg. looking good

I'm scared I'm going to outgrow the tent .
Well I was bored today and decided to do some training and pruning on these ladies. They are stretching now, holy moly. The pineapple kush and blueberry aren't stretching near as fast. Decided to swap them sides on the tent because I think it's going to be a battle for space between the orange cream and pineapple kush so I put them in opposing corners. She's really filling in well. The 5 gallon transplant was such a smart move. I almost hesitated.


Orange cream LST'ed out, she's so wide now.


Plushberry for about 20 fans chopped off, can't even tell.


Blueberry.... is blueberry. Grateful she didn't turn into my Christmas tree.

Very very nice about to try my hand at diy .
I have seen grows with 5 diy cobs covering the same area is this because the chips are bigger?
Sorry meganoob gotta start somewhere
Very very nice about to try my hand at diy .
I have seen grows with 5 diy cobs covering the same area is this because the chips are bigger?
Sorry meganoob gotta start somewhere

They may be doing that with the 72v chips or driving these ones really hard. You won't get optimal coverage with only 5 cobs in a 4x4. 5 cobs + 4 qb boards would probably be a nice looking setup though. I wouldn't advise running 36v chips anything over 2100mah. That'd be roughly 75w per chip(36.6v*2.1=exact.)
Man these plants are going nuts. I'm gonna save the update for a few days from now. That way we can see some real growth.
Got a little rough today with the plushberry. Hopefully she recovers. Doesn't look like she's affected. Still perky.


Some canopy porn.

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