Adora's Blueberry Summer Grow

Omg sooooo annoying. It always seems to hit your best Coca-Cola’s the worst too!

Treat it like necrosis, take it right off. I’ve learned not to fuck about with taking small pieces of the bud. I take the whole piece, just below the mould/rot.

For me controlling humidity was the key.
Oof on the mold. :( Is it white mold or bud rot and did you cut it off with good margins? I have found that white mold spreads faster than bud rot.
Omg sooooo annoying. It always seems to hit your best Coca-Cola’s the worst too!

Treat it like necrosis, take it right off. I’ve learned not to fuck about with taking small pieces of the bud. I take the whole piece, just below the mould/rot.

For me controlling humidity was the key.

There was one teeny spot of gray bud rot mold and an orange pin mold(?). Luckily no white stuff, that stuff does spread fast. When I remove it, I take both budlets that are touching each other with the mold between them. I don't know if I should admit this (maybe it's bad lol) but I also spritz around the area with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Then semi-dry it with a clean q-tip. It seems to help stop the spread and minimally damages the buds.

This is a pic from my moldy STS Gorilla Cookies auto, but it is the same type of mold:

It doesn't show up very orange in the pics but it is quite yellow/orange to my eye.

Here's close ups of the mold on a fan leaf (not trichomes :eek:). Fortunately this wasn't from a flowering plant.

Mildly terrifying. That stuff looks like it wants to eff me up.

I've come to accept that there's probably always going to be some mold at the end of my grows in this environment... especially when I let my plants go so long (the BB was flipped 78 days ago). My last Blueberry was half white mold at this point so I'm actually quite happy this time around.
There was one teeny spot of gray bud rot mold and an orange pin mold(?). Luckily no white stuff, that stuff does spread fast. When I remove it, I take both budlets that are touching each other with the mold between them. I don't know if I should admit this (maybe it's bad lol) but I also spritz around the area with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Then semi-dry it with a clean q-tip. It seems to help stop the spread and minimally damages the buds.

This is a pic from my moldy STS Gorilla Cookies auto, but it is the same type of mold:

It doesn't show up very orange in the pics but it is quite yellow/orange to my eye.

Here's close ups of the mold on a fan leaf (not trichomes :eek:). Fortunately this wasn't from a flowering plant.

Mildly terrifying. That stuff looks like it wants to eff me up.

I've come to accept that there's probably always going to be some mold at the end of my grows in this environment... especially when I let my plants go so long (the BB was flipped 78 days ago). My last Blueberry was half white mold at this point so I'm actually quite happy this time around.
Adora, have you seen the trials that Azimuth and co are doing with Jadam microbial solution to prevent mold? It might be something that interests you.
There was one teeny spot of gray bud rot mold and an orange pin mold(?). Luckily no white stuff, that stuff does spread fast. When I remove it, I take both budlets that are touching each other with the mold between them. I don't know if I should admit this (maybe it's bad lol) but I also spritz around the area with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Then semi-dry it with a clean q-tip. It seems to help stop the spread and minimally damages the buds.

This is a pic from my moldy STS Gorilla Cookies auto, but it is the same type of mold:

It doesn't show up very orange in the pics but it is quite yellow/orange to my eye.

Here's close ups of the mold on a fan leaf (not trichomes :eek:). Fortunately this wasn't from a flowering plant.

Mildly terrifying. That stuff looks like it wants to eff me up.

I've come to accept that there's probably always going to be some mold at the end of my grows in this environment... especially when I let my plants go so long (the BB was flipped 78 days ago). My last Blueberry was half white mold at this point so I'm actually quite happy this time around.
I’m thinking about my shower in summer here. Sometimes it gets a light orange film in the grout which will turn to black mould if I don’t treat it.

I’d cut the affected area out if she was mine.
Blueberry Update (Day 129, Flower Day 65)

Some of her buds are much more pigmented than the others.



How much longer do you guys think she has? She still hasn't slowed drinking. Harvesting her isn't going to be fun - brushing against her causes super itchy red welts on my skin. :nerd-with-glasses:

More in the next post...

Your Blueberry is gorgeous. I hope mine are as pretty. Sorry you didn't like the tester much. The Blueberry I grew last year just made me feel happy and that's why I want more.

