AKGramma's Perpetual Grow

So, thanks to a very nice lady who gifted me seeds of a number of strains, I have my next grow worked out.

3 White Castle for my meds
3 AK-47 X Durban Poison for the family. Sounds WICKED! I'm hoping it lays them flat on their....butts!

Both strains are regular, so I might luck out and get a male in each for more seeds.
EUREKA!!!!!!! My Arjan's Haze and last AK 48 are beginning to reveg! First time I've had success! These two did not lose all their leaves before harvest, so I carefully trimmed or plucked out the buds, leaving as much veg and tiny buds as possible. I also trimmed them back about 1/3rd.

I am seeing new shoots, and the Arjan's haze has a root peeking out of its recycled kitty litter jug. I will have to repot her, very soon. I'll reward her with the 5 gallon pot. The stems are too woody to try mainlining, but I can keep the skirts clean when they grow out enough, and force all the nutrients to the colas.

Unfortunately the BBLs lost all their leaves, including the bit of veg I left on. But ever the optimist, I'm waiting until the lowest stem desiccates before I pull them. I am watering them and giving them good light. Some will make it, and some will not.

Still waiting on the White Castles to show. Just 3 days from planting.
Two White Castles sprouted in the wee hours of the morning. One more has not appeared yet. I thought they were rotten because they are not green, but a purple-brown. But they are unfolding nicely today. I expect the cotyledons will turn green under light. Time will tell.

I need to transplant the Arjan's haze today before that roots sticking out the bottom holes gets too big. I have to cut apart the jug it is in to get it out safely.

I have some to the conclusion that kitty litter jugs are just too small to grow the plants out to the height I like. It seems that the 3 gallon tall trash bins work the best for my grows. Just enough root space for a 3 month veg and a 10 week flowering period, without becoming root bound.

I don't know how people can get good harvests growing in a 1 liter pot. But they do.

The BBL mother came to 26 grams dry. Again, not a good yield from a year-old mother. I won't buy any more BBL seeds. I got tons of mini-buds, only good for edibles.

My other hybrids have a balanced ancestry of Sativas and Indicas. so I get the best of both.
I was talking about my Autoberry root balls completely filling the 3 gallon tall trash bins, with no roots circling/choking the root mass. The topside grew out to 4 feet without any training.

Here is proof. These roots will be chopped up and left in the rejuvenated soil to keep feeding the MYKOS and to feed the new seedlings.


This particular bin was the last one still containing mostly coarse Perlite in the bottom (plus vermiculite and Black Gold potting soil and sand), left over from my experiment with hempys. it had been converted to a regular pot by drilling 4 holes in the bottom. The ehmpy hole was left as-is.

The mass is moist, smells sweet and fresh, and came apart easily in my hands. I'll cut the roots up into small bits with a large pair of shears, add a decent amount of worm castings, and some all-purpose organic fertilizer, according to dosage recommended for flowers and tomatoes on the bag.

I mix the soil mix with my hands in a 30 inch wide x 18" deep x 17" tall - 30 gallon sterlite tub, which is easier than using 5 gallon buckets. The soil gets mixed and aerated better when spread out a bit.
I got spoiled growing Autos. These regular White castle seedlings are very much slower. by now the autos would have their first true leaves with a hint of their second.

The White Castles are just opening their cotyledons. One is slightly ahead with the tips of the first leaves showing. The third one is languishing in the soil. I carefully removed the soil on top of it. It did put out a root tip, but the cotyledons have yet to pop the cover and straighten up.

meanwhile, I'm mixing used soil and adding amendments, filling 3-gallon trash bins, and otherwise preparing the shelving units for new next grow.

The Arjan's haze is revegging from the base. The AK 48 has put some effort to finish up the mini-buds I left on the branches. I see lots of trics on the sugar leaves, as well as new veg growth. I will gently trim out those last few buds when they are ready. No need to waste any trics!

It's time to set up 3 more solo cups for the AK 47 x Durban Poison. Just discovered I have 5 seeds. will grow them out together.
The third White Castle seedling rotted right after opening. One seed is quickly growing as a seedling should, and the middle seed is stalled out at partially opened cotyledons. So it's a 50:50 chance of gender for each remaining. Will be a shame if I get all males!

I planted all 5 of the AK48 x Durbin Poisons yesterday. Since the strain doesn't have a name, I have to assume it was a home-made cross.