Brushing against my flowering plants makes my arms itchy. I suspect the trichomes are causing the itch. I usually try to wear a long sleeved shirt when feeding and tending them.
Adora, have you seen the trials that Azimuth and co are doing with Jadam microbial solution to prevent mold? It might be something that interests you.
Thank you for sharing Carmen, I hadn't seen that. I remember reading about JMS when I started growing and being freaked out at the thought of spraying germs onto my buds. Now that I have a bit more experience I think this is actually something I would like to try at some point. I'll have a read through.:bongrip:

I’m thinking about my shower in summer here. Sometimes it gets a light orange film in the grout which will turn to black mould if I don’t treat it.

I’d cut the affected area out if she was mine.
We had a leak in our bathroom/laundry area, I think it was before the start of this grow. I don't think I was seeing any of this orange stuff before that. Hmmm. I wonder what it turns into. Lol!

Your Blueberry is gorgeous. I hope mine are as pretty. Sorry you didn't like the tester much. The Blueberry I grew last year just made me feel happy and that's why I want more.

Brushing against my flowering plants makes my arms itchy. I suspect the trichomes are causing the itch. I usually try to wear a long sleeved shirt when feeding and tending them.
Thank you HashGirl. I was thinking about this and looked into it a bit more- I was reading that people can be allergic to different terpenes (that's right up your alley HG! 😃). I am not sure if I can link it, but if you google terpene sensitivity and allergies it should come up.

"Terpene sensitivity or allergy results when terpene is inhaled or applied to the skin. When this happens, antibodies are produced. This process then activates the production of chemicals that trigger allergic reactions like sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, inflammation, and coughing. Terpenes themselves are not allergenic. According to studies, they only cause allergies when oxidized or exposed to air. Certain terpenes can cause allergies in some people. They include: linalool, caryophyllene, limonene, myrcene, pinene."

Now I'm wondering which terpenes I'm most allergic to. It looks like limonene is commonly associated with skin irritation and sensitization. The Blueberry I think is highest in myrcene.

Also I collected the bits of buds that fell off in the wash water and quick-dried them. I've been smoking that all day and it is way better than the tester. Very happy and calming.
Harvest Pics

These are some of my fave bud pics from when I chopped her. Some of her buds were almost black.






I thought this leaf was really cool with the green still on the edges.


All hung up.

One of the reasons I harvested Wednesday was because the garbage went out on Thursday, so I could get rid of all her remains. I get a kick out of watching the garbageman's face when he takes my garbage. :laugh: I sure do love getting rid of the butt of the plant.

Enjoy the rest of your weekends, 420 friends.:green_heart:
Carmen Ray said:
That harvest is huge! Those black buds are exquisite. What a lovely plant. You must be so pleased with that result Adora. Wtg!
Thank you Carmen. :love: I am very pleased. It looks like a lot but my last Blueberry shriveled up to nothing when she dried, like pea sized buds.:laugh: I think this time around will be better though, this plant got fed properly (I think anyway) right up to the end.
Wow! Lots of weed from that beautiful lady!
I don't think you need to worry about  those buds shrinking up, they look pretty dense...
Congrats on the bountiful (and colorful) harvest, Adora-:bravo:
Now for the disappointing conclusion to my grow.:laughtwo: I've been neglecting this final update as I had some struggles at the end and became discouraged. So, what happened... A little more than a day after washing the Blueberry, I put her in the drying box.


Two days after that, when I opened the drying box in the morning I literally screamed... there was fluffy white stuff on every branch. I definitely put too much weed in the box at once. I went into salvage mode and started hacking, and I ended up losing less than I thought I would. I think I only threw about a jarful in the trash. I did try to save as much as I could, and I must have gotten good margins because no more mold grew on the remaining weed. The final yield of smokeable bud was 5.5 oz. Not too bad.:rolleyes:


She has fully cured to a very smooth skunky smoke. The buds are sticky and a beautiful dark purple.



Now the smoke report! After a tolerance break, I got absolutely ripped off this stuff - enough to help me write my smoke report;). Look this is going to be nowhere near Carmen's masterpiece smoke reports that I have bookmarked under #smokereportgoals, lol. But it's my first attempt anyway. Although the Blueberry wasn't the frostiest plant I have grown, she was definitely one of the most potent. She has the overpowering smell of fresh skunk anus and sweet, fruity berries. And she tastes like she smells - delicious (minus the anus). So appetising you'll immediately get the munchies... It is a very forgetful, lazy high. If you do intend to do things, do them right after smoking, or prepare to do them on autopilot with your mind elsewhere until you give up and fall asleep. This is definitely a great night time smoke.🌛✔️

But, this is not the happy smoke I was looking for (though it may make you literally forget your troubles for a while).:p This is in contrast to what the breeder claims is "a very potent yet happy one, which is euphoric yet relaxing and enduring". It is more of a stoney and moody, introspective smoke. It doesn't exactly take my mind to a happy place - it just takes it elsewhere. I am going to try harvesting earlier next time (when I flower out her clones) to see if that gives more of the happy, giggly effect. I won't keep any more clones from this specific plant.