The two revegging ladies got a trim out, to shape them for bigger colas. No chance on bending branches, tho. The AK 48 is very brittle and had split two crotches. There will be a need for supports very soon.

I trimmed out the Arjan's Haze ripe buds, trying to retain the lowermost tri-fingered leaves. It is too small and brittle to mainline. so all I can do is to lollipop them when they have grown out more, and I am sure they are going to survive.

Both got their first dose of nutes, plus seaweed extract and calmag. Their soil is not rejuvenated, so have to add the nutes from the top.
White castle #1 is showing her second pair of true leaves. WC #2, the stunted on, has two 3 mm long first leaves. This one is running on a whole different timeline. :-(

No sign of seedlings from the 5 AK 47 x Poison Durbans. The tray and bag are in a south window, soaking up REAL light. I guess I'll give my WC's a treat, too, while the sun is still there. We're in between cloudy days. Might as well take advantage of some free light.
Pictures of my very first successful reveg. These are about a week into reveg from a very careful trimming/plucking out of the mature buds, then trimming back to about 1/3 of harvest height.

I wanted to trim them back because I have hopes of training them for equal colas, without breaking the brittle old wood.

The first is the AK 48. The blue binder clip is supporting a very serious crotch spit.

The second is the Arjan's Haze. No,I haven't up-potted her out of the 2+ gallon kitty little jug yet.


Hi AKGramma I am on the hunt for some autos that are not feminized.

ie I'm hoping for a mix of males and females. I'm happy to get seeds for the next year crop plus eating all the extras.

That would be the 5000 BC version of perpetual :yummy:

If you know of any sources could you please share?
Old Bear look into Short Stuff seed they have regular seeds.. Least did last time I looked. GL with the reveg.. they can be some wierd ass plants. Keepem Green
Hi AKGramma I am on the hunt for some autos that are not feminized.

ie I'm hoping for a mix of males and females. I'm happy to get seeds for the next year crop plus eating all the extras.

That would be the 5000 BC version of perpetual :yummy:

If you know of any sources could you please share?

I have not come across any seeds that were Auto Males. Since Autos have a pre-programmed short life span, I don't think there is any demand for male Autos.

However, if you grow out an Auto Fem and cross it to a regular male, a percentage of those Ruderalis genes that make them auto will show up in the offspring. Come to think of it, I have some Auto Polar express X mystery Sativa seeds. Might have to pop those someday, and treat them like autos right off. I might get lucky. :)

OR: Just look for a fast-growing, short strain. I grew one strain of autos that took longer than regular seeds! That was Auto Polar Express. The short varieties tend to finish faster.
One of the AK 47 x Poison Durbins sprouted in the sunshine on the windowsill today! That sunbath yesterday must have awakened them. Hoping for more tomorrow.

White Castle#1 is strong, study, and healthy.

White Castle #2, sprouted on the 5th, is very slowly growing out its first true leaves. It's almost as small as the new seedling born today!

Revegging ladies are happy. They must have liked their first nute drench.

Nothing else to report on. This is a new grow!
I have not come across any seeds that were Auto Males. Since Autos have a pre-programmed short life span, I don't think there is any demand for male Autos.

However, if you grow out an Auto Fem and cross it to a regular male, a percentage of those Ruderalis genes that make them auto will show up in the offspring. Come to think of it, I have some Auto Polar express X mystery Sativa seeds. Might have to pop those someday, and treat them like autos right off. I might get lucky. :)

OR: Just look for a fast-growing, short strain. I grew one strain of autos that took longer than regular seeds! That was Auto Polar Express. The short varieties tend to finish faster.

Thanks for the tip. I followed the breadcrumbs and now have a retailer for non feminized auto flower strains. I want to grow a couple of males for breeding and seed production.

Sell a man a fish or teach a man to fish plays many ways in the cannabis world.:thanks:
To my surprise, I had two more new AK 47 x Durbin Poison babies this morning. Just two seeds to go! I was surprised that anything sprouted last night, as it was chilly in the window last night (35 F outside, probably in the 40's inside the window)

With the nursery filling up fast, I set a stool in the veg tent, clipped some CFLs around it, and put the 4 sprouts that are acclimatized to open air under the lights. The LEDs, of course are much higher, at nearly 6 feet above the growing area. But the bright ambient light, augmented by the close-in CFL's will keep the seedlings compact.