Lastly, a final update on the seed pair. I let the reversed clone die naturally by drought (that's another way of saying I forgot about it, lol). The pollinated clone flowered for 75 days. She took forever to finish, I think because of a combination of cooler temps near the AC since being flipped, underwatering, and most importantly underpowered lighting (single 50 watt LED bulb). I found the first brown seed on her Sept. 8. I waited a couple weeks after that to chop and hang to dry.

Some final living shots:


If you'd call that sad floppy blueberry dong in the corner living...



And hung to dry.


I separated this many seeds (8.38 g) from this much plant matter. The plant bits (12.3 grams) will be cooked into coconut oil in my Instant Pot. Not nearly as many seeds as Shed, but enough for my purposes.:) Probably more than I will ever sprout honestly. I didn't bother separating out the light and dark.



So, with the final smoke report and the harvest of the seeds, this grow is now complete. Thank you for joining me on my first grow here on 420mag.:green_heart: Apart from training which is hands-down the most important thing I'm learning here, the other most important things I learned were 1. I am starving my plants and 2. use dunks more often. Though I'm shy and don't post very often I've enjoyed meeting you and hope you'll follow along my next grow here too.:cheesygrinsmiley:
It's been a blast.🫐🚀🫐
Scratch that... That update was written last night and was meant to be the last one, but this will actually be the final final update. There was one final snag in the grow last night. This is a tough one... I woke up this morning to find almost every single seed gone and my tupperware overturned on the counter. Wtf!! A mouse had a buffet on my counter last night. Get this. I had even woken up through the night and heard a mouse scuffling around, I made a note on my phone to set a mousetrap in the morning, and then I went back to sleep. Omfg!! This grow was a colossal failure. I wish I had put the seeds in storage in the fridge earlier. So to add to my list from earlier of the things I learned this grow... 3. cannabis seeds are highly palatable to mice. I am so angry.

This is what remains of the seed harvest. Looks like I didn't have to bother separating out the light and dark seeds because the mouse preferentially ate all the brown seeds and left only the white ones for me. I think only the seeds on the top left will germinate (and the ones on the top right might).


I have two Blueberry clones in solo cups that I could set up in my back closet to make more seeds, but I'm not sure if I want to waste more time and energy at this point. Both Blueberry plants I've grown ended with moldy harvests, and my seed harvest is in the stomach of a mouse somewhere. I think the universe is telling me no more Blueberry. It has given me more grief than any other strain, and it causes more grief than its smoke helps, lol.
This grow is now complete and I never want to look at it again.
This grow is now complete and I never want to look at it again.
:sorry: I'm going to make you come back here to read my reply. :(
there was fluffy white stuff on every branch.
Oh yuck! I use a big cardboard box to dry but it has 1" holes drilled on the side and top with a fan pointed at the lower ones to create air flow. Works great!
The final yield of smokeable bud was 5.5 oz. Not too bad
Not bad at all after that scare. :welldone:
She has fully cured to a very smooth skunky smoke. The buds are sticky and a beautiful dark purple.
I got absolutely ripped off this stuff
If you do intend to do things, do them right after smoking, or prepare to do them on autopilot with your mind elsewhere until you give up and fall asleep. This is definitely a great night time smoke.
May not have been up to the breeder's specs but at least you know when to use it. :thumb:
most importantly underpowered lighting (single 50 watt LED bulb).
100% absolutely that slowed down the process.
this grow is now complete
Not nearly as many seeds as Shed, but enough for my purposes.:)
I'm handing out those seeds like candy on Halloween! 🎃
Apart from training which is hands-down the most important thing I'm learning here, the other most important things I learned were 1. I am starving my plants and 2. use dunks more often. Though I'm shy and don't post very often I've enjoyed meeting you and hope you'll follow along my next grow here too
Every grow is lessons for the next one. :slide:
3. cannabis seeds are highly palatable to mice. I am so angry.
OMG after all that, another lesson! Ugh. 🪤
Oh, jeez, Adora...As if the hurricane wasn't bad enough, and then you had to deal with all that... I'm so sorry...:confused:
That seems like enough bad luck to last the rest of the hopefully, smooth sailing from here on in ..🤞
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