I put the solo cups on a large turntable designed for heavy pots. It has a lip around the outside, so it also serves as a saucer. But when I drench, I have a turkey baster handy to suck out the runoff before it spills over. Easy to rotate them so all get equal light.

This batch of seedlings, BTW, have been planted in the rejuvenated soil, so they wont need any nutes till a month or two after I up-pot them to their 3-gallon bins, also filled with rejuvenated soil.

I'll watch them carefully for signs of deficiency before I start giving them liquid nutes. I may not have to feed very often, as my soil recipe is one recommended on the organics forum in this site. But I'm not willing to forego nutes altogether with an organic soil. Logic dictates the growing plants will use up their nutrients and need replenishing. How often in this soil, I don't know.

I figured out how to mainline in my rectangular pots. I just have to chose the first node above the 3rd node that is aligned with the long axis of the bin. This seems to be the most important step in shaping the foundation, and ensure a bin rim far out enough to tie down the first two arms horizontally. The first two branches have to support the rest of the structure, so must be chosen and tied down well.

Sorry to be boring you with the details. Just thinking out loud.
Another real good place if your looking for pollen is Flash Seeds. They have some super auto regular seeds you'll find afew males ot of. One thing about flash is they wood have great auto genetics, if you want a larger auto. I did one last year, 1 1/2 pounds, she was close to 12' tall. From seed to harvest,, 125 days. Look into the Van Stitch gentetics.
I love White Castles. I haven't tried the pot, but I love the hambugers. JK Not... I wish they had one out here. GL, AK..
and Keepem Green
Looks like I had only 3 out of 5 AK 47 x Durbin Poison seeds sprout, a 60% sprout rate. I could not even find the seeds in the two cups.

So, what has sprouted is now in the veg tent, 2 White Castles and 3 AK 47 x Durbin Poison seedlings. WC # 1 is so vigorous, I guess it is a male. Those, plus the two revegging: AK 48 and Arjan's Haze give me all I will grow for now. Once the seedlings are sexed, I'll decide if I want to breed them for more seeds, and take clones of the AK 48 and Arjan's haze.

I think these few deserve a try at reproducing, since I have so few of them.

meanwhile, emptying out used pots and bins and rejuvenating their soil. It's so much easierto mix with the 30 gallon tote. :slide:
WOW! It's so lonely not having mature ladies to tend every day! its all of 5 seedlings and two revegging.

I wonder if I can, or should, start pruning the revegging ladies to force growth to the future colas now. If I take any side shoots, I'll attempt to clone them. They are quite bushy already.

What say you all?
Altho it takes more thought to form a mainline foundation with mature plants with alternating nodes, one CAN do it, and come up with an approximation of the "perfect" mainline scaffold. These were once very bushy, with new growth EVERYWHERE. The Arjan's Haze had grown-out mini buds and leaves just COVERED with sticky trics and resin, so I harvested those for edibles.

In the pics below they really look bare, and due to its existing (and brittle) structure, the mainlining scaffold is really stretched out and needs support. When mainlining from seeds, you trim out at each 3rd node when very young, so the scaffolding is tight and strong.

I had a LOT of cuttings, so I planted most in peat plugs and the rest I left in a cup of water. Those in soil will root faster than those in water, which take at least 2 weeks. I figure I'm going to lose most of them, so I'm trying a lot of the best of the cuttings. The rest were sent to the edibles bin. (The only parts I toss are stems and ratty leaves.)

I was surprised at how HEALTHY the revegged leaves are! Altho twisted and sticky, they are/were deep green and extremely prolific. I had a lot of possibilities for training.

So, on to the pics. The big one supported by the tomato cage is the AK 48. The second is the Arjan's haze, much smaller because of the size of jug it is in (2+gallons).



The babies:


The cuttings:


WOW! It's so lonely not having mature ladies to tend every day! its all of 5 seedlings and two revegging.

I wonder if I can, or should, start pruning the revegging ladies to force growth to the future colas now. If I take any side shoots, I'll attempt to clone them. They are quite bushy already.

What say you all?

I see you answered the question. :cheesygrinsmiley: Well done AKgramma. I have yet to reveg anything. I'm thinking of trying with the hempy Carnival, moved into a larger pot, possibly.

When you reveg, what lighting schedule so you use?

I see you have three AK47 x Durbin Poisin. May I ask what about that one makes it appealing enough that you started three at once?
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